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1\ <br />a <br />R <br />m = W <br />S D Z x = <br />n 1 <br />x <br />t <br />or W <br />i� <br />]ER AS, on NA _A <br />AGREEMENT <br />CHARLES E BLUSCHKE & PATTI A BLDSCHKE ( "Borrowers ") <br />(HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS) <br />executed a mortgage in favor of CITIFINANCIAL <br />F /K /A COMMERCIAL CREDIT CORPORATION ( "Creditor ") <br />encumbering the following described real property: <br />LOT SIX (6), BLOCK SEVEN (7), SCHIMMER'S <br />ADDITION, CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA. <br />a p` <br />-n <br />which secured an original indebtedness in the amount of $ 60, 337 .85 and was recorded on <br />MAY 11. 1999 ,m INST # 99- 104853 ; in the public records of <br />HALL County, State of NEBRASKA , <br />WHEREAS, thereafter on JULY 10 2002 Borrowers executed or will <br />(Date) <br />execute a certain mortgage in favor of CitTim rcial <br />( "CitiFinancial ") securing an original indebtedness in the mount of $ 62 300.00 , which will be recorded in <br />the public records of HALL County, and which mortgage likewise encumbers the above - <br />described property; <br />WHEREAS, CitiFinancial is not willing and will not make the loan dewed by the Borrowers unless <br />CitiFimmicial's mortgage is a FIRST POSITION mortgage prior in dignity and in every respect to the aforesaid <br />mortgage of Creditor; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the stun of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration <br />to Creditor in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Creditor does hereby subordinate its <br />mortgage to the above- described mortgage in favor of CitiFinaicial and does hereby intend by this Agreement that <br />the mortgage in favor of Ciffinancial shall be a FIRST POSITION mortgage lien prior in dignity to Creditor's <br />mortgage as herein described. <br />011 <br />1 of 2 <br />gao0o <br />sag <br />T <br />0 <br />v <br />o <br />o <br />n <br />0 <br />o T <br />o <br />� <br />r a <br />r n <br />m <br />tin <br />Y® <br />> <br />N <br />v <br />cn <br />N <br />1 <br />O <br />N <br />which secured an original indebtedness in the amount of $ 60, 337 .85 and was recorded on <br />MAY 11. 1999 ,m INST # 99- 104853 ; in the public records of <br />HALL County, State of NEBRASKA , <br />WHEREAS, thereafter on JULY 10 2002 Borrowers executed or will <br />(Date) <br />execute a certain mortgage in favor of CitTim rcial <br />( "CitiFinancial ") securing an original indebtedness in the mount of $ 62 300.00 , which will be recorded in <br />the public records of HALL County, and which mortgage likewise encumbers the above - <br />described property; <br />WHEREAS, CitiFinancial is not willing and will not make the loan dewed by the Borrowers unless <br />CitiFimmicial's mortgage is a FIRST POSITION mortgage prior in dignity and in every respect to the aforesaid <br />mortgage of Creditor; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the stun of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration <br />to Creditor in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Creditor does hereby subordinate its <br />mortgage to the above- described mortgage in favor of CitiFinaicial and does hereby intend by this Agreement that <br />the mortgage in favor of Ciffinancial shall be a FIRST POSITION mortgage lien prior in dignity to Creditor's <br />mortgage as herein described. <br />011 <br />1 of 2 <br />gao0o <br />sag <br />