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200207396 <br />EXHIBIT 'W' <br />R tract of land comprising a part of the Northwest Ruarter of the Northwest <br />Quarter <NWS/4N611/4) of Section Twenty Three (23), Township Eleven (11) <br />North Range Nine l9) West of the 6th G.M. iri Hall County, Nebraska,. more <br />particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point of the West Line of <br />Feet Section )Twenty Thrthe(No_rth5est corner of said saldv Section rTwenty Three of <br />a distance of One Hundred Seventy -Six Feet <br />(23)1 thence continuing Southerly along and upon the West Line of said a <br />Section Twenty Three (23) *1 left SO degrees 00" and running east erlarallel <br />(176.0')1 thence, deflecting <br />distance of One Hundred Eight —Three feet (103.0'); thence northerly P <br />to said West line of Section TJenty Three (23), eftd30 degrees 00e arid running <br />Seventy -Six Feet (176.0')1 thence, deflecting <br />Ole sterly, a dist arice of Orie Hundred <br />Eighty. Three Feet (103.0'), to the place <br />of beginning. <br />