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'that certain Deed of Trust to WELLS FARGO BANK NEBRASKA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, TRUSTEE, given by <br />LOREN L GRF.ENWALT AND KRISTINE K GREENWALT, IINV AJT <br />August 08 2001 , mid recorded in the office of the register of deeds of HALL County, Nebraska, on <br />September 4 2001 , as Instrument No. 0200108873 in Book Page of the <br />Records, covering certain real estate described as follows: <br />THE Sl /2 N1/2 Sl /2 SETA NEIA OF SECTION 4 IN TOWNSHIP 1 l NORTH, RANGE 9 WEST OF THE <br />fi P.M., HALL COIJNTY, NEBRASKA <br />is, together with the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Tmst, fully paid and satisfied. <br />WELLS FARGO BANK NEBRASKA, NATIONAL ASSOCfA'T JON, 'I'RUS'I'LE, does hereby remise, release and quit claim <br />moo <br />the person or persons entitled thereto, all the right, title, and interest which it has under and by virtue of said Deed of Trust in <br />and to are said real estate in the Deed of Trust particularly described, reference to which is hereby made for greater certainty. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging forever. <br />AND FURTHER, that said Deed of Trust is, by these presents to be considered as fully mid absolutely released, cancelled and <br />forever discharged. <br />Dated this 19TH day of JULY, 2002 <br />ATTEST: Wells Fargo Bank Nebraska, MAO, <br />By: ELEANOR J BEGAY _' lti' 2!/✓ —�� <br />Its AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE <br />STATE OF NEW MEXICO } <br />COUNTY OF BERNALH.LO <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before roe, a Notary Public, on this 19TH day of JULY <br />2002 , by ELEANOR J BEGAY , AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE <br />Of WELLS FARGO BANK NEBRASKA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, TRUSTLL, a national banking association, on behalf <br />of said association. <br />i <br />(SEAL) Prepared By: ELEANOR JBEGAY <br />325520430001 -ILA <br />Consumer Lou. Servicing Center Notary Public _ OFFICIALS <br />P.O. Box 93380 r Lura Renfro <br />Albuquerque,NM 97199-3390 My Commission oa{' NOTARY Pti8lic <br />I My Cammissiw.tgi ^rrz^ � �— �F� <br />m <br />C <br />m <br />2 <br />y <br />Lj <br />=3 <br />= <br />/x <br />l <br />cl� <br />N <br />B <br />200207556 <br />°J <br />Deed of <br />—S D <br />Rnrnnvovanrr <br />J <br />'that certain Deed of Trust to WELLS FARGO BANK NEBRASKA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, TRUSTEE, given by <br />LOREN L GRF.ENWALT AND KRISTINE K GREENWALT, IINV AJT <br />August 08 2001 , mid recorded in the office of the register of deeds of HALL County, Nebraska, on <br />September 4 2001 , as Instrument No. 0200108873 in Book Page of the <br />Records, covering certain real estate described as follows: <br />THE Sl /2 N1/2 Sl /2 SETA NEIA OF SECTION 4 IN TOWNSHIP 1 l NORTH, RANGE 9 WEST OF THE <br />fi P.M., HALL COIJNTY, NEBRASKA <br />is, together with the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Tmst, fully paid and satisfied. <br />WELLS FARGO BANK NEBRASKA, NATIONAL ASSOCfA'T JON, 'I'RUS'I'LE, does hereby remise, release and quit claim <br />moo <br />the person or persons entitled thereto, all the right, title, and interest which it has under and by virtue of said Deed of Trust in <br />and to are said real estate in the Deed of Trust particularly described, reference to which is hereby made for greater certainty. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging forever. <br />AND FURTHER, that said Deed of Trust is, by these presents to be considered as fully mid absolutely released, cancelled and <br />forever discharged. <br />Dated this 19TH day of JULY, 2002 <br />ATTEST: Wells Fargo Bank Nebraska, MAO, <br />By: ELEANOR J BEGAY _' lti' 2!/✓ —�� <br />Its AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE <br />STATE OF NEW MEXICO } <br />COUNTY OF BERNALH.LO <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before roe, a Notary Public, on this 19TH day of JULY <br />2002 , by ELEANOR J BEGAY , AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE <br />Of WELLS FARGO BANK NEBRASKA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, TRUSTLL, a national banking association, on behalf <br />of said association. <br />i <br />(SEAL) Prepared By: ELEANOR JBEGAY <br />325520430001 -ILA <br />Consumer Lou. Servicing Center Notary Public _ OFFICIALS <br />P.O. Box 93380 r Lura Renfro <br />Albuquerque,NM 97199-3390 My Commission oa{' NOTARY Pti8lic <br />I My Cammissiw.tgi ^rrz^ � �— �F� <br />