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200207725 <br />Grand Island, (ii) is in compliance with this Declaration, and (iii) is in compliance with all <br />applicable laws and ordinances. Pursuant to Sections 2.1(b) and 2.5 of the Declaration, Allen <br />and Albertson's hereby approve the Site Plan as it pertains to Common Area improvements <br />located within the Building Envelope on the HD Parcel. <br />7. Staging Area. Allen and Albertson's hereby consent to the Home Depot <br />construction staging area on Parcels 28 and 29 as outlined on Exhibit A attached hereto (the <br />"Staging Area "). In consideration of Home Depot's agreement to develop the HD Parcel, Allen, <br />the Owner of the Staging Area, hereby grants and conveys to Home Depot and its contractors <br />and consultants, a temporary, exclusive easement on, over and across the Staging Area, for the <br />placement and storage of building materials, equipment, vehicles and machinery to be used in <br />connection with the development of the HD Parcel, as well as for the location of a construction <br />trailer and for the use of workers in connection with such development. Said easement shall <br />expire on December 31, 2003, or such earlier date as Home Depot may elect in a written notice <br />to Allen. At the end of the term of the easement, Home Depot shall return the Staging Area to <br />Allen free of litter and debris. Also, Home Depot shall repair any damage to the Staging Area <br />and shall fine grade and power seed the Staging Area as soon as weather permits. Home Depot <br />agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Allen and its agents, employees and partners (collectively, <br />the "Indemnified Parties ") harmless from and against all loss, cost, damage and expense <br />(including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) incurred by the Indemnified Parties by reason of <br />the use of the Staging Area by Home Depot and its contractors, employees and consultants. <br />8. Center Pylon Signs. Sections 4.3(a) is modified by adding at the end of the <br />Paragraph the following language: <br />"The parties hereby acknowledge that there are currently two (2) pylon signs <br />located at the Shopping Center. One such existing pylon sign is located near the <br />intersection of Allen Drive and l3th Street, and is hereinafter referred to as "Center Pylon <br />Sign B." The other such existing Pylon Sign is located near the intersection of Webb <br />Road and 13th Street, and is hereinafter referred to as "Center Pylon Sign A." The parties <br />further acknowledge that prior to the grand opening of the store on the HD Parcel, the <br />following three (3) additional signs will be constructed and placed in operation: (i) a <br />pylon sign on Parcel 16 ( "Center Pylon Sign C "); (ii) a pylon sign near the intersection of <br />Allen Drive and Faidley Avenue on Parcel 10 ( "Center Pylon Sign D "); and (iii) a pylon <br />sign on Parcel 29 ( "Center Pylon Sign E "). Center Pylon Sign A, Center Pylon Sign B, <br />Center Pylon Sign C, Center Pylon Sign D and Center Pylon Sign E are hereinafter <br />individually referred to as a "Center Pylon Sign" and collectively referred to as the <br />"Center Pylon Signs ", and their respective locations are shown on Exhibit A attached <br />hereto." <br />3 Second Amendment to Declaration <br />Grand Island 857206.3 <br />5761742 1631.1971000 <br />W <br />