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200207273 <br />XMMMYA <br />The teat lade deam'hedn Exhibit B, a ,hwdhemo and mode 4ys:thmmf0io,i <br />de=rand is mdned m bmdn ache VmmWe, <br />TWE1..,.^ yft (1) & bddb4m kVwemgm and mwwma 4 any tme, now oc <br />bmmft , ftc(;NA www d =pwoad thcean; (2) ag rlMj psi4cM cummaw, hacdffimmts. <br />appcndagas and appmtaanwdmaoam belonging m inmywyaappwtabi4g;(3)a zigb; thle, <br />irdemt and PDX of Debt= in and To ahee4 rpd %vmn ddeadm, coda, 4Dnye, ad awns <br />?d]autiog Said and estate and Dtmtww tb=4 and Vbwhc vacned by law m ordinance <br />all right, title and itmeee of Debwr +I ac mdeq laetuding cash ad attw,jtq <br />,=Wag the riyld to secclve ad wtt¢rt mots, oaeurity depash lannme. ae,.ds <br />xixm mm and pawnelty mw nwttod =b=ane eaguhad by Debmr ad now or at any time <br />hc=gtm annmke oflised a dmebedto midmal esWaamVm mid buildntg.4 imPcovament%m <br />shw:aaa the and oll o0=pemnd prupmtymwowmd mypraRareagdred bylaebmrad <br />aced m laundeam ba used 14dwpossudon, aumpefiOAwt *ymantdbetwfaodapeoifroaybut <br />not by w4y of Bndmflon the Uloadng nwved by Debto; an aplm i% apptiauca, maemney, <br />equlptnmtadwdolmused to aappty orpmride =in cOm=toawlthhmt, gm, nit coadtdcning, <br />ph=bmg, wafa,ligltting, power. el evamr,aaweage,ekadag,rdigmatoo, 000tmg,ymdlffion and <br />apdaklta aystrm% all waft hence. gnnmm fw.miabinge, ompotmg and paddlug. rJ*% Dabtbsg <br />fitnmm.egdpm 4 sbada gad ewmnga, semen4 drapanaddmPeYHddpmmtfnapmmtlnn ®d <br />• eppaata9, sermily and access emhol apMM% d1 Wiadew cladng appoava, aB <br />asouads mdatmmmct egdpmau4 all maimCmnea suppllm mad ab aeplanemoan, additiom and <br />sabattntont dtmecfQltAxcw;(d) all ccu*w oamawtW% lamed by Dabmragd Ned 9mwn; <br />Mabwa3bvg= dbaeaBamamdmaegu ¢eddepodty,arrneap,e rftiva,booha.xmodx <br />antset rfat& under <br />naal MM (11) dt plat., troy and dnulsba y; (12) dl ptodbcb and pmrceds of any of eta <br />fotegom2 including km pmceads=Ainproeeeds of am awmd#br the takiag of all or asy <br />pmt Of 010 famyautg pmt m am g= =Il actlmy (13) eo of the Cmegdeg wbce=now <br />aiatng orha lft=wgWndadeg,.•,t.�.,„�,.,,e. addifioa maahadmtioaCmeoE =tharalu; and <br />(14) aD pmcecds, pro&&a (tyolw8a9 ioarmm prome46 b mv=a W. mpb C=cat% ad <br />mbatmtiem M m to say of the foregoing (wDwdVely refend to as the "Irrpsraaemard^) 0be <br />h mtcm and tD kWrove a nM mcaRocdYdy rehad to as fha •Pmptrry"} <br />rusWpmsmrxny <br />