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(ON ENAN IS 200207741 <br />1. Payments. Borrower agrees m make all payments on the secured debt When due Unless Borrower and Lender agree o licamise. any payments I coder receives limn <br />llorory er nr for Mo ona's benefit will be applied first In any amuall s Marvel Illcv on the secured debt xclusive of Interest or principal, second to inmcse mid then W <br />ouad,al. if, I prepayment off se serau.d debt. for an, r ....... 't all tint reduce en eXCLIsC any ithandolud Pay mml until the secured debt is paid in lull. <br />2. (halms Against Title. Bof[O,Vff will pay all taus. assessments, and other charges alVlbntable to [lit property when due and will defend title to We no,ery agionno <br />any denial wh-dt coot l I unfair the ]'er of tl 's dred of tin se de is equ' a. Boatenci to msLgL Lilly HidlK clarnes lit d,learses each Borrower play have p nst <br />panes who supply labor or materials W Improve or maintain (lid propeny <br />3. Ins Bm will keep the pmp101 loolled utier to xpiffila to I ball. Lit Bm 1 and for L code, , benefit All Instant,, delicics shall <br />include a standard mortgage clance in favcrt fl,pder- Leadenn 11 be .ad I, loss paged or as the armad on any Stroll insurance policy. A n ce proceeds ary be <br />xpphad, within Lender's du puff n. to either the restoration or repair of the damaged property or to the mcurod dub. It 'I ender inquires mortgugu imumnce. Borrower <br />agrees in moinluiu suoh insurance for rls long as I.a : Lid o. rcqulie, <br />a. Property. Burrower will keep the properly in good condition and make all repairs rearonaldh nccco.or,. <br />5. Expenses. Borrower agrees to pay all I cndcr', cxpcnses. Including reasonable fama s Ras. if l urrowr breaks any coelablo s in this deed of trust of in mry <br />ohligafinn second by this deed of trust [turn wver will Pay them sal ,, I aide, a, provided ill ("corn 9 otYhh deed of bust <br />6. Prior Security Interests. Unless Borrmwa first obtains Larder s written contest, Borrower will not make or permit any changes In env prior s,cnury Interexs- <br />loorrower W ll perd'om, all oflbrrmvrels ohligatou under any prior mortgage, deed of LoiLt or other secs t, enp Including B rnou s rs W make payments <br />when due. <br />7. Assignment of Rents and Profits. Borrower assigns to Lend,, the rents and prafis of me propeny hots, Bnrmw'er and Lander have agreed otherwise in writing. <br />borrower lony , co11em and mmin flue mot, us Img as Bmmwu I. of an default 11 If er delimlG. Icnder. Lender s agent, or a court appointed n v mks, <br />possesdun and manage the propeny and collect m, renrt- Anv rents I add, collects shall be applied first to the costs of managing the popery- iuclndog '.on t costs and <br />atmmq-s' fees, commissions to rental agents, and any other necessary related expenses. The rannealing it oil of rear, will then apply to papnents on the secured debt n <br />provided In (overlent I- <br />g. Leaseholds, (on dommin —, Planned I le l Developments. For lower nl to l ly with the proi,re, of all, lcz,,c If Ibis deed of trust ie' o or Ivuchold If Ills <br />decd of trust i is oil a our( in a condom du n or a planned art( d,ycopm,nl Bormwer earl parlor n all of Bo o tr's duties tender the anenado h. larms m usquiLloo,w art <br />the condominium or planned unit doclopowit <br />9. Authority of Lender to Perform bar Borrower, II Borrower Isails to perming, any of Borrower's duties under this decd of trust, Lender may Perform the antics art <br />LAIlyC them to be performed. Lender may .sign borrower's name or pay any amount ifncussary forpmforil— fany (onstmction on the on,ary is discontinued or or <br />e. n`nd c o ublc annual, I e uli, : tl "huddler - all —al to prolul I UFIdCr i see r t, l dowL IF lbe tompury. 'I his may include completing the construction. <br />I cndcr s I'ailurun perform will not preclude I wader train exercising any of ice other Hulls under the law of Ibis deed broad. <br />Any amount, paid by Lendeno prom,, Lender, aecudp- Interest will be secured by this decd or trust such amount, will be due on demand and will ben, are a,, firm the <br />date of payment until paid In full al the interest mm In cfkat on the :secured debt <br />ILL Bcfanit and Aucle,atim, 1 1 If I f a i l s W l oke mry f l y Inen( often due or breaks any covenants under this deal oftnrsl or any obligation secured by ims deed of <br />trust Ur any prior mortgage or dead of trust, le ndUr nla)'stud talc the arm tnrit, of the secured debt and demand immalfatc payment and may iuyoke the pt,W'xrof ogle rod <br />any other omal io poem tied b,y Lipp] i came lax'. <br />11. Barnet for Notice of Default. t Is hereby pope ... d that ,,)pit, of Ill, nook,, of default and .safe be year m each Paton who is a party bcaem- at We address of cash <br />such person, as set forth herein <br />12. Power of Sale find lcd unlike, the ref sale If,I nesu, shall lint —old 'he office if tire 'sic, of dead LI - 'ICmry yvhe..0 tire trust property or <br />some part or III Ihereur is Il l a antic, of deruult containing the imorprommn required by any Ins, I tusfee shall also mail core, of inn