<br />200207211
<br />That RICHARD E. RIEF and JOSEPH 11. STANDEVF.N Grantor of
<br />the County of Hall , the State of Nebraska for and in
<br />consideration of tire sum of one Dollar ($ I.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which
<br />is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant, remise, convey and relinquish unto Northwestern Public Service
<br />Company, Grantee. a Corporation, Huron, South Dakota, its successors or assigns, a gas utility casement, for
<br />the installation, maintenance and operation of natural gal pipeline, and appurtenances thereto, over under,
<br />upon and through the following described lands situated in the County of Hall , the
<br />State of Nebraska , to wit:
<br />The South Fifteen feet (15') of a Tract of Land located in the Northeast Quarter (NE.1 /4) of
<br />the Northwest Quarter (NW.1 /4) of Section Twelve (S12), Township Eleven North (T.11 N.),
<br />Range Nine West (R.9 W.) of the Sixth (6th) Principal Meridian, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />such tract of land more particularly described as follows: Commencing on the West line
<br />of the Northeast Quarter (NE.1 14) of the Northwest Quarter (NW.114) of Said section Twelve
<br />(S12) where the same intersects the North line of Highway No. 30, thence Northerly on and
<br />along the West line of the Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4) of the Northwest Quarter (NWA /4) of
<br />said Section Twelve (S12) to the South right -of -way line of the Union Pacific Railroad
<br />Company, Thence Northeasterly on and along said South right -of -way line of the Union
<br />Pacific Railroad Company a distance of 1275.5 feet, more or less, to where said South
<br />right -of -way line of the Union Pacific Railroad Company intersects the North right -of -way
<br />line Highway No. 30, thence Southwesterly on and along the North right -of -way line of
<br />Highway No. 30 to the point of beginning, except that tract of land deeded to the County of
<br />Hall, as same is recorded in Deed Record No. 117, Page 593.
<br />(The purpose of the above described easement is for a buried natural gas pipeline along
<br />with all appurtenances thereto).
<br />"Grantors warrant that neither they nor any member of their families claim the above
<br />property as a homestead, Grantors now occupying and claiming other property as a
<br />homestead."
<br />successors and assigns, so long as such natural gas pipeline mud appurtenances thereto shall be maintained and
<br />operated, together with the right of ingress and egress from said premises for the purpose of surveying,
<br />constructing, installing, inspecting, repairing maintaining, renewing and replacing the property of the Grantee
<br />located thereon. or removed thereof, in whole or in pan, at the will of the Grantee.
<br />'fhe Grantors further covenants for themselves, their heirs, lessees, successors, or assigns, that the
<br />Grantee, its lessees, successors or assigns shall at all times have the right to cut and remove or trim all trees,
<br />hushes and saplings growing upon said lands above described, or extending over same, so for as may be
<br />reasonably necessary for the construction, reconstruction, operation, repair, and maintenance of sdd natural gas
<br />pipeline, and shall have the right of access and entry to and upon said above described lands for such purposes.
<br />'fhe Granlec shall pay for all damages to landscaping, gardens, roads mid driveways, fences, IiN estock,,
<br />crops and fields, subject to Grantor providing means of ingress and egress, caused by the construction,
<br />reconstruction, repair, replacement, or maintenance of said natural gas pipeline.
<br />The Grantors reserve the right to Cultivate, use and occupy the above described lands, except that
<br />Grantors shall nor erect any structures or other objects, permanent or temporary, except fences, thereon.
<br />Grantors further agree that they will not perform any act which will interfere with or endanger said natural gas
<br />pipelines, that they will not plant any trees upon the above described lauds without the prior cxpress'cd written
<br />approval from the Grantee. NWPS
<br />COPY
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