to FIRST FEDERAL LINCOLN BANK as Trustee for Me benefit of
<br />FIRST FEDERAL LINCOLN BANK the Beneficiary named therein, dated J It ly 05, 2001 and
<br />recorded in the pence of the Register of Deeds of HALL County, NE, in Book XXX t as instrument No 2001 -06665 r on Micmmm Roll No, less,
<br />Page XXX , has been paid, and said parameters, had requested in writing mat rids Deed of Reconveyanee be executed and delivered as confirmed by
<br />Its endorsement below_
<br />NOW THEREFORE, In conslderetlon of such payment and In accordance with the request of the Beneficiary named therein, the understand as Trustee
<br />does by these presents ,grant, happen release and resurvey to the person or persons entitled thereto all the interest and estate derived to said Trustee
<br />by or through said Trust Deed In the following described premises but only as to such premises:
<br />TierOne Bank, Formerly known as First Federal Lincoln
<br />Bank
<br />DATED: July 5, 2002 TRUSTEE BY gX /V- "G'j,�J
<br />Sheryl Brown Loan ServicingSulaeffillsor
<br />COUNTY OF LANCASTER t On Julys 2002
<br />before the naturaignae. a Notary Public duly commissioned and Traded for said
<br />county, personally came Sheryl Brown Loan Servicing Supervisor as Trustee, to me known to be
<br />Is Idenueal person whose name Is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof o be the voluntary ac and deed of
<br />said corporation as such Trustee.
<br />Mycommisslonexpires Janus 31,2003 _
<br />dvo ro lIe Jud i � 6WENAL NOTA
<br />Has slims III - I Nebrusb
<br />,('s¢..._..... aO IA Cc VITO
<br />4 v I o-
<br />- This is to cenify that the above named Trustee bas been requested In wnting to
<br />INCORPORATED execute the foregoing Dead of Heconveyance and his action m doing so is
<br />atiaed and confnmed in all respects.
<br />1907 TierOne Bank, Formerly known as First Federal Lincoln
<br />Bank / / /,p// /jam/ \��ji{�J,/���
<br />By'. --4 JJ
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA )as, Sheryl Brown LoartSfibirvicing Supervisor
<br />On July 5 2002
<br />before me, a Notary Public in and for said county personally appeared
<br />Sheryl Brown to me personally known, who being by me duly swam did say that Mat person Is
<br />Loan Servleln$Swpervisor _ __ of said corporation, that seal affixed to said instrument is the seal of said corporation and
<br />that sand instrument was signed antl sealed orr bebalf oRbe said corporation by authority of Its board of directors and the said
<br />Loan Servicing Supervisor acknowledged the execution of saitl Instrument to be thevoluntary act and deed ofsed corprair
<br />by It voluntarily executed.
<br />My commission expires JanuaryN 2003 t (, \ nl ,Notary Public
<br />Judy V to h- Ilman
<br />GN ItdL d cone nl Ne4
<br />J CY Vr OSH
<br />rrMY fit (pj -jl� —I
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<br />2gaill by Ti l Bank Clad Or d PO Box 83009 Llnmin NE
<br />Loan No. 01- 66002781 _ DEED OF RECONVEYANCE
<br />THAT WHEREAS. of the Intleblttlness secured by the Trust Deed executed by
<br />D L Shall
<br />JANET E SNOOGRASS, M1uaband and wife,
<br />ODGR S
<br />to FIRST FEDERAL LINCOLN BANK as Trustee for Me benefit of
<br />FIRST FEDERAL LINCOLN BANK the Beneficiary named therein, dated J It ly 05, 2001 and
<br />recorded in the pence of the Register of Deeds of HALL County, NE, in Book XXX t as instrument No 2001 -06665 r on Micmmm Roll No, less,
<br />Page XXX , has been paid, and said parameters, had requested in writing mat rids Deed of Reconveyanee be executed and delivered as confirmed by
<br />Its endorsement below_
<br />NOW THEREFORE, In conslderetlon of such payment and In accordance with the request of the Beneficiary named therein, the understand as Trustee
<br />does by these presents ,grant, happen release and resurvey to the person or persons entitled thereto all the interest and estate derived to said Trustee
<br />by or through said Trust Deed In the following described premises but only as to such premises:
<br />TierOne Bank, Formerly known as First Federal Lincoln
<br />Bank
<br />DATED: July 5, 2002 TRUSTEE BY gX /V- "G'j,�J
<br />Sheryl Brown Loan ServicingSulaeffillsor
<br />COUNTY OF LANCASTER t On Julys 2002
<br />before the naturaignae. a Notary Public duly commissioned and Traded for said
<br />county, personally came Sheryl Brown Loan Servicing Supervisor as Trustee, to me known to be
<br />Is Idenueal person whose name Is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof o be the voluntary ac and deed of
<br />said corporation as such Trustee.
<br />Mycommisslonexpires Janus 31,2003 _
<br />dvo ro lIe Jud i � 6WENAL NOTA
<br />Has slims III - I Nebrusb
<br />,('s¢..._..... aO IA Cc VITO
<br />4 v I o-
<br />- This is to cenify that the above named Trustee bas been requested In wnting to
<br />INCORPORATED execute the foregoing Dead of Heconveyance and his action m doing so is
<br />atiaed and confnmed in all respects.
<br />1907 TierOne Bank, Formerly known as First Federal Lincoln
<br />Bank / / /,p// /jam/ \��ji{�J,/���
<br />By'. --4 JJ
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA )as, Sheryl Brown LoartSfibirvicing Supervisor
<br />On July 5 2002
<br />before me, a Notary Public in and for said county personally appeared
<br />Sheryl Brown to me personally known, who being by me duly swam did say that Mat person Is
<br />Loan Servleln$Swpervisor _ __ of said corporation, that seal affixed to said instrument is the seal of said corporation and
<br />that sand instrument was signed antl sealed orr bebalf oRbe said corporation by authority of Its board of directors and the said
<br />Loan Servicing Supervisor acknowledged the execution of saitl Instrument to be thevoluntary act and deed ofsed corprair
<br />by It voluntarily executed.
<br />My commission expires JanuaryN 2003 t (, \ nl ,Notary Public
<br />Judy V to h- Ilman
<br />GN ItdL d cone nl Ne4
<br />J CY Vr OSH
<br />rrMY fit (pj -jl� —I
<br />ui
<br />