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200207661 <br />Unlewa otherwise agreed in mntiig,. all Ill""ance pproceeds shall be applied is th re lolatiori or repair of rile Propene or In <br />the Secalred DeM. whether or not then due, of Beueficim} s opr on Any appli cation rt ploceeds to principal shall not <br />extend or postpone ncc call dale of the scheduled payment nor change the amount of any pavment. Any excess kill be paid <br />n file Grantorr- it the Properly is acquired M Beneliciarv, br t I s right to any ill'itia"l, policies and pi Icettls resnilhng <br />will damn,,, to the Pmpeny before the acyulsition Qiall'pals to Beneficiary to (he extent of the Secured Debt immediately <br />before Ilm ncyuiaition. <br />21). ESCROW FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE. ❑nlcvs otici vise provided In a separate agreement Trustor ,a -ill nod be <br />required to pay to Beneficiary funds for taxes and insurance in escrovti. <br />21. FINANCIAL REPORTS AND ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. Trust,,, will provide rn Deneficinry upon request. any <br />tmancial i, emcill or iulhrmation BcncOetary stay deem reasonahh neccs'saly- l IU,Ioi agrees to sign, �deltsei. aid file am' <br />as fidinnal documents or certifications that Beneticiap may consider 11"essary to purfecL. continue, and preserve Grantor's <br />obligations under this Security fir,trunleul and Bencficiary's lice status er tiIe Property. <br />22. JOINT AND INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY; CO- SIGNERS; SCC'CESSORS AND ASSIGNS BOUND. All duties under <br />this Sceunty Instrument are prat and mchvldual. If l ivstor igI,s Ihis Scanrity Instrument but does nor sign an c,,de,ea of <br />deht. Tmstor doe, No only to mortgage Truster' 'interest iu III, Property to sceurc pupnsnt of dIe Secured Dcht and holster <br />does not spree to fall personally liable on the Secured Debt If this Security Iisirmnenl secures a guaranty hehseei <br />fl n t uar and Tiii,ini . Trial r n,rees to wage env nghN dot nmv prevent Her cliciaiv Ism bringing any ,coma or clam <br />aglln t Trt..fol r any platy indebted under tine ofahgarim. Thcsc right may ...chide. hill are not 'Innited lo. any <br />soli- defi.ell" u r u ne-aehon laws. l resin, ii uecs dial fieneficlary and any party to Ihis S,uvity Instrument may extend. <br />mtdifv or make an. change in the terns of Ihis Security htstmnnent or alp rndence of debt'al,l d hit tins conscat <br />Such a change trill not release Trustor from (lie teens of this Seom'nv Tnstrument. Ilse duties and benefits of this Securily <br />Insfumcnt shall hind and henefir the successors and assigns of'Ihstor and Beneficial. <br />23..\PP1.IC ABLE I M4; SL +V ERABILI'I'I; IN I'ERPRE'FA'FION. This Secul it, Insrmutorvt is governed by the taus of the <br />1 aisdicrion in whu-h Beneficiary is located. except to the extent otherwise reyaltred by [he laws of fhejwlsdiction cohere the <br />I'aoperty is loca od. Thi.N Scemily Inanvment is complete and fully inregmted. 'Ihis Security lisrriuuenr may not he <br />amended nt modtficd by oral agreement Any section in tins Security Inalrument arlachments, or any agreement related to <br />the Secured Debt dial conflicts with applicable lase twill not he etTeclrve, unless that law expressly or impliedly penuiN file <br />va, irhons by w'rttren agreement- if amp seclmn of this Security Instrument ennnot be enfoiled according to its terms_ thal <br />echo.. will-be severed and swill not affect the eufolceafiddr of the remainder of this Security Inerrument Whenever used, <br />the singular shall include the plural and the phual fie singulai . the captions and headings of the sections of this Swung' <br />Instrument are for convanicnce only and are not to be used to interpret or defiuc ncc terms of Ihis Security Instrument Tins <br />IN of the essence in this Securily Ins[muneut. <br />24. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE. Bendier ry, sr Beneficiary's option, may from hole in time remove trustee and appoint a <br />suce,ser trustee uW,00t any other fonnahty Ntan the designation in ,waning,. The successor trustee, without conveyance of <br />the Property. shall saoca cd to all the title, power and duhca conferred upon Trustee by tints Secolity Instnnment and <br />applicabl, law. <br />25. NOTICE. Unless ott rvo,e req. red by lain, any notice shall he given by delivering it nr by mailing it by first class mad to <br />the appropriate panv's addrea on page I of tills Security firsrnummit. of to any other address designated to sailing- Notice <br />to one truster ..911 be deeiled to b, nonce to all trustors- <br />26. WAIVERS. ISxccpr to the extent piohihiled by law, Troller svaives all appiaisennem sold hoineslevd excmprion rights <br />relarmg to the hotelYy- <br />27. O'IIIER 'PERMS Ifehecked. [he t'nllowiag arc applicable I, Ihis Sectimy Instrument'. <br />Line of Credit. The Secured Dcbt includes a revolving Ire of credit provision Although the Secured Debt tire) he <br />,,ducal to a vero hala..ce. Ihis Security Instrument swill remain in effect until released. <br />Conetrnelion Loan. tills 3eairily Instnuneut secures an obligation incurred for the con,Nlmrnon of an <br />i mproventenl on the PloPCrry. <br />Fixlurr, Filing. Trustor grants In Beneficiary a .security interest in all goods that (itantor owns nosy of in the furore <br />and Thal ore ,, will become fixhues related to the Property. This Securily losi'unsenl suffices as o tinanun¢ <br />sraremcnt and any carbon. plrorogruphic or other repioducttoo may he filed oflecord for purposes of Aftide 1) of <br />Idle Uniform Commerdal Code. <br />Riders. The covenants end agreements of each of the riders churked below arc iax,poratai imo and sepplen,lat <br />and amend the terms of this Securily Instrument. [Cheek all ippltcahle boxes] <br />Coidomiuium Rider Planned Ihtir Development Rider Other <br />Additimml Terms. <br />SIGNATURES: 11, signing below. 'Trustor agrees to the term, xI'd covenants contained m fill Security instillment and in am <br />laLrel mrnts. Trustor also acknnw- lunges receipt M a copy of this Security hlsirumem oa file date stated nn page I <br />/ n <br />1Slyica RODNSY �Z (Uam) ..— 'SUSAN C DZEEL IUntm <br />ACKNOR'LEDGMENI': <br />SIAI'IiOF Nebraska <br />_ COUNTY OF <br />Hall <br />;ss. <br />°` " "' " "' This :ash muent wus acknowlcdeel bclbrc <br />me this 17th day o1 <br />July 2002 <br />by Rodney S Diehl and <br />Susan c Diehl, Husband <br />and Wife <br />My onnunl5aint expires' <br />TEDAMS <br />�, <br />% bY2f3 2008 <br />In,.1.,,. rinh.1 <br />sss eenser, s., :��1c. roc.. s. ese. sin - to, 11, 211 r. <br />is vtro i 11 111115 <br />(page 4 of 4) <br />®�G165HE) eses...1 <br />m <br />