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n <br />C <br />z <br />H <br />M <br />M <br />r <br />M <br />M <br />C <br />C7 <br />N <br />STEVEN D. BRUCKNER ANT) BRENDA S. BRUCKNER, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />(" Borrower). The trustee is FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY <br />('Trustee'). The beneficiary is Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. ( "MERS ") (solely as nnminca for Lender, as <br />hereinafter defined, and Icable's successors and assigns). MFRS is organized and existing under the laws of Delaware, and <br />has am address and telephone number ofPoo Office Box 2026, Flint, Michigan 18501 -2022 telephone (888)679 -MERS. <br />MOUNTAIN WEST FINANCIAL, INC. <br />which is orgarnodand existing under the I aw.4 of CALIFORNIA and whose address is <br />1902 ORANGE THEE LANE #140 HEDLANDS, 1902 ORANGE THEE LANE #140 92374 <br />( "ICndcr'). Borrower owes Lender the if Inci pal sum of <br />NINETY -FOUR THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FIFTY -FIVE AND 00 /100 <br />Dollars fll.5. $ 94,155.00 ). This debt is evidenced by Borrower's nom dated the same date as this Security <br />Instrument ( "Note "), which provides for monthly payments, with the full debt, if not paid earlier, due and payable on <br />AUGUST 1, 2032 This Security Instrument secures to Lender: (a) the repayment of the debt <br />cvidenred by the Note, with interest, and all renewals, extrusions and modifications ofthe Note, (b) the payment staff ether <br />with Ime[est, advanced under paragraph 7 m protect the security of tins Scantly Instrument and (c) die peafonnance of <br />Bmmwer's covenants and agree oms under this Security Instrument and the Note. For this purpose. Borrower, III <br />nsidemllnn of the debt and the trust herein ercaed, irrevocably grants and conveys to Trustee, in ums, with power of sale, <br />the following described property located in HALL (oumy, Nebraska: <br />LOT EIGHT (S), BLOCK THREE (3) IN WHSTERBOFF'S SECOND SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF <br />GRAND ISLAND <br />which has the address of 3123 WEST 17TH STREET, GRAND ISLAND IsLwt. car,] <br />Nebrtuka 6SB01 IZIp(oad('Property Address "n <br />TOGETHER WITH all the impmvcmcnte now or herc:dtcr in acted on the property, and all eascnhants, nppartewnces, and <br />fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All replacements and additions shall also he revered by this Security <br />Instrument All ofthe foregoing is refenad to in this Security filebUnent attire "Property" Borrower understands and agrees <br />that MERS holds only legal title to the interests granted by Borrower in this Security Instrument, but, if necessary to comply <br />vith law of custom, MBRS (as noloricc for Lender and leader's .successors and assigns) has the right u) exncise any Or I'll of <br />those Interests, including, but not limited to, the right to foreclose and sell the Property, and to take any adiun required of <br />Lender including, bat not l hnlmd m, releasing or cuncrIne tills Security Instrument. <br />I IIA Nlwaska WW or Trust -161 <br />age Iofb <br />ell, 12,21 I'll <br />ad <br />n n <br />G <br />H <br />When Recorded Mail Ts <br />r) Z <br />= <br />IF r1 <br />MOGNTAIN WEST FINANCIAL. INC. <br />T ran N <br />z T <br />\� <br />" <br />m <br />n 2 <br />c Jo- <br />1902 ORANGE TREE LANE #140 <br />Q <br />r�:._ <br />r <br />Q <br />REDLANDS, 92374 <br />1-+ <br />- <br />i <br />O <br />O <br />N <br />y <br />r <br />I <br />I <br />N <br />200207229 <br />Co <br />- <br />CC3 <br />- - <br />IfiPace sure this Line For Rrcurtling Oewl <br />Q <br />aaUC NUR <br />WAN NUMBER] <br />05206002 <br />{, <br />DEED Ql'' <br />TRUST <br />CAME <br />001-2x6]0:6- <br />- )aa <br />10'0154 <br />wxrv: loarsaa600saosoaas <br />THIS DEED OF'IRUST ( "Scemoty Instrument <br />") is made on <br />DULY 9, 2002 <br />, among the grantor <br />STEVEN D. BRUCKNER ANT) BRENDA S. BRUCKNER, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />(" Borrower). The trustee is FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY <br />('Trustee'). The beneficiary is Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. ( "MERS ") (solely as nnminca for Lender, as <br />hereinafter defined, and Icable's successors and assigns). MFRS is organized and existing under the laws of Delaware, and <br />has am address and telephone number ofPoo Office Box 2026, Flint, Michigan 18501 -2022 telephone (888)679 -MERS. <br />MOUNTAIN WEST FINANCIAL, INC. <br />which is orgarnodand existing under the I aw.4 of CALIFORNIA and whose address is <br />1902 ORANGE THEE LANE #140 HEDLANDS, 1902 ORANGE THEE LANE #140 92374 <br />( "ICndcr'). Borrower owes Lender the if Inci pal sum of <br />NINETY -FOUR THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FIFTY -FIVE AND 00 /100 <br />Dollars fll.5. $ 94,155.00 ). This debt is evidenced by Borrower's nom dated the same date as this Security <br />Instrument ( "Note "), which provides for monthly payments, with the full debt, if not paid earlier, due and payable on <br />AUGUST 1, 2032 This Security Instrument secures to Lender: (a) the repayment of the debt <br />cvidenred by the Note, with interest, and all renewals, extrusions and modifications ofthe Note, (b) the payment staff ether <br />with Ime[est, advanced under paragraph 7 m protect the security of tins Scantly Instrument and (c) die peafonnance of <br />Bmmwer's covenants and agree oms under this Security Instrument and the Note. For this purpose. Borrower, III <br />nsidemllnn of the debt and the trust herein ercaed, irrevocably grants and conveys to Trustee, in ums, with power of sale, <br />the following described property located in HALL (oumy, Nebraska: <br />LOT EIGHT (S), BLOCK THREE (3) IN WHSTERBOFF'S SECOND SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF <br />GRAND ISLAND <br />which has the address of 3123 WEST 17TH STREET, GRAND ISLAND IsLwt. car,] <br />Nebrtuka 6SB01 IZIp(oad('Property Address "n <br />TOGETHER WITH all the impmvcmcnte now or herc:dtcr in acted on the property, and all eascnhants, nppartewnces, and <br />fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All replacements and additions shall also he revered by this Security <br />Instrument All ofthe foregoing is refenad to in this Security filebUnent attire "Property" Borrower understands and agrees <br />that MERS holds only legal title to the interests granted by Borrower in this Security Instrument, but, if necessary to comply <br />vith law of custom, MBRS (as noloricc for Lender and leader's .successors and assigns) has the right u) exncise any Or I'll of <br />those Interests, including, but not limited to, the right to foreclose and sell the Property, and to take any adiun required of <br />Lender including, bat not l hnlmd m, releasing or cuncrIne tills Security Instrument. <br />I IIA Nlwaska WW or Trust -161 <br />age Iofb <br />ell, 12,21 I'll <br />