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aid n <br />x a <br />nsx i n z Pe 3' iv <br />b <br />2 f7 an ° <br />m p 7 U �i o y <br />10 � se „ _4 <br />ee <br />Ova <br />N !9 <br />o 20020721$ ° <br />Deed of <br />That certain Deed of Trust to WELLS FARCO BANK NEBRASKA,NATION A LASSOCIATION,TRUS'I LL, given by <br />I I A ROLDON ILLS FN AND DIANNAJNIELSeN I I Wr _ <br />I RUSTOR, which is dated <br />Auguatl 1997 and recorded in the office of Ilia nAismr of deeds of HALL County, xemaska, on <br />September 1997 .aslnamniCnt No 97 -107225 in Book Page of the <br />Records, covering amain real estate described as f llows, <br />LOT 7 SUNSET SIXTH SUBDIVISION CITY OF GRAND ISLAND HALL COUNTY NEBRASKA <br />is, together wiN Hte indebtednevs eewrcd by said Deed of IImt, fully paid and satisfied. <br />WELTS I'ARCO BANK XLBRASKA, NATIONAL ASS(( IA'IION, TRUSTEE, does hereby remise, release and quit claim <br />unto <br />the person persons entitled the'cm, all the 'gl t title, and inte et Which it has under 11 by virtue ofsaod Deed ofTrest in <br />and to [he said on estate it Ile Deed al 'T rust palficularly describod reference to hich is hereby made for greater certainly <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together Widi all and singular the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging forever, <br />AND FCRTIIER, that said Deed of Trust is, by there presents to be considered as fuly and absolutely released, cancelled and <br />forever discharged. <br />Damdthis 21ST Lee of NNE ,2002 <br />AT'I LS'I <br />STATB OF N WN MFXICO <br />COUNTY OF RFRNALILLO <br />Wells Fargo Bank Nebraska Nr Nonvest Rank praska, N.A., Trustee <br />By JENNIFER LAZZAR� <br />Its AUTHORIZED REPRESE. TAT <br />J ss. <br />The Gxcgoing insuument Was acknoWledyed before me, a Notary Public, On this 21ST day of JUNE <br />2002 by JENNIFER LAZZARI AUTHORIZED RFPReSLNTATIVE <br />Of WELLS PAll BANK NEBRASKA, NA' f10NAI. ASSOCIATTON. TRUST a Y'NR.c� &E��LRLn "Iq <br />of said associu6uu_ /1 /�. 4�5 Paul AI00O3 7 <br />(SEAL) Prepared By'. JFNNIFERLAZZARI Ns „ 6TT.TE OF NEW ME% <br />311464640001 LC A — Tim <br />� mvu > -nne �f srP <br />Consumer Luau Servicing Center Notary <br />P.O. Box 93380 <br />Albuquergne, NM 87199 -3380 My Clarannsoloare Expires <br />