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200207262 <br />g. No fences on any lot shall be constructed of barbed wire or woven wire <br />(excepting chain link fences). No creosote treated materials, unsightly <br />materials or used timber shall be used in the construction of fences. <br />Fences shall not exceed seven feet in height <br />9. Satellite dishes, TV or ether reception dishes shall not exceed 24^ in <br />diameter. <br />10. Radio. TV or other towers shall not exceed 12 in height greater than the <br />dwelling on any lot and only one tower may be constructed on any lot. <br />11. Garbage containers shall be stored inside or behind garages at all times <br />except when moved to the curb for pickup within 24 hours. <br />12. No mercury or sodium vapor exterior lighting shall be installed or used on <br />any lot All exterior lighting shall be indirect and of such controlled focus <br />and intensity so as not to disturb the residents of adjacent properties. <br />13. No exterior burner or incinerator for garbage, trash or other purposes shall <br />be used or maintained on any lot. <br />IV. Duration and Amendment. <br />1. These Protective Covenants and Restrictions shall run with the land and <br />shall be binding on all persons and all parties claiming ownership of said <br />lots until twenty years from the date hereof, at which time said Protective <br />Covenants and Restrictions shall extend automatically for successive <br />periods of tcn years unless an instrument terminating these Protective <br />Covenants and Restrictions has been signed by the owners of 213 of the <br />lots and filed of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall <br />Counts. Nebraska. <br />2. These Protective Covenants and Restrictions may be amended by an <br />instrument signed by the owners of 2/3 of the lots and filed of record in <br />the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Enforcement. <br />I. The owner of any lot shall have the right to enforce by any proceeding at <br />law or in equity, each and all of these Protective Covenants and <br />Restrictions against any person or persons violating or attempting to <br />violate any of these Protective Covenants and Restrictions to prevent such <br />person from so doing or to recover damage's for such violations. Failure <br />by any parr to enforce any Protective Covenatu or Restriction shall in no <br />event be deemed to be a waiver of the right to du so at any later date. <br />
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