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200207717 <br />R. Fees. Lender may collect tees and charges authorized by the Secretary. <br />9. Grounds for Acceleration of Debt. <br />(a) Due and Payable. Lender may require immediate payment in full of all Sens secured by this Security <br />Instrument if. <br />B) A Borrower dies and the Property is not tine principal residence of at least one surviving Borrower; or <br />(ii) All of a Borrower's title in the Property (or his or her beneficial interest in a trust owning all or part of <br />the Property) is sold or otherwise transferred and no other Borrower retains title to the Property in fee <br />simple or retains a household under a lease for less than 99 years which is renewable or a lease having a <br />remaining period of not less than 50 years beyond the date of the 100th birthday of the youngest Borrower <br />or retains a life estate (or retaining a beneficial interest in a trust with such an interest in the Property). <br />(b) Due and Payable with Secretary Approval. Lender may require immediate payment in full of all <br />sums secured by this Security Instrument, ,Pon approval of the Secretary, if, <br />(i) The Property ceases to be the principal residence of a Borrower for reasons other than death and the <br />Property is not the principal residence of at least one other Burrower; or <br />(it) For a period of longer than twelve (12) consecutive months, a Borrower fails to occupy the Property <br />because of physical or mental illness and the Property is riot the principal residence of at least one other <br />Borrower; or <br />(iii) An obligation of the Borrower tinder this Security Instrument is not performed. <br />(c) Notice to Lender. Borrower shall notify Lender whenever any of the events listed in this Paragraph (a) <br />(it) or (b) occur. <br />(d) Notice to Secretary and Borrower. Lender .shall notify the Secretary and Borrower whenever the loan <br />becomes doe and payable under Paragraph 9 (a) (ii) or (b). Lender shall not have line right tit commence <br />foreclosure unit Borrower has had thirty (30) days after notice to either <br />(i) Correct the matter which resulted in the Security Instrument coming due and payable; or <br />(it) Pay the balance in fill; or <br />(iii) Sell the Property for the lesser of the balance or 95% of the appraised value and apply the net <br />proceeds of the sale toward the balance; or <br />(iv) Provide the Lender with a decd in lieu of foreclosure. <br />(e) "Trusts. Conveyance of a Borrower's interest in the Property to a most which meets the requirements of <br />the Secretary, or conveyance of a trust's interests in the Property to a Borrower, shall not he considered a <br />conveyance for purposes of this Paragraph 9. A trust shall not he considered an occupant or be considered as <br />having a principal residence for purposes of this Paragraph 9. <br />(t) Mortgage Not Insured. Borrower agrees that should this Security Insburdent and the Note not be <br />eligible for insumnee under the National Housing Act within SIXTY DAYS from fire <br />dale hereof, if per-milled by applicable law Lender [tiny, at its option, require immediate payment in fill of <br />all sums secured by this Security Instrument. A written statement of any authorized agent of the Secretary <br />dated subsequent to SIXTY DAYS tionr the date hereof, declining to insure this Security <br />Instrument and the Note, shall be deemed conclusive proof of such ineligibility. Notwithstanding the <br />foregoing, this option may not he exercised by Lender when the unavailability of insurance is solely due to <br />Lender's fadure to remit a mortgage insurance premium to the Secretary. <br />10. No Deficiency Judgments. Borrower shall have no personal liability for payment of the debt secured by <br />this Security Instrument. Lender may enforce the debt only through sale of the Property. Lender shall not be <br />permitted to obtain a deficiency judgment against Borrower if lie Security Instrument is l rcvaoied If this <br />Security lnstr'ument is assigned to the Secretary upon demand by the Secretary, Borrower shall not be liable for <br />any difference between the mortgage insurance benefits paid to Lender and the outstanding indebtedness, <br />including accrued interest, owed by Borrower at the dine of the assignumnt. <br />11. Reinstatement. Borrower has a right to be reinstated if Lender has required immediate payment in fall_ <br />This right applies even after foreclosure proceedings are instituted_ I. reinstate this Security Instrument, <br />Borrower shalt correct the condition which fesulted in the requirement for immediate payment in full. Foreclosure <br />costs and reasonable and customary attorneys' fees and expenses properly associated with the foreclusnfe <br />eaXA - 021112 N, 4 <br />
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