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t%J <br />Q <br />M <br />T = OOOP111 <br />C <br />T N a C <br />N A N <br />P1 <br />iC +• S D N CAD <br />n < o <br />t1L S !T1 _ y <br />� F <br />200208 <br />220 p N <br />SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT o ° <br />NOTICE: THIS SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT RESULTS IN YOLiR SECURITY <br />INTEREST IN TIIE PROPERTY BECOMING SUBJECT TO AND OF LOWER <br />PRIORITY THAN TEE LIEN Ots SOME OTHER OR LATER SECURITY n� <br />INSTRUMEN . <br />THIS AGREEMENT, made this 1st day of August, 2002, by David L. and Jeanne <br />A. Christensen, owner of the land hereinafter described and hereinafter referred to as <br />"Owner," and Bank of Keystone, present owner and holder of the Deed of Trust and Note <br />first and hereinafter described and hereinafter refered to as "Beneficiary;" <br />W 1'I'NESSETH: <br />THAT, WHEREAS, David L. and Jeanne A. Christensen, husband and wife, did <br />execute a Deed of Trust dated June I I, 1999, to Bank of Keystone, covering: <br />Lot Thirty Eignt (38), Regency By The Green Subdivisiuu to the City of Grand islc,td, <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />to secure a Note in the sum of $27,000.00, dated June 11, 1999, in favor of Bank of <br />Keystone, which Deed of Trust was recorded June 21, 1999, as Document Number 99- <br />106237 in the Official Register of Deeds Office of Hall County; and <br />WHEREAS, Owncr has executed, or is about to execute, a Deed of Trust and <br />Note in the sum of .$216,000.00, dated August t, 3002, in favor of lulned Nebraska <br />Bank, hereinafter referred to as "Lender," payable with interest and upon the terns and <br />conditions described thomm, which Deed of Trust is to be recorded concurrently <br />herewith; and Qecc 6019 a, 6 _t� # do od-08alg <br />IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT, PRIOR TO THE EXECUTION OF TIIIS <br />SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT, THE PARTILS CONSULT WITH THEIR <br />ATTORNEYS WITH '.ESPECT THERETO. <br />WHEREAS, it is a condition precedent to obtaining said loan that said Deed of <br />Trust last abode mentioned shall unconditionally be and remain at all times a lien or <br />charge upon the land heteinbefom described, prior and superior to the lien or charge of <br />the Deed of Trust first above mentioned; and <br />WHEREAS, Lender is willing to make said loan, provided the Deed of Trust <br />securing the same is a lien or charge upon the above - described property prior and <br />superior to the lien or charge of the Deed of Trust first above mentioned and provided <br />that Beneficiary will specifically and unconditionally subordinate the lien or charge of the <br />Deed of Trust first above mentioned to the. lien or ch:uge of the dced of frost in favor of <br />Lender: and <br />WHEREAS, it is to the mutual benefit of the parties hereto that Lender make such <br />loan to Owner: and Beneficiary is willing that the Deed of Trust securing the same shall, <br />when recorded constitute a lien or charge upon said land which is unconditionally prior <br />r <br />and superior to the lien o charge of the Decd of Trust first above mentioned. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consider:aion of the mutual batcfits accruing to the <br />parties hereto and other valuable consideration, the reeeint and sufficiency of which <br />consideration is hereby :acknowledged, and in o;'der to induce Lcndcr to make the loan <br />above referred to, it is hereby declared, understood, mud agreed as follows: <br />That said Deed of Trust sccurim, said Note in favor of Lender, and <br />Lilly renewals of extensions ha0reor, shall unconditionally be and <br />remaining all limes a lien or charge on the properly therein <br />described, prior and superor to the lien or charge of the Deed of <br />Trost first above mentioned. <br />