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F <br />0 <br />LOAN NO. 10173 S T R ING HAM <br />(1JC) 'r" I g SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S <br />CORPORATE ASSIGNMENT OF DEED OF TRUST <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, <br />PRIMARY RCSIOfNTIAL MORTGAGE. INC. A NEVADA COPORATION I hereby assigns to <br />CHASE MANHATTAN MDRTGAGE CORPORAI!0N. 10151 DEERWD00 PARK BOULEVARD. JACKSONVILLE. FL 32256 all <br />beneficial interest and rights accrued or to accrue under that certain Trust Deed, together with the <br />indebtedness secured thereby and payable in accordance therewith, and which Trust Deed is dated <br />M a y 6. 2 0 0 2 , and was executed by <br />DDNALD I STRTNGHAM and TINA J. STRINGHAM, Husband antl W,fe <br />as Trustors, to F I R S T A M L R I C A N T T T I E I N S C. p as Trustee, and was <br />recorded on _ uma�� cZlJCa , as entry No..�O�OIa //S in Book , <br />Page , of the records of the County Recorder of HAI I , State of <br />N e 6 r a s k a , and covers real property situated in said county described as follows: <br />LOT 18, MEADOWS LANE THIRD SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Assignor has hereunto set his hand this _ _day of <br />State of Arizona <br />County of Mohave Z 0 A B R Y A N T. SISTANT SECRETARY <br />On the ��tlay of WIZZ o I personally appeared before me <br />f 0 I A s R Y A N T , who being me duly sworn did say that she is an officer of <br />P R I M A R Y R E S I D L N I I A i MORTGAGE I N Cand that the foregoing instrument was signed in <br />behalf of said Corporation by authority of a resolution of its ;Bo r f Directors, and said <br />Z 0 L A B R Y A N I acknowledged to me that they execut d the Mme. <br />�--- o <br />R 13 SEAL N <br />C ARLA Sure of Pcica NOTA PUBLIC <br />nssir, evW OHAVE 000N <br />C p y <br />N O -1 <br />O <br />ITI <br />C3 <br />200208384 <br />} <br />ca y <br />i I <br />200208"oS4 <br />LOAN NO. 10173 S T R ING HAM <br />(1JC) 'r" I g SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S <br />CORPORATE ASSIGNMENT OF DEED OF TRUST <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, <br />PRIMARY RCSIOfNTIAL MORTGAGE. INC. A NEVADA COPORATION I hereby assigns to <br />CHASE MANHATTAN MDRTGAGE CORPORAI!0N. 10151 DEERWD00 PARK BOULEVARD. JACKSONVILLE. FL 32256 all <br />beneficial interest and rights accrued or to accrue under that certain Trust Deed, together with the <br />indebtedness secured thereby and payable in accordance therewith, and which Trust Deed is dated <br />M a y 6. 2 0 0 2 , and was executed by <br />DDNALD I STRTNGHAM and TINA J. STRINGHAM, Husband antl W,fe <br />as Trustors, to F I R S T A M L R I C A N T T T I E I N S C. p as Trustee, and was <br />recorded on _ uma�� cZlJCa , as entry No..�O�OIa //S in Book , <br />Page , of the records of the County Recorder of HAI I , State of <br />N e 6 r a s k a , and covers real property situated in said county described as follows: <br />LOT 18, MEADOWS LANE THIRD SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Assignor has hereunto set his hand this _ _day of <br />State of Arizona <br />County of Mohave Z 0 A B R Y A N T. SISTANT SECRETARY <br />On the ��tlay of WIZZ o I personally appeared before me <br />f 0 I A s R Y A N T , who being me duly sworn did say that she is an officer of <br />P R I M A R Y R E S I D L N I I A i MORTGAGE I N Cand that the foregoing instrument was signed in <br />behalf of said Corporation by authority of a resolution of its ;Bo r f Directors, and said <br />Z 0 L A B R Y A N I acknowledged to me that they execut d the Mme. <br />�--- o <br />R 13 SEAL N <br />C ARLA Sure of Pcica NOTA PUBLIC <br />nssir, evW OHAVE 000N <br />