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herein called the grannn', whether one or more, in consideration of One Dollar and other valuable consideration received Gam <br />graric,, do hereby grant, hargain, sell, convey and amtirm umo LUCIANO GUZMAN <br />as joint leranee wish rights of survivorship, and nol as tenants in common, the following described real property in <br />HALL County, Nebraska <br />THE WESTERLY 1/2 01, LOT 2, 1N BLOCK 135, UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY <br />COMPANY'S SECOND ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />To have and to hold the above described premises together with all IcnamCnly, harcditamcros and appurtenances thereto <br />belougiug ruin dtc gramccx and to Ihcir assigns, or In the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them Ibrever. <br />And the grantor does herehy covenant with the grantees and with their assigns and with the heirs and assigns of the <br />survivor of them dial grantor is lawfully seized of said premises; that they are fmc from cmumbraneoa except covenants, <br />eascnents and restrictions of record; all regular taxes and special assessments, except those levied or assessed subsequent to <br />date hereof; thal gtamnr has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; and that grantor warrants and will defend the title <br />To said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the dwdt of unifier of the grunlccs, the entire fee simple title m <br />the real estate shall vest in the aurviving granIar. <br />SEMM <br />DIANE SEMM <br />STATE, OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br />the fore g nin, natmment was ackuowlexlgcd before me this <br />y <br />n ri <br />. by DALE SEMM AND DIANE SEMM <br />_ <br />IiU9R4ND <br />AND <br />W L <br />y> <br />n i� <br />mom„ <br />x <br />. n y <br />7z 1 <br />N <br />Cd <br />W <br />G <br />200207763 SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY <br />THESE PRESENTS <br />THAT DALE <br />SEMM AND <br />DIANE <br />SEMM, <br />\ <br />HUSBAND AND WIFE➢ <br />herein called the grannn', whether one or more, in consideration of One Dollar and other valuable consideration received Gam <br />graric,, do hereby grant, hargain, sell, convey and amtirm umo LUCIANO GUZMAN <br />as joint leranee wish rights of survivorship, and nol as tenants in common, the following described real property in <br />HALL County, Nebraska <br />THE WESTERLY 1/2 01, LOT 2, 1N BLOCK 135, UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY <br />COMPANY'S SECOND ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />To have and to hold the above described premises together with all IcnamCnly, harcditamcros and appurtenances thereto <br />belougiug ruin dtc gramccx and to Ihcir assigns, or In the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them Ibrever. <br />And the grantor does herehy covenant with the grantees and with their assigns and with the heirs and assigns of the <br />survivor of them dial grantor is lawfully seized of said premises; that they are fmc from cmumbraneoa except covenants, <br />eascnents and restrictions of record; all regular taxes and special assessments, except those levied or assessed subsequent to <br />date hereof; thal gtamnr has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; and that grantor warrants and will defend the title <br />To said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the dwdt of unifier of the grunlccs, the entire fee simple title m <br />the real estate shall vest in the aurviving granIar. <br />SEMM <br />DIANE SEMM <br />STATE, OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br />the fore g nin, natmment was ackuowlexlgcd before me this <br />y <br />day of <br />. by DALE SEMM AND DIANE SEMM <br />_ <br />IiU9R4ND <br />AND <br />W L <br />6ENEftFL NO'ItFYState m Iv�rasWs <br />III KATHNVN KWSKA <br />my Comm. a'p 49 1, POa9 <br />M Court nhF puts; <br />02030710 <br />NOTARY PC FLIC <br />