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(ON ENA.fS 20020774" <br />I. Pay inLate. Borrow at al 10 make all puynwnls on neal dca when due Unless pairnwer hand Isad,, el olhetwise. any peymmnt, I. ader meeiwa from <br />B...i i I,, far harrower s benefit will be app. d fi,L h m as air Is Btu till 111111.1 'tell' : c ofinna,st or principal Second principal m Interest and then m <br />principal if vaphza acitoluallat If the scen,ddbt terms for any reason. It "up nor reduce rexeme any Scheduledcorneal gal llutcared d.t is paid In full. <br />2. Cla le Against Title. Dorrower will pay III r d uIll, cha g iu ihazble m the propcny Iva due aid v'll deli hd title ,, the property ataiml <br />any c awns <br />wIud vas Id' coil tbo pan of this used of hhst. Igrd,r may rap ire 6onu v, It as. Lilly rights, Jn e r deft -11 Sulfa are o... has, s e l sl <br />panics who snppdy labor or nationals to impose or malnlain tile property <br />3. Insurance. tin will keep the prop. ... i....W Under farm, acceptable It laude at &row . p e alld ft. I I n s benefit All Insurance p ilhires shall <br />at a standard mortgage clILLSu l fnoo t l l.v de. I code, w ll be aped I, lass payee or as the insured oil any sushinsurance p l policy Any assurance proceeds nay be <br />,applied, within I,ender'.s discretion, to either the restonrtiin ,, repair of the damneed puberty or In the salrcA debt If I cde, mme, drain ga insuencc Iinrronver <br />agrees to mmillau such Insumnce fir as Zane ss Lender requires. <br />J. Propi laa—1 r will keep Iho property in good condition and make all mpain.......ahis I .... S,, <br />5. Friurr s. borrower agrees to pay all lender s expmno, Including masonabde r ire ryS fcm- il' Borrower breaks any covenants in this deed of trust or In any <br />obligation -Sued by 'his fled of vast nom... a, acv 111 pay me,, air 1 to Lrnder as provided in C ovenanl qu l ills deN of trust <br />6. Prtnr Seen' in Interests. L less proctor burs, obsona I'loads, - , an't ionic, R s,.It I link, nr tern t any changes to : prior urit y interests. <br />Borrower w 11 pen no all or R ovens ris L,ai r, under flay prior nangan, dud or trust I, in" "S h- o., ncnl. auctioning fil novel S rivialials to III gas locals <br />when due. <br />7- Ass'gr a eatof Rents Sad Profits. Dom er di I Lends the .arts Laid l ollas Lfil the prep, b. Ulliess put I List, I ind 1. order fish ahored otho wia. ruing. <br />Dorrower III coital and ill. 1 Iho eirtS rs Lare as borrower is of in dcach. If Borrower detahadC I_cndtc Lt .der: diguall, or: I court upp.. ..led «cower how h ke <br />possession and manage the property and Colit,,l the rta6. Ar, I,at, I ender enloi-It 'hall he applied It,,, Ill In, .ogle of Inanaging till'unwily. Including' Loort lisle and <br />annual lees.G acre rental agents. and In, other neces -)' ltd -fraI Tl ra _ run will l hen apply to pa- all 1111 Settled debt as <br />provided In Caveman I ` <br />S. Leaseholds: Californian., Planned Unit Developments. Bonorermitoses In a ..lgdy with the provisions of any lease iflls decd of mist Is on leasehold. If this <br />dace of trust is on a out III it cundomtni um i. a planned unit developmcm, Borroyvcr will perform all of pullover duties ender foe ec"rea ts. by hlva. or regulations of <br />the condominium or planned unit development <br />9. Authority of homer lee Perfornl for Bar nmer. If Borrower fails h) pert eh, any of Dolmens.,, duties hand,, this dead al trust, Lender may patlbrm the duties ore <br />cause them to he p rfi reed. Lender may sign s name eel pq -any amount If necessary fill perfamlance. Ifany Instruction run the property is discontinued or not <br />eau ed le a eerie cable allarea J.ender my do svlowser -s we sary m pn lett Lender, tramill, latureat In the pug c ty []us jury anadic completing the anstination <br />Lender's faidnrc to perfume will not prelude Irnder from..... LaLL env of IL other rights under it,, law o, this deed ill Imo. <br />Airy amounts paid by Leader m pl.vca Lender's ac....l ty Interest will be secured by this dred of trust. Such amounts will be due Lill demand and will boar hdomcsl Ront the <br />doe oftho payment until said in tall at the Interest ndc Ia Iffw'em the swu ed d1to <br />10. Default and Acceleration. If houower falls to talk, any paymcm when dun or breaks any colarmas under this decd of must or any obligation secured by Nis deed of <br />Imst or Saw prior mortgage or deed at trust, Lender may accalmm the laalwits ill the secured data and demand immediate faYlnrnl and may invoke In, pawef of sal. and <br />y .her m..L,a s per mi fill by applicable law. <br />11. Request far Notice of Defaul. It is rally, twl apc_olde until e 1 Lill 1lull and soh be:-IILL cash I ... sur, whaSI art, her inal it" uld -SS Ufamh <br />Such person, as set forth herein <br />12. Power of Sale. Fife Lin ,,coke, foe power of sale IheT ruse,, shall Ursl t h Ill, i at"l " ."I.... of d-1: If each cmmty wilocal the asst property m <br />some an or pl aal thltoof I, after ed a nodes of default containing the Information required by law- The lock, Shall also mail copies of the notice of detaull