<br />Constance K. Swanson - Kersten and Mark E. Kersten, wife and
<br />husband, and Pamela Sue Swanson, a single person, Grantors, in
<br />consideration of one dollar and other good and valuable
<br />consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, quit
<br />claim and convey a life estate to Ohleen L. Swanson, Grantee, in
<br />the following described real estate (as defined in Neb. Rev.
<br />Stat. 76 -201) in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />A part of Lot Nine (9) in Block Five (5) in Gilbert's
<br />Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot Nine (9J, in
<br />Block Five (5) in Gilbert's Second Addition, running
<br />thence Northerly along the Easterly boundary line of
<br />said Lot, a distance of Ninety -Two (921) feet; running
<br />thence Westerly on a line parallel with the Northerly
<br />boundary of said Lot, a distance of Twelve (121) feet;
<br />running thence Northerly on a line parallel with the
<br />Easterly boundary line of said Lot, a distance of Forty
<br />(401) feet; running thence along and upon the Northerly
<br />boundary line of said Lot in a Westerly direction, a
<br />distance of Forty and Eight - Tenths (40.81) feet to the
<br />Northwest corner of said Lot; running thence Southerly
<br />along and upon said Westerly line of said Lot, a distance
<br />of One Hundred Thirty -Two (1321) feet to the Southwest
<br />corner of said Lot; running thence Easterly along and
<br />upon the South boundary line of said Lot, Fifty -Two and
<br />Eight - Tenths (52.81) feet to the Southeast corner of said
<br />Lot, being the point of beginning, and being all of said
<br />Lot, except a Rectangular Tract, 12x40 feet, in the
<br />Northeast corner thereof.
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<br />Constance K. Swanson - Kersten and Mark E. Kersten, wife and
<br />husband, and Pamela Sue Swanson, a single person, Grantors, in
<br />consideration of one dollar and other good and valuable
<br />consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, quit
<br />claim and convey a life estate to Ohleen L. Swanson, Grantee, in
<br />the following described real estate (as defined in Neb. Rev.
<br />Stat. 76 -201) in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />A part of Lot Nine (9) in Block Five (5) in Gilbert's
<br />Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot Nine (9J, in
<br />Block Five (5) in Gilbert's Second Addition, running
<br />thence Northerly along the Easterly boundary line of
<br />said Lot, a distance of Ninety -Two (921) feet; running
<br />thence Westerly on a line parallel with the Northerly
<br />boundary of said Lot, a distance of Twelve (121) feet;
<br />running thence Northerly on a line parallel with the
<br />Easterly boundary line of said Lot, a distance of Forty
<br />(401) feet; running thence along and upon the Northerly
<br />boundary line of said Lot in a Westerly direction, a
<br />distance of Forty and Eight - Tenths (40.81) feet to the
<br />Northwest corner of said Lot; running thence Southerly
<br />along and upon said Westerly line of said Lot, a distance
<br />of One Hundred Thirty -Two (1321) feet to the Southwest
<br />corner of said Lot; running thence Easterly along and
<br />upon the South boundary line of said Lot, Fifty -Two and
<br />Eight - Tenths (52.81) feet to the Southeast corner of said
<br />Lot, being the point of beginning, and being all of said
<br />Lot, except a Rectangular Tract, 12x40 feet, in the
<br />Northeast corner thereof.
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<br />Constance K. Swanson - Kersten and Mark E. Kersten, wife and
<br />husband, and Pamela Sue Swanson, a single person, Grantors, in
<br />consideration of one dollar and other good and valuable
<br />consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, quit
<br />claim and convey a life estate to Ohleen L. Swanson, Grantee, in
<br />the following described real estate (as defined in Neb. Rev.
<br />Stat. 76 -201) in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />A part of Lot Nine (9) in Block Five (5) in Gilbert's
<br />Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot Nine (9J, in
<br />Block Five (5) in Gilbert's Second Addition, running
<br />thence Northerly along the Easterly boundary line of
<br />said Lot, a distance of Ninety -Two (921) feet; running
<br />thence Westerly on a line parallel with the Northerly
<br />boundary of said Lot, a distance of Twelve (121) feet;
<br />running thence Northerly on a line parallel with the
<br />Easterly boundary line of said Lot, a distance of Forty
<br />(401) feet; running thence along and upon the Northerly
<br />boundary line of said Lot in a Westerly direction, a
<br />distance of Forty and Eight - Tenths (40.81) feet to the
<br />Northwest corner of said Lot; running thence Southerly
<br />along and upon said Westerly line of said Lot, a distance
<br />of One Hundred Thirty -Two (1321) feet to the Southwest
<br />corner of said Lot; running thence Easterly along and
<br />upon the South boundary line of said Lot, Fifty -Two and
<br />Eight - Tenths (52.81) feet to the Southeast corner of said
<br />Lot, being the point of beginning, and being all of said
<br />Lot, except a Rectangular Tract, 12x40 feet, in the
<br />Northeast corner thereof.
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