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—i <br />Im <br />I() <br />,O <br />LOAN NO. 9730POHL,RONALD <br />SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE <br />CORPORATE ASSIGNMENT OF DEED OF TRUST <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, <br />PRIMARY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE, INC, A NEVADA COPORATIQrMereby assigns to Mortgage Electronic <br />Registration Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 2026, Flint, MI 48501 -2026, its successors and assigns, as nominee <br />for US BANK N.A. 4801 FREDERICA STREET, OWENSBORO, KY 42304 -0005 <br />its successors and assigns all beneficial interest and rights accrued or to accrue under that certain Trust <br />Deed, together with the indebtedness secured thereby and payable in accordance therewith, and which <br />Trust Deed is datedJune 12 2002 and was executed by <br />RONALD D. POHL and JODY R. THYFAULT, SINGLE PERSONS <br />as Trustors, to FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INS cn s Trustee, and was <br />recorded on Jula1 as entry No. DD O n Book , <br />Page r cords of the County Recorder of uAi ,State of <br />-„ , and covers real property situated in said county described as follows: <br />SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION — <br />IN ITNESS WHEREPE, Assignor has hereunto set his hand this day of <br />State of Arizona By: sn {�,��cC - A',"al � <br />County of Mohave ZO BRV T ASSISTANT SECRETARY <br />On the _—a:Lday of )k 42 1 personally appeared before me <br />ZOLA BRYANT , who being by me duly sworn did say that she is an officer of <br />PRIMARY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE, INC and that the foregoing instrument was signed in behalf of said <br />Corporation by authority of a resolution /91 its Board of Direc ors, and said <br />._ZOlABRYANL_-- _- _ -_ -_- acknowledged tome that to y exel uted the m <br />0OFFICIAL SEAL <br />SARAH K. HAMMON . <br />NOTARY FO W-STATEOFARGUNA <br />%W= miry 10 101578 -0 MEnS 1888 arz ran <br />0 <br />A <br />2 <br />T <br />n <br />z n i <br />o <br />n m <br />!) <br />c D <br />N <br />F6 <br />Ta <br />y <br />C <br />N <br />m <br />CJ <br />�y <br />OIl <br />ti. <br />N <br />200208385 <br />`� <br />LOAN NO. 9730POHL,RONALD <br />SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE <br />CORPORATE ASSIGNMENT OF DEED OF TRUST <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, <br />PRIMARY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE, INC, A NEVADA COPORATIQrMereby assigns to Mortgage Electronic <br />Registration Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 2026, Flint, MI 48501 -2026, its successors and assigns, as nominee <br />for US BANK N.A. 4801 FREDERICA STREET, OWENSBORO, KY 42304 -0005 <br />its successors and assigns all beneficial interest and rights accrued or to accrue under that certain Trust <br />Deed, together with the indebtedness secured thereby and payable in accordance therewith, and which <br />Trust Deed is datedJune 12 2002 and was executed by <br />RONALD D. POHL and JODY R. THYFAULT, SINGLE PERSONS <br />as Trustors, to FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INS cn s Trustee, and was <br />recorded on Jula1 as entry No. DD O n Book , <br />Page r cords of the County Recorder of uAi ,State of <br />-„ , and covers real property situated in said county described as follows: <br />SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION — <br />IN ITNESS WHEREPE, Assignor has hereunto set his hand this day of <br />State of Arizona By: sn {�,��cC - A',"al � <br />County of Mohave ZO BRV T ASSISTANT SECRETARY <br />On the _—a:Lday of )k 42 1 personally appeared before me <br />ZOLA BRYANT , who being by me duly sworn did say that she is an officer of <br />PRIMARY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE, INC and that the foregoing instrument was signed in behalf of said <br />Corporation by authority of a resolution /91 its Board of Direc ors, and said <br />._ZOlABRYANL_-- _- _ -_ -_- acknowledged tome that to y exel uted the m <br />0OFFICIAL SEAL <br />SARAH K. HAMMON . <br />NOTARY FO W-STATEOFARGUNA <br />%W= miry 10 101578 -0 MEnS 1888 arz ran <br />0 <br />