to the <br />Borrower, ti each person who is a pans hereto and Io oft ho. ... sons.. pace. hed by applicahle law. hint I... than one month after the Trance records the notice of default <br />or vou hanatifts lithe trust Property is not in I areargencted any or w llae, aid st,,it lia aopenlas car, 'led oh by to tnsln their tee Sall L I,, pn bl'e notice of <br />sale W dm pe.smis rad In the manner prom rbal by applicable law. Trusec. wilhunl demand on Blany vcq shall call elm propcny at public auction to the highest bidden If <br />......roil by the farm HO reacted protection At lastoStill o,fit Ile. ,lt, it bso aid Sales Is ,g i.cIl by applicable last 'I'rtsme may postpone sale of Ill orails <br />travel of the property by public amot dement at the time and gJace III ans 'pelt ILL w doled all lahidsi sa is theIgn I ulhaseth p'1 rty at ally rude <br />Il ton acerel of pay Went o t the price bid, Inuwt shall ddwca to till taniase lLove ' f-d mrveYl, the pn party- I he ffalk orhadood in Trance' S dead Shall he <br />puma facie evidlase at the truth of (lie Lateral contained therein. I ruslel Shad nppdy the pmcuWs of due sale III the Ill I. .... ... da II) ,I all upnrses of the sale, <br />unclad I, but not I r led (,I - sac feel reasnnabe fortune, s lees and reinstatement Ices: (h) to all sums closed by this decd of trust. and ill the balance. if <br />any, settle persons legally entitled to recent it <br />13. Foreclosure, ILL treader s Lualocal has deed of - .a real be ouclosed In the m e provided Its ' I p1' ' ble law for arreCILL of laraftonssoll real propcny. <br />14. lupoctlo a L, ,,d,, ner, air, the pulp to inflater It II I Luber e es harrower notice beforehand- 1 le notice must slate the reasonable cause for I order s <br />inspection. <br />15. Condemnation. R..Imwar assigns t.. Isola m, pew,ds of any award ,, dahn for damepca a]nIII with a candelmnanon Sadler taking afar orally pan oI llic <br />mi.i such proceeds will be applied as Prmdd d n Covenant I this assignment I, subject If the faults 01 ally PuLITSUCLante durceright <br />16. Isl Ily c.,crdum, L rya red, nyn hill to lx mi plan, does art e e tip any islits to later are his e al . ed . v By not _ III, m,dy nonal <br />Rorowu's default I ender Mss nm waive any rightfo later consider the Ivan a default if it happens again. <br />17. .).lilt and Stveral Liability; Co-signers; Nuacsora and As.ign. Bound. All duties under this deed of (.last nmjo..It mud xtural Any ver who cosigro this <br />deed oftrust but dues not co -sign the nnderlying. MM do,, xo only in ant and crovey that Borrowers musical in Ne property to the Trawl. under the ILL <br />ofthis deed of trust In addition, such o Bralle, di 11.1 Lill l- riar, mldmp -all B under tire oftind at,, extend, drany I all i vSala durges an <br />the terms of Ihis itself of fuse or flit Secured debt e, about I orrover's coneat and without relcusipg that Burrower Itrhm the terms of this dead of last <br />Tile duties and benchid, of Ihis 11,'11 of trust sllull bind and baaall till S¢rellor. uud owlets uI lunch and Barre... <br />IA. Nobel. Unless otherw ... ...... lmd I, law, any notice to harrower shall be given by delivering It or by mating it by certified mail addressed to harrower at the <br />property address or any other adtlase that Bur vvr has 5 e as I ide, B... lI y aai , to phalli by e fl nail to Land '- L Ludic, ou pl ge t of this <br />deed oftr st rin any other dd which [orderlies; dedgion d. Afts oth r note m I. ndcr �sholl he Santa I- cader's address as stated on pa go 1 oPth �ticed eftrust. <br />Any notice Shall be decreed claw been given to lb rmweror IAndenwhcn given m the all nnershi ed above. <br />19. 1'ran ter of Properly ar a Buufe el Itallest IN II t Bur - rion la, II all or pan of tilt prof as ny I rile 1 rSt ' a it Is sold or In allsel 1 oil without the Leptons <br />plan wrihcn consent, lender may demand Immediate payment or the Secured debt. Leader may also demand maintains s fervor It the herself is not a natural person and <br />1. beni Leta... aIbe his coo is -Id,rl etc -..I Hill I.cder my,I, d,... and paynaC rte above Straioss l'I'S pool Ib: federal Lw as era he da, <br />of dead oftrust. <br />20. Recorneyante. when the obfittC -0 1 , tits decd o f (last [],Is taco ,d Land„ I'LL' el iblu ar.. n io make yew- del fle inset t is ., <br />Intervals Secured by this dead of Ir id, the trance shell upon w ncl tatted b the Lender .... eyes Nu mtsl property. The Lcndershall defiler to the Dorrower ,tic <br />Bomwer: sticulssair III ac a, lac fall liked Lid lac ale o ail vlfehu.mths litigation if Salsfed Hh,we shill 1, .baton casts. <br />21. &u err 1 result. Ltd. A l <hde,s outual, l .to, and appo 1, re' -ho'c' I, f l iiiiiw a copy ofti C Substitution oftastee as Clatrud <br />by applicable my ad their be final substitution of Inns ftar ri in the Label of tlt roviller ofdeed r t'cl Stairs I lid. the past p party. or Same an <br />thaeot is Shared U e an. mac w'nhn , ch,,vyn,a of the prapeny_Shall succeed to all the p t da es Initially and title of the Palace lmned in the dmd of <br />dust and of din successor castle. <br />