200201 aC
<br />Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4)
<br />of Section Two (2), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West
<br />of the 6`h P.M., Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska; thence southerly
<br />along the easterly line of said Section Two (2), a distance of one
<br />thousand twenty six and four tenths (1,026.4) feet; thence
<br />N59149'W, a distance of four hundred forty seven and two tenths
<br />(447.2) feet; thence N31 030'W, a distance of one hundred eighty two
<br />(182.0) feet; thence N59 °15'W, a distance of two hundred thirty four
<br />and seven tenths (234.7) feet; thence N3 °53'W, a distance of eighty
<br />eight and three tenths (88.3) feet; thence N3001 5'E, a distance of
<br />sixty two and five tenths (62.5) feet to the Actual Point of Beginning;
<br />thence S3011 5'0"W, a distance of one hundred eighty nine and
<br />twenty three hundredths (189.23) feet; thence N74041'1 7"W, a
<br />distance of two hundred sixty four and eighty one hundredths
<br />(264.81) feet; thence N0 030'51 "W, a distance of four hundred forty
<br />six and sixty three hundredths (446.63) feet; thence N45 000'00 "E, a
<br />distance of fifty seven and twenty two hundredths (57.22) feet to a
<br />point on the northerly line of the Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4), said
<br />Section Two (2).
<br />The above - described easement and right -of -way containing a combined
<br />total of 0.439 acres, more or less, as shown on the plat dated
<br />7/8/2002, marked Exhibit "A ", attached hereto and incorporated
<br />herein by reference,
<br />together with the following rights:
<br />Grantee shall have unrestricted ingress and egress to the above - described
<br />easement and right -of -way for any purpose necessary for the surveying,
<br />construction, inspection, maintenance, repair, replacement, relocation, extension,
<br />removal, and operation of such public utilities and appurtenances. Such rights of
<br />ingress and egress shall be exercised in a reasonable manner.
<br />Grantee shall have the right to excavate and refill ditches and trenches
<br />necessary for such public utilities and appurtenances; to remove, clear, and keep
<br />clear, trees, bushes, hedges, undergrowth, and /or any other obstructions interfering
<br />with the surveying, construction, inspection, maintenance, repair, replacement,
<br />relocation, extension, removal, and operation of such public utilities and
<br />appurtenances.
<br />-2-
<br />