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EXHIBIT "A" 200207834 <br />P-rI of LM Nine Of and Part of I.ot (10), Riverside Fall Su bd iv is l un of Il,e S.... rt hall (SF 1/2) <br />of Section 'Illen(y -nine (29), 'fmvueldy, FEW". (11) North, Range Moe (Y) M%t of H. GM P_pi., nn,rr <br />p- rliralnrly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Northeast comer of Lot 'Pan (10); rinnring thence North 98 degree- Jr, 1/2 nn11ofrl <br />Nest, along file North line of said Lot Ten (10), 'Three [Gmdred Thtrlp (330.(1) fee( to file Nnrllnrrst <br />cmmpr of said Lot 3'en (M; rn as ng Ihence South 0 degree, SU 1/2 minutes b;, , along the \Vert line <br />-f said I.ol Ten (10), 'Three Handled Seventy -five (375.0) feet; running thence North 81 d,fn,,, 42 I/2 <br />udautes ISasf, 11n'ee Iluudred Thirlp-one and Four Tenths (331.4) feet, to n point on the Fnst line nl'snid <br />04 Teo (10); ---Wg Ihence North 0 degrees e0 1/2 W.As "to, along the Ea,t fide or sold Lnl Tea <br />(III), ()111 Iluudred Eighteen and Four 'Pe -albs (118.9) fceq r u nIng fhenre Nnftlt 79 drgrlls III 112 <br />adnutes East, One I(l ndred Fifty -f-11r (15111) feel, to a point on file NoithensA.1y line of I Nine (1)), <br />-analog fheuce N... 111 39 degrees 55 1/2 minutes \VIII, -long the Nnrthrnsirrly litre -f s;dd I. -q Nine (9), <br />J1ro Iluudred Faulty (24111) feel, to the place of beginning, EXOE Pf a true) of laud more Inn- Ilrnfmlr <br />d eva'Ih1d to f5'o-rmdy Deed dated Jane 17, 19YI and reear(Arl Jnne 19, 1991 11, 1) lament No. of 111929 <br />d file Records of [fall County, Nebraska <br />