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EXHIBIT A <br />200208348 <br />File No.: 01030478 <br />Part of Lots 12 and 13, of Geer Subdivision of - 7, g of <br />Lots 6, <br />Garrett,s Subdivision of part of t} <br />Township 11 North, Range 9 �e West of the E1 /2 of Section 6th p. M., Hall County, <br />Nebraska, more particularly described a <br />ascertain the actual point of beginni s followai: First to <br />ng at the intersection of <br />the Southerly line of 20th Street and the Westerly <br />13 extended; thence in a Southerly line of Lot d.irecl.i.on along and upon the <br />Westerly of Lot- 1.3 a disLance of. 115.70 feet; Lhence <br />running Easterly a distance of 132 feet to the Easterly line of <br />Lot 12; thence running Northerly along and upon the Easterly <br />line of Lot 12 a distance of 115.60 feet to the Southerly line <br />Of 20th Street; thence in a westerly direction along and upon <br />the Southerly line of 20th street a distance of 132 feet to the <br />Point of beginning. <br />r. <br />