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7 <br />X40 a., 090, <br />I. A wo of land oomwWag a put of Akxadris Smmt in Robinson's Addition to the <br />Village of Cairo, Nebraska, and mom particularly described an &Dow& <br />All 0mt pan of Almnmdrin Street lying nordt oi the >outh line of Nebraska Strad to <br />the math lion of said Robinson's Addition, excephg &we&em, that potion of said <br />Alexandria Sheet, which was Fovlm ly vaamd by Ordiumm No. 300, aid <br />vaated patios of Almtwdria Sheet now being a pet of Lot I If em (151 Cmtma <br />Hills Subdmskm. <br />2. A tact of had comprising a pmt ofNebra a Basset in Robinson's Addition to the VIDW <br />of Cairo, Nebmslm, mad more particularly daaibed an follows: <br />AR that part of Nebtaela Street lying neat of the Ilse west lint: of said Robinson's <br />Addition to the wet line of Almmadria Street <br />3. A tract of hmd cmmpirimg all of the alley in Block Six (6X Robinson's Addition to the <br />Village of Caro, Nesvelm <br />4 <br />P e <br />200207311 <br />#1 <br />