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a4 <br />u <br />a <br />.r <br />t. <br />State of Nebraska - S,re Above T1ris Law For Recording Daa <br />DEED OF TRUST 1 <br />(With Future Advance Clause) <br />® Construction Security Agreement <br />❑ Master form recorded by ............................ p�\ <br />DATE. AND PARTIES. The date of this Deed of Trust (.Security Instrument) is .................. P,9- OU20,Q2..........,..... <br />and the parties, their addresses and tax idemification numbers, if required, are as follows: <br />TRIISTOR: STACEY L ZIMMERMAN AND KATHLEEN C. ZIMMERMAN, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />1515 NORTH LOCUST STREET <br />GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801 <br />513 - 84.8723, 505 98 5166 <br />❑ It checked, refer to the attached Addendum incorporated herein, for additional Tnrstnrs, their signatures and <br />acknowledgments. <br />TRUSTEE'' JOHN A. WOLF, ATTORNEY AT LAW <br />WELLS FARGO BUILDING, SUITE 201, PD BOX 460 <br />GRANT ISLAND, NE 88802 U460 <br />BEN BFICIARY: PLATTE VALLEY BANK <br />ORGANIZED AND EXISTING UNDER I HE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />PO BOX 500 <br />606 MAIN STREET NORTH BEND, NE 68649.0500 <br />47. 0271640 <br />2. CONVEYANCE. For good and valuahlu consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, and w <br />secure the Sccurcd Debt (defined below) and Trustor's performance under this Security Instrument, Trustor irrevocably <br />grants, conveys and sells to Trustee, in trust for the bcnefil of Beneficiary, with power of sale, the following described <br />property: LOT ONE (1), RYAN ZIMMERMAN SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />The property is located in .. .......... .........HALL. ____. 11 ___a,437 EASTLOUP AIVERROAD ., ... ,,,,,,,,,,,.., <br />(County) <br />......... ......_.,....... ........_ _ _..... GRANDISLANO ........ ... ....... Nebraska ......6.8803 _.. <br />IAMrers) (ctr) (9.IP ccic).. <br />Together with all righ¢, easements, appurtenances, royalties, mineral rights, oil and gas rights, all water and riparian <br />rights, ditches, and water stock and all existing and future improvements, structures, fixtures, and reptacentena that may <br />now, or at any trim in the future, be part of the real estate described above (all rclbrrul nt as "Properly'). <br />3. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total principal amount secured by this Security Instrument at any one time shall <br />not exceed $ 85,D.OHO _ -__ I ... ..__ ..................... This limitation of amount does not include interest and other Has <br />and charges validly made pursuant to this Security Instrument. Also, this limitation does not apply to advances made under <br />the terns of this Security Instrument to protect Beneficiary's security and to perfurrn any of the covenants contained in this <br />Security Instrument. <br />4. SECURED DEBT AND FUTURE ADVANCES. The Harm "Secured Debt" is defined as follows: <br />A. Debt incurred under the terms of all promissory note(s), contract(s), guarani or other evidence of debt described <br />below and all their extensions, renewals, modifications or substitutions. (When referencing the debit below it is <br />suggested that you include items such as borrowers' names, note arnaunts, interest rates, maturity dates, etc.) <br />AS PER A PROMISSORY NOTE FROM STACEY L. ZIMMERMAN AND KATHLEEN C. ZIMMERMAN, HUSBAND AND WIFE TO PLATTE VALLEY BANK, NORTH <br />BEND, NEBRASKA IN THE AMOUNT OF $85.000.00 DATED AUGUST 1, 2002, MATURING FEBRUARY 1, 2003 <br />NEBRASKA - DEED OF TRUST INOT FOR FNMA, FHLMC, Los On VB IJSF (pe,, I O/ 4) <br />(_2,fjc.sjj,7 119aF -kris Sy n...... nc.s1 C—d MN i., RL U -Nr I. It' -02 <br />n <br />n <br />M <br />m <br />�= <br />D <br />ci <br />C- <br />on <br />C <br />fl <br />n <br />n <br />=.. <br />N <br />O ti <br />p <br />2 <br />D <br />CJ <br />-, <br />M <br />n <br />o <br />S <br />w <br />- <br />m <br />rT'-' <br />_ <br />I Is <br />m <br />p <br />b <br />Fn <br />•/ <br />lv� <br />= <br />p <br />O <br />O T <br />T � <br />O <br />� <br />N <br />.H•r. <br />200208211 <br />o <br />N <br />State of Nebraska - S,re Above T1ris Law For Recording Daa <br />DEED OF TRUST 1 <br />(With Future Advance Clause) <br />® Construction Security Agreement <br />❑ Master form recorded by ............................ p�\ <br />DATE. AND PARTIES. The date of this Deed of Trust (.Security Instrument) is .................. P,9- OU20,Q2..........,..... <br />and the parties, their addresses and tax idemification numbers, if required, are as follows: <br />TRIISTOR: STACEY L ZIMMERMAN AND KATHLEEN C. ZIMMERMAN, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />1515 NORTH LOCUST STREET <br />GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801 <br />513 - 84.8723, 505 98 5166 <br />❑ It checked, refer to the attached Addendum incorporated herein, for additional Tnrstnrs, their signatures and <br />acknowledgments. <br />TRUSTEE'' JOHN A. WOLF, ATTORNEY AT LAW <br />WELLS FARGO BUILDING, SUITE 201, PD BOX 460 <br />GRANT ISLAND, NE 88802 U460 <br />BEN BFICIARY: PLATTE VALLEY BANK <br />ORGANIZED AND EXISTING UNDER I HE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />PO BOX 500 <br />606 MAIN STREET NORTH BEND, NE 68649.0500 <br />47. 0271640 <br />2. CONVEYANCE. For good and valuahlu consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, and w <br />secure the Sccurcd Debt (defined below) and Trustor's performance under this Security Instrument, Trustor irrevocably <br />grants, conveys and sells to Trustee, in trust for the bcnefil of Beneficiary, with power of sale, the following described <br />property: LOT ONE (1), RYAN ZIMMERMAN SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />The property is located in .. .......... .........HALL. ____. 11 ___a,437 EASTLOUP AIVERROAD ., ... ,,,,,,,,,,,.., <br />(County) <br />......... ......_.,....... ........_ _ _..... GRANDISLANO ........ ... ....... Nebraska ......6.8803 _.. <br />IAMrers) (ctr) (9.IP ccic).. <br />Together with all righ¢, easements, appurtenances, royalties, mineral rights, oil and gas rights, all water and riparian <br />rights, ditches, and water stock and all existing and future improvements, structures, fixtures, and reptacentena that may <br />now, or at any trim in the future, be part of the real estate described above (all rclbrrul nt as "Properly'). <br />3. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total principal amount secured by this Security Instrument at any one time shall <br />not exceed $ 85,D.OHO _ -__ I ... ..__ ..................... This limitation of amount does not include interest and other Has <br />and charges validly made pursuant to this Security Instrument. Also, this limitation does not apply to advances made under <br />the terns of this Security Instrument to protect Beneficiary's security and to perfurrn any of the covenants contained in this <br />Security Instrument. <br />4. SECURED DEBT AND FUTURE ADVANCES. The Harm "Secured Debt" is defined as follows: <br />A. Debt incurred under the terms of all promissory note(s), contract(s), guarani or other evidence of debt described <br />below and all their extensions, renewals, modifications or substitutions. (When referencing the debit below it is <br />suggested that you include items such as borrowers' names, note arnaunts, interest rates, maturity dates, etc.) <br />AS PER A PROMISSORY NOTE FROM STACEY L. ZIMMERMAN AND KATHLEEN C. ZIMMERMAN, HUSBAND AND WIFE TO PLATTE VALLEY BANK, NORTH <br />BEND, NEBRASKA IN THE AMOUNT OF $85.000.00 DATED AUGUST 1, 2002, MATURING FEBRUARY 1, 2003 <br />NEBRASKA - DEED OF TRUST INOT FOR FNMA, FHLMC, Los On VB IJSF (pe,, I O/ 4) <br />(_2,fjc.sjj,7 119aF -kris Sy n...... nc.s1 C—d MN i., RL U -Nr I. It' -02 <br />