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WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: <br />Five Points Bank <br />North Branch <br />2015 North Broadwell a <br />Grand Island NE 68803 FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />MAXIMUM LIEN. The lien of this Deed of Trust shall not exceed at any one time $45,000.00. <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is dated July 10, 2002, among DOUGLAS C LUTH; A MARRIED PERSON AND SHERRI\ <br />LUTH, HIS SPOUSE ( "Trustor "): Five Points Bank, whose address is North Branch, 2015 North Broadwell, <br />Grand Island, NE 68803 (referred to below sometimes as "Lender" and sometimes as "Beneficiary "); and Five <br />Points Bank, whose address is P.O Box 1507, Grand Island, NE 68802 -1507 (referred to below as "Trustee "). <br />CONVEYANCE AND GRANT. For valuable consideration, Trustor conveys to Trustee in trust, WITH POWER OF SALE, for the benefit of <br />Lender as Beneficiary, all of Trustor's right, title, and interest m and to the following dusur,bed real property, murmur with all existing o <br />sol— .... .ntly a noted or affixed buildings, improvements and fixtures, all easements rights ur way, and appurtenances; all water, water <br />rights and their rights (Including stuck m ufill ies with ditch or irrigation rights); and all other rights, royalties, and profits relating to tlw roal <br />property, Including without limitation an nnnerals, a, gas, geothermal and .similar ,natters, (the "Real Property ") located in HALL <br />County, State of Nebraska: <br />A TRACT OF LAND COMPRISING A PART OF LOT FOUR (4), WILSON'S SUBDIVISION, IN PART OF THE <br />SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SE114SVI OF SECTION THREE (3), <br />TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11) NORTH, RANGE NINE (9) WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., IN HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: <br />BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION THREE (3). SAID POINT BEING <br />NINETY -EIGHT (98) FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT FOUR 14), WILSON'S <br />SUBDIVISION: THENCE DEFLECTING LEFT 90 °15'30" AND RUNNING NORTHERLY A DISTANCE OF <br />ONE HUNDRED FORTY -ONE AND THREE HUNDREDTHS (141.03) FEET; THENCE WESTERLY PARALLEL <br />TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION THREE (3), A DISTANCE OF ONE HUNDRED TWO AND <br />FIFTY -SIX HUNDREDTHS (102.56) FEET TO THE EASTERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF THE UNION PACIFIC <br />RAILROAD; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF THREE HUNDRED <br />EIGHT AND EIGHTY -FIVE HUNDREDTHS (308.85) FEET: THENCE EASTERLY PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH <br />LINE OF SAID SECTION THREE (3), A DISTANCE OF ONE HUNDRED FORTY -FIVE AND FIVE TENTHS <br />(145.5) FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY PARALLEL TO SAID RAILROAD RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE, A DISTANCE <br />OF FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY (450.0) FEET, TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION THREE (3); THENCE <br />WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION THREE (3), A DISTANCE OF FORTY -SEVEN AND <br />FIVE TENTHS (47.5) FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. <br />The Real Property or its address is commonly known as 1118 E CAPITAL AVE, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801. <br />The Real Property tax identification number is 400215934 <br />CROSS- COLLATERALIZATION. In addition 1. the Note, this Deed of Trust s all ubl,otlons, debts and Ilahllpias, plus Interest <br />Lhu of Boy i to Lender, any o of them, a well a all claims by Lender against Bor any o of thei , <br />whether i ring or buruefto� s ing �whotber related n related m the purpose of the Note, whether voluntary o othew <br />whether duo or not due, direct or indirect, doterrolued o ndum ml. AbsuLRe or .nndngenf, liquidated o unllquidated whether Borrower <br />or Oil-, may be liable Individually s jointly with Others u w ayb e ome barr is y any to surety, eonnmmod anon parry or otherwise, and <br />r,wo, s r ern is r mM1 r ants may y or hereafter may become barred by any statute of limitations, and whodmr diu oMapYinn to <br />rn,av suchramca��u, may he ��. ne.eaaer may nennma otherwise. unenforceable. <br />n <br />n <br />no <br />j <br />m <br />for, <br />r <br />n <br />I <br />x <br />x <br />m <br />v <br />o <br />c n <br />C�- <br />f—" <br />—1 C• <br />< <br />O <br />t�A <br />i <br />O <br />M <br />N <br />m <br />YA <br />N <br />v <br />N <br />Co <br />CE, <br />CO <br />to <br />WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: <br />Five Points Bank <br />North Branch <br />2015 North Broadwell a <br />Grand Island NE 68803 FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />MAXIMUM LIEN. The lien of this Deed of Trust shall not exceed at any one time $45,000.00. <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is dated July 10, 2002, among DOUGLAS C LUTH; A MARRIED PERSON AND SHERRI\ <br />LUTH, HIS SPOUSE ( "Trustor "): Five Points Bank, whose address is North Branch, 2015 North Broadwell, <br />Grand Island, NE 68803 (referred to below sometimes as "Lender" and sometimes as "Beneficiary "); and Five <br />Points Bank, whose address is P.O Box 1507, Grand Island, NE 68802 -1507 (referred to below as "Trustee "). <br />CONVEYANCE AND GRANT. For valuable consideration, Trustor conveys to Trustee in trust, WITH POWER OF SALE, for the benefit of <br />Lender as Beneficiary, all of Trustor's right, title, and interest m and to the following dusur,bed real property, murmur with all existing o <br />sol— .... .ntly a noted or affixed buildings, improvements and fixtures, all easements rights ur way, and appurtenances; all water, water <br />rights and their rights (Including stuck m ufill ies with ditch or irrigation rights); and all other rights, royalties, and profits relating to tlw roal <br />property, Including without limitation an nnnerals, a, gas, geothermal and .similar ,natters, (the "Real Property ") located in HALL <br />County, State of Nebraska: <br />A TRACT OF LAND COMPRISING A PART OF LOT FOUR (4), WILSON'S SUBDIVISION, IN PART OF THE <br />SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SE114SVI OF SECTION THREE (3), <br />TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11) NORTH, RANGE NINE (9) WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., IN HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: <br />BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION THREE (3). SAID POINT BEING <br />NINETY -EIGHT (98) FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT FOUR 14), WILSON'S <br />SUBDIVISION: THENCE DEFLECTING LEFT 90 °15'30" AND RUNNING NORTHERLY A DISTANCE OF <br />ONE HUNDRED FORTY -ONE AND THREE HUNDREDTHS (141.03) FEET; THENCE WESTERLY PARALLEL <br />TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION THREE (3), A DISTANCE OF ONE HUNDRED TWO AND <br />FIFTY -SIX HUNDREDTHS (102.56) FEET TO THE EASTERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF THE UNION PACIFIC <br />RAILROAD; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF THREE HUNDRED <br />EIGHT AND EIGHTY -FIVE HUNDREDTHS (308.85) FEET: THENCE EASTERLY PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH <br />LINE OF SAID SECTION THREE (3), A DISTANCE OF ONE HUNDRED FORTY -FIVE AND FIVE TENTHS <br />(145.5) FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY PARALLEL TO SAID RAILROAD RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE, A DISTANCE <br />OF FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY (450.0) FEET, TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION THREE (3); THENCE <br />WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION THREE (3), A DISTANCE OF FORTY -SEVEN AND <br />FIVE TENTHS (47.5) FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. <br />The Real Property or its address is commonly known as 1118 E CAPITAL AVE, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801. <br />The Real Property tax identification number is 400215934 <br />CROSS- COLLATERALIZATION. In addition 1. the Note, this Deed of Trust s all ubl,otlons, debts and Ilahllpias, plus Interest <br />Lhu of Boy i to Lender, any o of them, a well a all claims by Lender against Bor any o of thei , <br />whether i ring or buruefto� s ing �whotber related n related m the purpose of the Note, whether voluntary o othew <br />whether duo or not due, direct or indirect, doterrolued o ndum ml. AbsuLRe or .nndngenf, liquidated o unllquidated whether Borrower <br />or Oil-, may be liable Individually s jointly with Others u w ayb e ome barr is y any to surety, eonnmmod anon parry or otherwise, and <br />r,wo, s r ern is r mM1 r ants may y or hereafter may become barred by any statute of limitations, and whodmr diu oMapYinn to <br />rn,av suchramca��u, may he ��. ne.eaaer may nennma otherwise. unenforceable. <br />