notice nl' defiult te We <br />Borronu. t - tp son ,situ `. part hcrcw. n d In oubc, persons'' prescribed by applicable law No, It,, 'b and be. the I L,yl wards are notice it default, <br />'r pro months T the trust proPsty is not m any Incorporated city or 'ug. disused In farmille, _nperabo can led mLy the trader, the I resrceshall gn'c public notice of <br />out to (lie per and in We ranair, pre oohed by uOflh,,ble Ire 'I used I ollal demand no Bur r. shall sell the propeny al public auction to rho logo hen bidden. It <br />required to Ill I farm homestead P of atop Acl. l st e shall ,1lbrlhe popery in two separate sales as required! by ill,plivable tax, T r na. r uy pr.broad sale of all or any <br />pnred,flM1ep- ,per%byptbdi— n—owel it the time solplace crony prov L Scheduled safe. I-cd' vI Its drog ee ame purchase the proprty at any sale. <br />Upon receipt of pasment of the price bid rllu lcc dial del v,r to no, ,lasts "Trust , card c lov, one me pr operbr le eC ids Louslailed ill Tmside c dud shall be <br />P. a Ill, Loan, on, of it,, fruit of slatell hit ( calmiled there T' L11111 shad al pay II c ill-ads lit the sae in the following order (a) to all expenses of the sale . <br />elud..g btrnol loaned ILL asoodual, Tmlev asotable der .- alet,Lrde hadoet a »eft fee,.(b) 1 all suns seared by l],is l—i Litfool ad fq We barn„.. II <br />any, to the persons legally swat, l to rcaayc 'n. <br />13. P'urcciomve AtI code, ,, deed of trust array be foreclosed In the manner provided by appllwble law for frodo -ovit mnngn s,,I valprupery- <br />14. In ,wit I.. Na r,v r no, no,cuf 10 11-13l it If I under giv s lion ice beforehand. 'rbe notice or er state the ressoroble sause for Lcnder s <br />15. ((Halm mare Bar —gars w Icnder dm proceeds of any award or ,hang for damages counc,l,d Willa a nared,ormall orothe, ink'og or ill u any part of the <br />property Such proceeds will be applied as provW d in C overall 1. hot ,an is: object m by ter- a ry front sou rim �rce rent. <br />16. Waiver. If, exeresing any r,ncd, nwoilabde Io Lender, lender dos nor give up any rights m later mu any mba comedy Ry amt — C—siue any rnruch upon <br />Ilmrower's default, I ender does tint waive any right to lair, coroida the eve.m a defrdt If h happens again. <br />17. Joint and Several Liability: (o- signers; S,decoofs and ,assigns Bound. All duties under Ilia aced of trust ate ioiut and several. Any Borrower who cooicas this <br />deed oftmst but does oat co -sign the underlying debt bnst ommrts(s) dots >o only no gum and com,y Ihat Borrower's interest in the propeny to the frusta, under Use terms <br />of this decd or east In addition, such a Borrower agues that the Lender and any other Borrower under this dad of rust may ,,tend, modify or make any other change, in <br />the terms of this deed oftrustor the strained debt without that Rnr own . a consent end w'rhoul adcasdrg haul lRrnonr Item the terms ollhis decd nfbun. <br />Th, duties a it h mu 110h., d d of to" shall bind and benefit Ill r, and a, i or I. ond,, aced Bmowo. <br />Is Notice. loll vs: stler—se required by law. any note, to Borrower ,hall be ,,sell by d livcrinp it or In mail'mg It to Tf elf poll addressed to Borrower at the <br />property address any otter address that Borrower lar, given to I. under 13 u -A e ..olive In Leader by carried mail to Ispde , , addeo or add page I of (Its <br />dccdoftun or to air, ralta address - Lida l courtr has designated . Any other notice to Lcnder shall be seat to leadcer I add ,stated o a l age I of ([,is dud of trust. <br />Any on,lm shall he deemed W have bait given to Bormwer or Lwdur often given in the manner sated above. <br />19. 'Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in the Romawer. If all or any pmt uI Wu property or ally interest In II is sold or banncreud xithoul Ibc I endn . <br />prior written consent Lender may dnnmrd min mad, ,,rocir or the secured debt- header may alto demand Im..udate naymmlat it the Bouuwcr Is nut a mnurel person and <br />a belief iciW sago theBorr we is sold or transferred l lowvever_ I. da lad, .nor dcral navLerin the alUillusion' T it is prohibited bs Ideal law as of the done <br />ofthis decd of it 1 <br />201 Bcconvcyanee. When the obligation zcaused by this deed of trust has been Paid, and Lender lac no hutbut obligation W make -aware¢ under the 'avari nts or <br />agreed aenrt, ,',hint by this decal if not me faunae shall_ of wrillmr mgnul by the Lcnde, mcom,, the trust property. 'i'ho Lender shall 1,1.v,. to tit, Borrmrer, or to <br />owers. n interest the trust deed aid lit, note or Omer evident, of the obligation aslidlell [for mwcr shall pay - - CQ0ohnial ,ostss. <br />21. sneer,_ 'T'nslee. i ALmder's upC , rnsta, nand reform asucce,,ortrource h'fat -ills .try o il, uhhu, oflns[at rs secured <br />by applicable low, and then by tiding the substitution of notes fee record in the olfil-c offly lyrlbWJ ofded of uch wuny in which are trust prtpery.v youl Par <br />thereof is,it 1. The succea Intoll, w'ithent LL nov,all, erti propghy . shall succeed to all the power. duties al v'tY aid file of no, I u,t,1 nound - tfordeadof <br />meet unit eat any ata yam Ion,,. <br />