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ExI1IE1 r„n" 200207833 <br />Purl of Lot. Nine (9) and Fart of Lot (III), Riverside Faun Subdivilon of the Saatbenst Mill (SP 112) <br />of Secnon 1,eukv -nine (29), Tmnlsbip L+Ieven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the. fith P.OI.. mare <br />pnrlioalady described as fallorvs: <br />Iteginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 'Pen (10); running (hence North 88 degrees 411 112 ndnefee <br />West, along the North line of said Lot Ten On), Three ffunl,ed'Phirty (730.11) feet to the Nnrlho,lt <br />corner of said Lot Ten (10)1 mmning thence Snuth 0 degrees 51) 1/2 minutes Ralf, along the Well line <br />of said I,, rl... (11)), 'Three Hwnlretl Seventy -five (375.0) fee(: running thenee North 83 degrees 42 112 <br />minutes U:asl, flue 11mdred Thir1)' -one and Pan, Tenths (331.4) feet, to n pahrt on the Post line nl'said <br />Lnl Ten (I(i)) morning thence North 11 degrees 50 1/2 initiates West, along the Fast Ilde of Bahl I, it Ten <br />(IO), Une lfundied Eighteen and Four Teanlhs (118.4) feel: tanning thence North 79 deg ves 03 1/2 <br />initiates East, One hundred Fifty -four (154.0) feel, to a point on the Narth",timly line of Lot Nil"' (9), <br />running thenee North 39 de8rccs 55 1/2 initiates West, along the Northeasttil,y line oy said Lof Nine 191, <br />1'n'u Ilundred Eourty (2411.0) feet, to lire place of beginning, EXCEPT a tract of hind mare paflirnlo 1, <br />descrihed in Warranty Deed dated June 17, 1991 and recorded June 19, 1991 as Domlelent No. 91 -101829 <br />of the Records of MOT Comity, Nebraska <br />