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DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE <br />COV6:NANTS AND RESTRICTIONS <br />200207262 <br />This Declaration of Protective Covenants and Restrictions is made this March <br />2001 by Grand West, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, for itself, its <br />successors, grantees and assigns. <br />1. Property Subject to this Declaration. The real property subject to this <br />Declaration of Protective Covenants and Restrictions is described as: Lots 9- <br />13, both inclusive, in the Grand West Subdivision to the City of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />11. Building Restrictions. <br />1. All lots shall be used for single - family residence purposes, that is occupied <br />by a single person or a single - family group. <br />2_ No building shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any <br />lot other than one detached single family dwelling not to exceed 2/_ <br />stories in height and a private garage which shall be for not less than 2 <br />standard size cars together with secondary structures incidental to the <br />residential use of each lot. the garage shall be attached to the dwelling or <br />connected to the dwelling by a breezeway. <br />3. The ground floor of each dwelling exclusive of open porches and garages, <br />shall not be less than 1,200 square feet for a one level structure or 800 <br />square feet per level for a 2 -story structure. <br />4. Every structure placed on any lot shall be erected on the site and no <br />slruclurc shall be moved onto any lot for dwelling purposes provided that <br />this provision shall not be construed to preclude new panelized <br />construction which consists of component parts and which is then <br />assembled and erected on the site. Modular or manufactured homes we <br />not Permitted. <br />5. No trailer, camper, mobile home, tent, garage, shack or unsightly building <br />shall be used as a dwelling at any time nor shall any type of structure of a <br />temporary character be used as a residence. <br />6. All garages and any other secondary structures shall conform to the <br />general appearance, type and quality of construction and design of the <br />dwelling. <br />7. Garage doors shall not exceed nine feet in height. <br />