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�Sw <br />j\ <br />n� <br />A <br />V <br />,y�y <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />�\ <br />COUNTY OF DOUGLAS <br />WHEREAS, on February 28, 2002, Mindy D Brown and Rory S Brown , a Husband and Wife , did execute on a certain <br />note, described as follow, <br />Being in the principal sum of Eighty Nine Thousand One Hundred Dollars and 00 /100, ($89,100.00), payable to the order <br />of CBNTRiS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION in monthly installments and bearing interest as therein provided; and which said <br />in a certain Deed oC Trust cxrx;ulel bl Mind Brow�ao�dgRoori S Brown, Husband and Wife, to CENTRIS FEDERAL <br />GREDFI UNION, Trustce, and recorded in image Records of Mortgage to Register of Deeds of Hal I <br />County, and secured by the Deed of Trust lien therein expressed on the following described lot, or parcel of land, situated is <br />the County of Hall , State of Nebraska, to wit <br />The Northerly thirty feet and three inches (N30'3 ") of Lot Fourteen (14), and all of Lot Twelve (12), in Block I I (11), <br />College Addition to West Lawn, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW BY ALL MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS: That CENTRIS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION <br />acting herein by and through a duly authorized officer, for and in consideration of the sum of $6.00 and otter good and <br />valuable consideration In it in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed does hereby, transfer, <br />convey, set over and assign unto CUNA Mutual Mortgage Corporation the above described Deed Of Trust lien, and all <br />other rights, title and interest that it may have in and to the above described property and in and to all the personal property <br />located thereon. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said grantee said above described note, together with all and singular the lien, rights, <br />equities, title and estate in said real estate securing the payment thereof, unto Grantee, its successors and assign. <br />IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, Velia Narduzaal, Vice President, has caused these presents to be executed and [ <br />seal impressed hereon of the l ebbrruuary 28, 2002_ <br />WITNESS: <br />CENTRIS FEDERAL CREDIT UNIOu "n.,`"""P�` <br />Vchro Narduczo, Vice President <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF DOUGLAS <br />BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this personally appeared Velia Narduzzo, Vice President of CENTRIS <br />FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, known instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same as fur the said <br />CENTRIS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION and is the act and deed of CL'N'fRIS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION for the <br />purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. <br />GIVEN under my hand and seal of the office February 28, 2002. <br />My commission expires: Ju e,22, 2002 <br />(A GG A,R <br />CAI' v� I eons <br />my C r rr us JI1r 2[, 7E ) <br />( ierr e Pedro at Uedit Unian <br />383 N. I i ah sa¢t <br />Omahv. N8 68154 <br />Nre).""Il" Vnneazn Abim <br />Notary Public Vanessa Vanessa At <br />1 <br />A <br />n <br />M <br />' <br />x <br />v <br />m <br />N <br />r'r'r <br />n <br />a <br />f1 <br />t1 <br />Cn <br />z <br />= <br />N <br />y <br />o <br />s <br />CID <br />N <br />Z <br />O <br />ASSIGNMENT OF <br />DEED <br />OF' I BUS'1'/MORTGA GE <br />200207548 <br />WHEREAS, on February 28, 2002, Mindy D Brown and Rory S Brown , a Husband and Wife , did execute on a certain <br />note, described as follow, <br />Being in the principal sum of Eighty Nine Thousand One Hundred Dollars and 00 /100, ($89,100.00), payable to the order <br />of CBNTRiS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION in monthly installments and bearing interest as therein provided; and which said <br />in a certain Deed oC Trust cxrx;ulel bl Mind Brow�ao�dgRoori S Brown, Husband and Wife, to CENTRIS FEDERAL <br />GREDFI UNION, Trustce, and recorded in image Records of Mortgage to Register of Deeds of Hal I <br />County, and secured by the Deed of Trust lien therein expressed on the following described lot, or parcel of land, situated is <br />the County of Hall , State of Nebraska, to wit <br />The Northerly thirty feet and three inches (N30'3 ") of Lot Fourteen (14), and all of Lot Twelve (12), in Block I I (11), <br />College Addition to West Lawn, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW BY ALL MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS: That CENTRIS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION <br />acting herein by and through a duly authorized officer, for and in consideration of the sum of $6.00 and otter good and <br />valuable consideration In it in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed does hereby, transfer, <br />convey, set over and assign unto CUNA Mutual Mortgage Corporation the above described Deed Of Trust lien, and all <br />other rights, title and interest that it may have in and to the above described property and in and to all the personal property <br />located thereon. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said grantee said above described note, together with all and singular the lien, rights, <br />equities, title and estate in said real estate securing the payment thereof, unto Grantee, its successors and assign. <br />IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, Velia Narduzaal, Vice President, has caused these presents to be executed and [ <br />seal impressed hereon of the l ebbrruuary 28, 2002_ <br />WITNESS: <br />CENTRIS FEDERAL CREDIT UNIOu "n.,`"""P�` <br />Vchro Narduczo, Vice President <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF DOUGLAS <br />BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this personally appeared Velia Narduzzo, Vice President of CENTRIS <br />FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, known instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same as fur the said <br />CENTRIS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION and is the act and deed of CL'N'fRIS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION for the <br />purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. <br />GIVEN under my hand and seal of the office February 28, 2002. <br />My commission expires: Ju e,22, 2002 <br />(A GG A,R <br />CAI' v� I eons <br />my C r rr us JI1r 2[, 7E ) <br />( ierr e Pedro at Uedit Unian <br />383 N. I i ah sa¢t <br />Omahv. N8 68154 <br />Nre).""Il" Vnneazn Abim <br />Notary Public Vanessa Vanessa At <br />1 <br />