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v <br />M <br />M <br />r <br />2 y <br />M to Q' <br />x . <br />I <br />WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: <br />CitiFinancial Mortgage Company <br />5901 E. Fowler Avenue <br />%T��aQmpa, Floridda� 3(�36(�1�4 <br />ls� V�!pared,a LQ YL k.V <br />ptvl v <br />Wende L. Cahill <br />(704)593 -9846 <br />FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK of Delaware <br />1000 LOUIS ROSE PLACE, CHARLOTTE, NC 28262 <br />IsN DEAL # S003A <br />`) O STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br />LOAN # 0006663666 Assignment of Deed Of Trust <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />That FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK of Delaware, whose principal place of business is 1000 LOUIS ROSE <br />PLACE, CHARLOTTE, NC 28262, acting herein by and through its duly authorized officers, hereinafter called <br />transferor, of the County of Mecklenburg, State of North Carolina for and in consideration of TEN AND NO 1100 <br />DOLLARS AND OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, to it in hand paid by CitiFinancial Mortgage <br />Company, 5901 E. Fowler Avenue, Tampa, FL 33614, hereinafter called transferee, the receipt of which is <br />hereby acknowledged, has this day Sold, Conveyed, Transferred, and Assigned and by these presents does Sell, <br />Convey, Transfer, and Assign unto the transferee the hereinafter described indebtedness. <br />And Transferor further Grants, Sells, and Conveys unto the transferee, all the rights, title, interest, and liens <br />owned or held by the transferor in the hereinafter described land by virtue of said indebtedness herein conveyed and <br />Assigned. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said transferee, transferee's successors and assigns the following <br />described indebtedness together with all and singular the following mentioned lien and any and all liens, rights, <br />equities, remedies, privileges, titles, and interest in and to said land, which transferor has by virtue of being legal <br />holder and owner of said indebtedness. <br />SAID INDEBTEDNESS, LIENS AND LAND BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: <br />One certain promissory note executed by ROGER L. OLSON & TWILA J. OLSON and payable to the order of <br />FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK of Delaware, in the sum of $116,000.00, dated 08/30/2000 and bearing <br />interest and due and payable in monthly installments as therein provided. Said note being secured by Security <br />Instrument of even date therewith duly recorded in Instrument # 0OA60M 73q;t— ,Book # <br />, Page # , of the Public Records of HALL County, NEBRASKA, and secured by the liens therein <br />expressed on the following described lot, tract, or parcel of land lyin and being situated in HALL County , <br />NEBRASKA to wit: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION. <br />PROPERTY ADDRESS IS: 624 EAST BISMARK RD, GRAND IS AND, NE 68801 <br />TRUSTEE; First American Title Insurance Company Nov 1 0 1000 <br />EXECUTED, this <br />FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK of Delaware <br />BY: <br />Vice President —Carol Pierce <br />ATTEST: �: I'— '� (_ <br />Assistant Secretary— Debra Dandro <br />STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />COUNTY OF MECKLENBURG <br />On the NOV 10 2000 <br />Before me came Carol Pierce and Debra Dandro, to me known, who being duly sworn, did depose and say that <br />they reside at 1000 LOUIS ROSE PLACE, CHARLOTTE, NC 28262. That they are the Vice President and <br />Assistant Secretary of the FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK of Delaware, the corporation described in and <br />which executed, the foregoing instrument: that they know the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said <br />instrument, is such corporate seal, that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Corporation, and <br />that they sighed their names thereto by like order. <br />Witt ban"nd official s <br />otsuy Ppb(ic— Brenda H. Pinion <br />My ComnoAon Expires: September 24, 2001 <br />9 •,�:•' P • • 1 '• A :• •1! 1 • • 111111 t N • M, 11• • <br />TEM37DOT <br />M <br />z <br />x <br />c <br />n cn <br />N <br />c a <br />o <br />� c <br />o <br />o <br />c �~ <br />o "n <br />O <br />c <br />m z <br />m -v <br />p <br />va <br />r�. <br />n <br />3 <br />r z <br />f <br />C.3 <br />c <br />Cn <br />° <br />200207475 <br />LOAN # 0006663666 Assignment of Deed Of Trust <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />That FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK of Delaware, whose principal place of business is 1000 LOUIS ROSE <br />PLACE, CHARLOTTE, NC 28262, acting herein by and through its duly authorized officers, hereinafter called <br />transferor, of the County of Mecklenburg, State of North Carolina for and in consideration of TEN AND NO 1100 <br />DOLLARS AND OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, to it in hand paid by CitiFinancial Mortgage <br />Company, 5901 E. Fowler Avenue, Tampa, FL 33614, hereinafter called transferee, the receipt of which is <br />hereby acknowledged, has this day Sold, Conveyed, Transferred, and Assigned and by these presents does Sell, <br />Convey, Transfer, and Assign unto the transferee the hereinafter described indebtedness. <br />And Transferor further Grants, Sells, and Conveys unto the transferee, all the rights, title, interest, and liens <br />owned or held by the transferor in the hereinafter described land by virtue of said indebtedness herein conveyed and <br />Assigned. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said transferee, transferee's successors and assigns the following <br />described indebtedness together with all and singular the following mentioned lien and any and all liens, rights, <br />equities, remedies, privileges, titles, and interest in and to said land, which transferor has by virtue of being legal <br />holder and owner of said indebtedness. <br />SAID INDEBTEDNESS, LIENS AND LAND BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: <br />One certain promissory note executed by ROGER L. OLSON & TWILA J. OLSON and payable to the order of <br />FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK of Delaware, in the sum of $116,000.00, dated 08/30/2000 and bearing <br />interest and due and payable in monthly installments as therein provided. Said note being secured by Security <br />Instrument of even date therewith duly recorded in Instrument # 0OA60M 73q;t— ,Book # <br />, Page # , of the Public Records of HALL County, NEBRASKA, and secured by the liens therein <br />expressed on the following described lot, tract, or parcel of land lyin and being situated in HALL County , <br />NEBRASKA to wit: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION. <br />PROPERTY ADDRESS IS: 624 EAST BISMARK RD, GRAND IS AND, NE 68801 <br />TRUSTEE; First American Title Insurance Company Nov 1 0 1000 <br />EXECUTED, this <br />FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK of Delaware <br />BY: <br />Vice President —Carol Pierce <br />ATTEST: �: I'— '� (_ <br />Assistant Secretary— Debra Dandro <br />STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />COUNTY OF MECKLENBURG <br />On the NOV 10 2000 <br />Before me came Carol Pierce and Debra Dandro, to me known, who being duly sworn, did depose and say that <br />they reside at 1000 LOUIS ROSE PLACE, CHARLOTTE, NC 28262. That they are the Vice President and <br />Assistant Secretary of the FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK of Delaware, the corporation described in and <br />which executed, the foregoing instrument: that they know the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said <br />instrument, is such corporate seal, that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Corporation, and <br />that they sighed their names thereto by like order. <br />Witt ban"nd official s <br />otsuy Ppb(ic— Brenda H. Pinion <br />My ComnoAon Expires: September 24, 2001 <br />9 •,�:•' P • • 1 '• A :• •1! 1 • • 111111 t N • M, 11• • <br />TEM37DOT <br />