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200207662 <br />Unless otherwise agreed it, w,iInol, all insurance proceeds shall be applied to the restoration or repair of the Property or to <br />the Scorned Dcbl, whether or not then dun ad BeneBciary's option. Alt, application of in "Tcl, to principal .shall not <br />extend or postpone the due date of the scheduled payment nor chance the al l A any payment Any excess will be paid <br />to the (:tailor. If the Property is acquired by Beneficiar), 'I rustor's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting <br />fiom damage to the Properly before the acquisition shall pass to Rcncfrciary to the extent of the Secured Debt immediately <br />before the acquisition. <br />21). ESCROW FOR 'PANES AND INSURANCE. Unless otherwise provided in a separate agreement, Trusdor will not be <br />mqunel to pay to Beneficiary funds for taxes and insurance in escroo. <br />21. FINANCIAL. REPORI'S AND ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. Truslot e +ill prmide to Beneficiary upon request, any <br />financial statement or information Beneficiary may deem reasonably necessary. Tumor agrees to sign_ deliver_ and file any <br />additional documents or cerlif,nious that Bencficiary may consider necessay to perfect, continue, and presere Grantor's <br />obligations under this Security Insnvment and Rencfidary's lien status on the Properdy. <br />22..OIN'I AND INDIVIDL AL LIABILITY; CO-SIGNERS; SI; CCEISSORS AND ASSIGNS BOUND. All duties under <br />this Security Instrument are joint and individual. It rustoi signs tilts Security Insnl but does not sign an evidence of <br />debt, Trusror, does so only to mortgage Truslot s intcresd in the Pteerty to secure payment of the Secured -Debt and I lintor <br />does nor agree to be personally liable on the becured Deht. It this Security Insn'umeat sections a guaranty bemecn <br />Renefis any and Trus let . Truslot agrees to wake any r iggills that in," prevent Rne <br />eficiary from bringing any action or claim <br />agiiv't Im'tca or any party indebted under the ohlrganon. Thcsc rights may include. bud are not broiled lo. unv <br />'nol 'lr art bit lass- ltustor ago -'s that Itcn t -'I:y and :r ; rty to flos S uriL lna..n tent muy "tell! <br />modify or niAe sum chance ill Ilse terms of tilts Security Iastrunrat or anv ccidencc of debt wtlhoul Tneslor s consent. <br />Such a change will nor release Turner fiom the terms of thus Security Instrument The duties and benefit., of This Security <br />luatruureul 5611 bind and benefit the u¢cessir, and assigns it ltustor and Renefietal_ <br />23. APPLICABLE LAN; SEVERABILIT]'; IN'FERPRE'FA'1'ION. -this Searttgr Iusunmeut is governed by the lases of the <br />�un,cudton ill which Reneficiary rs localed, tcept en the cxlcnl otherwise required by the Imes of the jurisdiction where (lie <br />roperty is located Ibis Security luster mcut " coa lele and fulhr integrated. This Security lnstrument may not he <br />amended or modified by oral ugreeueru. Any Section in this Seeulity Instnuncnt, attachments. or any agreement related to <br />file Secured Debt that cnnfo,ts with applicable law will ...t he effecfivc unless that law expressly or ruplo,dly per si ds the <br />wattat an, by ejuten agreement, If any section of this Secuttly Instrument cannot be entoocced according to its tens_ that <br />section will he severed and will not affect the enfolecvbilily oC the remainder of Ilus Secuttly hishument. Whenever used, <br />the, shall tndude the plural and the plural the singular. The captions and headings of the sect..... of this Security <br />hhstrauent are for cone entering only and arc not to be used to interpret or define the leans of this Security Instrument Time <br />is of the essence in this Seclu tit" I ..stru... cart <br />. <br />24. SUC'C'ESSOR TRUSTEE. Beneficiary, at Beneficiary's option_ may fi'onh trio to time rcmovc Trustee and appoint a <br />ucccssor ht slcc without arl other formality tlrnn the deli na[inn in wri[in 'Ihe m11c110r trustee wtlhoul conceyarsc of <br />the Property, shill succceA to all the tide, power and dunes conferred upon Trustee by this Secuttly Inslrumcnl mitt <br />applicable law. <br />25, NOTICE. Unless ctherwia'e required by law. any notice shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class marl to <br />the appropriate party s address on page I of []its Sccurily hislrummit. or to any oilier address designaled in writing. Notice <br />to one trustor still be deemed to be notice to all trustees. <br />26. WAIVERS. Except to the extent todulbtted by law, ltustor waives all appratsemeut and homestead exompimn rights <br />relating to the Properly. <br />27. O'FIIER TERMS. If checked, tlhe follnu °trig arc applicahlc hi this Security Instrument <br />Line of (ondit lLe Secwxd Debt ...lucks a revolving line of credit procrsion. Although the Seabed Dete may he <br />reduced to a zero balance, this Security Instnnnent will remain in ell'ect until released. <br />Conairudion Lan. This Security Instrument Secures an obligation incurred for the construction of an <br />nn Pro' eme I on the Properly. <br />Fixture Wiling. ltustor grants to Benetnuary a security interest in all goods that Grants .wits now or m the foune <br />and Thal arc of will becoum fixdurcs related Io (lie Property, This Sccurily histnnneut suffices a.S a financlug <br />statement and any carhon, photographic or other reproduction may be filed of record far purposes of Anicic 9 of <br />the Uniform C'ommen,nd Code. <br />Riders. Tile ccocuaWS and agreements of each of the riders checked below are incorporated into and supplement <br />and amend the teens of this Security Instrument [Check all applicable boxes] <br />Condominium Rider Planned Unit Development Rider Other <br />Additional Terms. <br />SIGNATURES: By .,going below, Trusdor agrees to the trims and covenants contained in this Scantly Instrmnent and in arty <br />attachments. hments. Tru r sto also ack..owledgcs rccetpt of s nrin <br />copy of the, Security Inment on the date stated on page I <br />c . . <br />mo„nl eves LU arse 0 Alua�cl (s. KAY 41 SmZ Uo"' <br />ACRNONNILi I:NEN"f: <br />STAIFOF Nebraska ,COUNTY OF Hall <br />1ntli'tl' "'" Ihrs instrument was acknowledged before me this day of <br />by'Burl L Janzen and Kay A Janzen, Husband_ —and Wife <br />My c.inmtaston expires. j <br />GENEIMR0TAW.Sfeaf C � �, %•�� <br />ANNEI�pA� <br />MyCaom, Erin. RaYA 2= <br />L 'a a sy,: 111, :. s a,ua. MN 1 soo 3s7flon i tine: He DI NG 10 2' ;7 (page 4 of 4) <br />L1 661NE) twos sal <br />w <br />
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