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200207543 <br />B. All future adva..ucs front Beneficiary re Inlstor or other fi roe obfiliadons of 'Irasto; to Beneficiary under any <br />pmmlisurry note. contracl, guaranty, or other ,,altar, oldcbr cxeculeti by Trustor in favor of lioneficfaty executed <br />after this Security Instrument whether or not this Security Instr uient is specifically reetenced. If mare than one <br />pereon signs this Security Instrument. each i onslor agrees that this Semtrity Instrument will secure all future advances <br />and future obligations that are given to or iacurred�by any one or more Traitor or any one or more Trastor and <br />others. All future advances and other future obligations are sectu'ed by this Security Instrument even though all el <br />part may not vet be advumed. All future advances and other future ohli gat ions are seeu;ed as if made on die date of <br />this Saeuarly Instrument, Nothing in this &xmrity Instrument shall constitute a commitment to make additional or <br />future closer advances in rry amount Art such commitment must be agreed to in a scparatc writing. <br />C. All obligations Truster owes to Beneficary, which may later arts, to the extent not pnotubited by law. including. but <br />nol limited ro liabilities for overdrafts relating m am deposit account eereentenl between lhstor and Ben fficiar}'. <br />D. All additional win, advanced and cxperoes Incurred by Beneficiary for insuring. prese,ing or otherwise protecting <br />the Property and its value and any other sums advanced and expenses incurred by Heneficfal under (lie terms of this <br />Security Instrument. <br />'Thin Security Insltvment will not secure- any other debt if Beneficiary fails to give any reggPrgd ndlin; 6f tha light of <br />rescission. <br />5. PAYMENTS. I raster agrees Thal all payments wider the Secured Debt will be paid when due and in accordance with the <br />moms eel rlac Scoured Debt and this Security'umcnL <br />6. NNARRAN'I Y OF TITLE. I rmstor warrants that Trusror is or will be lawfully seised of the estate conveyed by this <br />,,tardy Instrument and tons the right to irrevocably grant_ convey. and sell the Property to lYustee, in trust, with power of <br />sales l i ur,n r also warrants that the Property is unencumbered. except for encumbrances of record_ <br />7. PRIOR Sif :C'U 1dl'I'Y INTERNSTS. Willi regard to any other mettgag, deed of trust. see orIIv agt cartoon I or other lien <br />document Ihal teentcd a prior security interest or cut it m biance on the Property, Truant all <br />A_ To make it I l payments when due and to perform or comply with all covenants_ <br />B. I o prompdc dclo. a, to Beneficial v any minces that Ile err receives firm the hold r. <br />C. Not m allow any modification or extension of, nor to request any future advances under any note or agreement <br />.amend by the lien document without Benetivary's prior written con,nI. <br />8. CLAIMS AGAINST "I I TLE. Trusror will pay all taxes, assessments, liens coemabraaces, lease payments, ground rents. <br />Wolin... and other charges relating to the Property when due. Beneficiary may require fluster to provide to Beneficiary <br />copies of all notices that such amounts arc due and the reccfprs evidencing lalstor's payment T r rusto "1 11 defend title to <br />the P,opert, against any claims that would impair the lien of dais Security hrstrwuuiL Trustor agree to assign to <br />Beneficiary, ax requested by Reneficiary. am rights. claims or defenses Trustor mac hay, against parties ho upply labor <br />or noderials to maintain or improve lire P;op ax. <br />9. DUE ON SALE OR ENCUMBRANCE. BencGdary ratio. at its option. declare the entire balance of the Secured Debt to <br />be immediately due and payahlc upon [lie meation of, or contract for the creation ol: any Gen. encumbrance. transfer or sale <br />or the Propery_ This Light is subject to the restrictions imposed by federal law 112 (.F.R. 591). as applicable, this <br />covenant shall ran with the Property and shall remain in effect until the Secured Debt is paid in full and this Security <br />Insnvmenr is released_ <br />10. PROPERTY C'ONDI'FION, AL'1'ERA'FIONS AND INSPECTION. Tmstor will keep the Property in good condition and <br />make all pairs that are reasonably necessary. 