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C <br />� \' .. «2:•h' „1r,^9am�n'l,w,�?w ErP,•arNYry�dr^tF'itEt � , <br />e.DDEI;DUN. 1, 94- 10775CI <br />. _:. a.i Descr_ptiof;: <br />i, trect Of lane cocprising a part of the =act Half of the <br />90-thwec Y. Quarter (El. /2 swlf /) of Section Tventy -four (24), <br />,cvnsh ip Eleven (l'1) north, Hanoi Ten (10) Weat of the 6th <br />T,Y; in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska more <br />particu2ar7.y described as follows: Beginning at. a point <br />-.,here the northerly right -of -way lire of the Union Pacific <br />Raiiroac company intersects the easterly line of said East <br />Ezlf of the Southwest Quarter (E1 /2 SW 1/4); thence running <br />north along the easterly line of said East Half of the <br />South.crt Quarter (E 112 SW 1/4), a distance of Two Eurdred <br />Fo.;r and Seventy -four Hundredths (204.74) feet; thence <br />dc£ left Ac degrees 15f00” and running westerly ei <br />dicttance of Eight; -one and Four Tenths (81.4) feet; thence <br />de£lectino left 90 degrees 471 00" and running southerly a <br />distance of Two Hundred Fifty -four and Nine Tenths (254.9) <br />feet, Io a pont on the northerly right -of -way line of the <br />Union, Pacific Railroad Company; thence running Northeasterly <br />alone the northerly right -of -way line of the Union Pacific <br />Railroad company, z distance of Ninety -five (95.0) feet, to <br />the point of beginning. <br />A <br />�> <br />(l <br />r <br />=> <br />m <br />N <br />n <br />T <br />tl <br />C <br />� \' .. «2:•h' „1r,^9am�n'l,w,�?w ErP,•arNYry�dr^tF'itEt � , <br />e.DDEI;DUN. 1, 94- 10775CI <br />. _:. a.i Descr_ptiof;: <br />i, trect Of lane cocprising a part of the =act Half of the <br />90-thwec Y. Quarter (El. /2 swlf /) of Section Tventy -four (24), <br />,cvnsh ip Eleven (l'1) north, Hanoi Ten (10) Weat of the 6th <br />T,Y; in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska more <br />particu2ar7.y described as follows: Beginning at. a point <br />-.,here the northerly right -of -way lire of the Union Pacific <br />Raiiroac company intersects the easterly line of said East <br />Ezlf of the Southwest Quarter (E1 /2 SW 1/4); thence running <br />north along the easterly line of said East Half of the <br />South.crt Quarter (E 112 SW 1/4), a distance of Two Eurdred <br />Fo.;r and Seventy -four Hundredths (204.74) feet; thence <br />dc£ left Ac degrees 15f00” and running westerly ei <br />dicttance of Eight; -one and Four Tenths (81.4) feet; thence <br />de£lectino left 90 degrees 471 00" and running southerly a <br />distance of Two Hundred Fifty -four and Nine Tenths (254.9) <br />feet, Io a pont on the northerly right -of -way line of the <br />Union, Pacific Railroad Company; thence running Northeasterly <br />alone the northerly right -of -way line of the Union Pacific <br />Railroad company, z distance of Ninety -five (95.0) feet, to <br />the point of beginning. <br />A <br />�> <br />r <br />=> <br />m <br />N <br />n <br />T <br />tl <br />T <br />2 m <br />N <br />J <br />C <br />� \' .. «2:•h' „1r,^9am�n'l,w,�?w ErP,•arNYry�dr^tF'itEt � , <br />e.DDEI;DUN. 1, 94- 10775CI <br />. _:. a.i Descr_ptiof;: <br />i, trect Of lane cocprising a part of the =act Half of the <br />90-thwec Y. Quarter (El. /2 swlf /) of Section Tventy -four (24), <br />,cvnsh ip Eleven (l'1) north, Hanoi Ten (10) Weat of the 6th <br />T,Y; in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska more <br />particu2ar7.y described as follows: Beginning at. a point <br />-.,here the northerly right -of -way lire of the Union Pacific <br />Raiiroac company intersects the easterly line of said East <br />Ezlf of the Southwest Quarter (E1 /2 SW 1/4); thence running <br />north along the easterly line of said East Half of the <br />South.crt Quarter (E 112 SW 1/4), a distance of Two Eurdred <br />Fo.;r and Seventy -four Hundredths (204.74) feet; thence <br />dc£ left Ac degrees 15f00” and running westerly ei <br />dicttance of Eight; -one and Four Tenths (81.4) feet; thence <br />de£lectino left 90 degrees 471 00" and running southerly a <br />distance of Two Hundred Fifty -four and Nine Tenths (254.9) <br />feet, Io a pont on the northerly right -of -way line of the <br />Union, Pacific Railroad Company; thence running Northeasterly <br />alone the northerly right -of -way line of the Union Pacific <br />Railroad company, z distance of Ninety -five (95.0) feet, to <br />the point of beginning. <br />