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State at Nebr.A. - - spare Ahooe This Line Far Recording Data <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />(With Future Advance Clause) <br />El Construction Security Agreement <br />DATE AND PARTIES. 'f he date of this Deed of Trust (Security hhstrumcn) is Jul 30, 2002 <br />and the parties, Ihuir addresses and tax identification numbers, it required_ are as follows: <br />TRUSTOR: JEFFREY L DOBBINS and JANET A DOBBINSI HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />4015 NASON AVE <br />GRAND ISLAND, WE 68803 -1502 <br />If checked, refer to the .11sdied Addendum incorporated herein, for additional Trustors, their signatures and <br />acknowledgments_ <br />TRUSTF.F. <br />Earl D Ahlschwede, Attorney <br />BENEFICIARY: <br />Equitable Federal Savings Bank of Grand Island <br />113 -115 N. Locust Street Grand Island, HE 68801 -6003 <br />Organized and Existing tinder the Laws of The State of Nebraska <br />2. CONVEYANCE. For good and vetuable consideration, the reecipt and sufficiency of which is ackuowledged, aid to <br />secure the Secured Debt [defined below) and Trustor's performance under this Security Instrument, truster urermcably <br />grants, conveys and sells to Trustee, in trust for the benefit of Beneficiary, with power of sale, the fallowing described <br />property : <br />LOT THREE (3) , SUNSET THIRD SUBDIVISION, CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />The property is located in Hall at 4015 NASON AVE <br />fl'ounlyl <br />GRAND ISLAND Nebraska 68803 -1502 <br />lAdd2r,l (( lt} I ¢/W cod<) <br />Together with all rights, easements, appurtenances, ioyallies, mineral rights, oil and gas rights, all water and riparian <br />rights, ditches, and water stock and all esisting and future improvements_ structures, fixtures, and replacements that may <br />now, on any time in the future, be part of the real estate described ahovc (all rcfcrred to as "Property "). <br />3. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total principal amount secured by this Security Instrument at any ove tune shall <br />not exceed S 11, 053.78 This limitation of amount does not include interest and other fees <br />and charges validly nude pursuant to this Security Instivment Also, this Initiation does not apply to subO ners made under <br />the terms of this Security Instrument to protect Beneficiaq%s security and to perform any of the covenants contained in this <br />Security Instrument <br />4. SF( LRED DEBT AND FUTURE ADVANCES. The tern "Secured Debt' is defined as follow,: <br />A. Debt incurred under the terms of all promissory note(,), co ui acttsl, guaranty(,) or other evidence of debt described <br />below and all their cxlcnsions, reuewals. modifications or substitutions. (1Vhen referencing the dehfa below it is <br />arggested rhos rvur .... huh, itenes each as hoi,wit crx' namee, note urn untx. interest twice. uamrrip date.,, eta.) <br />A Promissory Note dated 07/30/2002 <br />NEBRASKA -DEED OF TRUST NUI roe FNMA. U LMC . F11A ORaA US (pd 1 4) <br />0 199, .,a ..a 5 ems Inc Sr III "S 294 r. al U1 UJ 10 S7 c2 <br />-Cl 65(NE)19sn 01 AMP MORTGAGE FORMS -1$00.52L29i <br />IF <br />rev <br />m <br />rn <br />C <br />P <br />M <br />I-.. <br />1 7) <br />T <br />D <br />C <br />ca rn <br />= <br />D <br />p <br />c <br />Z— <br />N <br />A <br />en <br />_ <br />�!' <br />s <br />K o <br />0 <br />per, <br />o <br />o <br />o <br />N <br />C <br />z <br />N <br />a <br />x rn <br />a en <br />O <br />RR <br />3 <br />r <br />r a <br />W <br />y <br />o <br />N <br />State at Nebr.A. - - spare Ahooe This Line Far Recording Data <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />(With Future Advance Clause) <br />El Construction Security Agreement <br />DATE AND PARTIES. 'f he date of this Deed of Trust (Security hhstrumcn) is Jul 30, 2002 <br />and the parties, Ihuir addresses and tax identification numbers, it required_ are as follows: <br />TRUSTOR: JEFFREY L DOBBINS and JANET A DOBBINSI HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />4015 NASON AVE <br />GRAND ISLAND, WE 68803 -1502 <br />If checked, refer to the .11sdied Addendum incorporated herein, for additional Trustors, their signatures and <br />acknowledgments_ <br />TRUSTF.F. <br />Earl D Ahlschwede, Attorney <br />BENEFICIARY: <br />Equitable Federal Savings Bank of Grand Island <br />113 -115 N. Locust Street Grand Island, HE 68801 -6003 <br />Organized and Existing tinder the Laws of The State of Nebraska <br />2. CONVEYANCE. For good and vetuable consideration, the reecipt and sufficiency of which is ackuowledged, aid to <br />secure the Secured Debt [defined below) and Trustor's performance under this Security Instrument, truster urermcably <br />grants, conveys and sells to Trustee, in trust for the benefit of Beneficiary, with power of sale, the fallowing described <br />property : <br />LOT THREE (3) , SUNSET THIRD SUBDIVISION, CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />The property is located in Hall at 4015 NASON AVE <br />fl'ounlyl <br />GRAND ISLAND Nebraska 68803 -1502 <br />lAdd2r,l (( lt} I ¢/W cod<) <br />Together with all rights, easements, appurtenances, ioyallies, mineral rights, oil and gas rights, all water and riparian <br />rights, ditches, and water stock and all esisting and future improvements_ structures, fixtures, and replacements that may <br />now, on any time in the future, be part of the real estate described ahovc (all rcfcrred to as "Property "). <br />3. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total principal amount secured by this Security Instrument at any ove tune shall <br />not exceed S 11, 053.78 This limitation of amount does not include interest and other fees <br />and charges validly nude pursuant to this Security Instivment Also, this Initiation does not apply to subO ners made under <br />the terms of this Security Instrument to protect Beneficiaq%s security and to perform any of the covenants contained in this <br />Security Instrument <br />4. SF( LRED DEBT AND FUTURE ADVANCES. The tern "Secured Debt' is defined as follow,: <br />A. Debt incurred under the terms of all promissory note(,), co ui acttsl, guaranty(,) or other evidence of debt described <br />below and all their cxlcnsions, reuewals. modifications or substitutions. (1Vhen referencing the dehfa below it is <br />arggested rhos rvur .... huh, itenes each as hoi,wit crx' namee, note urn untx. interest twice. uamrrip date.,, eta.) <br />A Promissory Note dated 07/30/2002 <br />NEBRASKA -DEED OF TRUST NUI roe FNMA. U LMC . F11A ORaA US (pd 1 4) <br />0 199, .,a ..a 5 ems Inc Sr III "S 294 r. al U1 UJ 10 S7 c2 <br />-Cl 65(NE)19sn 01 AMP MORTGAGE FORMS -1$00.52L29i <br />IF <br />rev <br />m <br />rn <br />C <br />P <br />