'Fitt ,hall nor commit or allow any waste. impairment. or deterioration of <br />the Propcny. Trustor will keep the Properly free of noxious weeds and gra�eu'_ T rotor dance, that the nature of the <br />r eeupnncy and use will not substantially change without Hen' ficlmy's poor written consent. Trustor will not permit any <br />chair <br />,,w in any license- restrictive covenant or casement without Benefcia s prior written consent 77ustol' will notify <br />Beneficiary of all demands. proceedings. claim: and actions against hostel. and orally loss or damage to the Property. <br />Beneficiary or Beneficiary s agents may, al Bvneliciar- s option, enter the Property at any rea.sonahle time for the purpose <br />of inppeni..g the Property. Beneficiary shall give ltustor notice ar the time of or before all inspection specifying, a <br />masonoble purpose for the inspection, Any inspection of the Properly shall be entirely for Beneficiary's benefit and I rusior <br />will in no way rely nn Hencficiary's unspccriou. <br />11. AUTIIORITY '1'0 PERFORM. If Trustor fails to perform any duty or any of the covenants comalned in this Security <br />IostrwncN. BeneBeiary may, without notice, perform or cause them to be perfomaed. - fraslor appoint' Beneficiary as <br />allorneN' in fact to sign hirstor's name or pay any amount necessary for pertormance. Beneficiary's right to perform for <br />I Lasater dholl nil cream an obligation to perform, and Beneficiary's failure to perform will not prcoludc Beneficiary from <br />exercising rap of Beneficial %s other lights under the law or this Security Inxrrunmnt. If any construchon on the Property is <br />discontinued or not .viand on in a reasonable manner. BeneCiciwy may take all steps necessary to protect Herchcany's <br />scrnriIv interest in the Properly, fnclath a,, completion oftire coast ract i on <br />12. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS. Trustor irrevocably grants_ conveys and sells to l rustee. in trust to; the <br />benefit of Beneficiary. as additional security all the right, title and mutest in andf ro, city and all existing or future leases. <br />subd eases. and any other written or verhd agLeeman is for [lie use and occupancy of any portion of the Property, including <br />any ext nsfon.. rcnmvmis. modJmations or substitutions of such agrccment (all retorted to ,. 'Lca,cs) and ;cuts. issues <br />and profits (all Icferred to as Kends')_ Trustor will promptly pi(note Bcnafnciary with true and correct copies of all <br />existing and fmmrc Lease.. Toaster may collect. reccoc. ellio) and use the Routs so long is I pastor is nor in default under <br />the terms of this Security hodI menu. <br />ILast, acknew alge, that thus assi gnnteat us perfected upon Ilie recording of this Deed of (rust and that Beneic far y is <br />entitled to notify any of llustoa s tenants to make payment of Rcros due or to become due to Beneficiary, liowcver. <br />Beneficiary agrees that only on default will Beneficiary nosily Trustot and Traslor's tenants and make demand that all <br />Bute Rears be paid directly to Beneficiary. On receiving notice of dchall, Tru.son will endorse and delivet to Beneficiary <br />any payment of Rams in trader's possession and will receive any Rents in final for Beneficiary and will not commando the <br />Rents with any other funds. Any amounts collected will be applied as provided to this Security Instrument. Trustor warrants <br />that no default c,I,(, under the Leases or any applicable landlord tenant Ian. Truslnr also agrees to maintain and require <br />any levant to comply with the temps ofthe Leases and'applicehle law. <br />13. I.NASEHOLDS; CONDOMINIUMS; PLANNED ENI'1' DEVELOPMENTS. Trustor agraos to cempl, Willi the <br />le"inons of any lease if this Scnniry Instrument is on a leasehold. If the P;opeto includes a unit in a condominium or a <br />planned unit development, I rustor will perforn all of Toaster', duties under the covenants. by- laves, or regulations of file <br />condom... it nn or id rallied unit development. <br />(page 2 D/ J) <br />(� n994 w"t"SyaanmS, Inc. A QoW, MN 18CCG 9/i3� 1 tom RrDi Nr 10/1T 11 <br />'1165(NE) .rc,,' <br />