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CON- ENANTS 200207209 <br />L Payments. Dnmiwer mmakc all pnymora nn the secured debt when due. Unlmn Banownr xnd LaNa'ngrce olhnwise, any pnYr ^emxlmammy rvASfmm <br />Bonowcrerr foe turnover benefit will be applied fiouueny amonnls barrel own ovthe granted debt exclusive of interest or principal. awvnd to ... reveal. u,ad Wmm <br />pnmipvl If radial prepayment ofthe sewmd debt arcane for rely irnmv,ewill flat ratan Or exmm any shduad pphoons run the smucd debt Is paid In full <br />2. Claims Against Title Borrower will pay all mass, msmai and rider divides annmealne in the property when due and will tided title so (be pmpeny agaum <br />any clam.. which world impair dm Ilea of Ihis deal of mat Lender coy requite Bamrwer A resign any rigMx Antonio or defenses which Banownr mny hors Author <br />panics who supply tabu, m materials to impmeeor Annfuil till pi <br />J. Imureoas. Borruwm will keep the pmpeny, insured under erms mceptublc to 4ndu An [turnover gmadise and for lender's henefil. All losucance poliun sUll <br />ini amndard mortgage clause in favor of Lender Water ill be named as loss payee or as the Insured on any such Insurance paltry. My insurance p vrksmaybe <br />,],place within Lender's material, ro either the msmmtinn or repair of the damaged company ^r to dm 'muter debt If lender rom,m, nvmAg, iiow,ni BmMwer <br />Agrees to "amain Both loan...... forma long ax Iada uy....AS <br />4. Pmpi Hanover w ill keep the pmpeny In good condition and make all rvyolm' mvweble necessary. <br />5. pop.... Burrower every, w pay AT I ceder s expense., including rt agarmac'attomcys far, if Borrower bunks any em'enents in this deed of Imo or in any <br />Obligation severed by ihic dart nfwsL Blaral will pay all amown to lender as provided in Covenant 9 of this deed of but <br />6. Pimr bee my Intoests. falls Between Bm obtains Lender a Action coiloyn Seligman will n rake or pi any changes any pun rity io <br />Borrower will perform all ofBoati s obligations urban nto prior mortgage, deed of cost or other 'au ally Amounted, muludbag B „twa�s wvamnrs la make payments <br />When due. <br />7. Assignment of Ii and Profits. Barnacle ... l m or tcndu the mail and profits of the property . Unlrn Harrow,, and l older have agreed otherwise in writing, <br />Banowa me, rallied mad retain the rents as long as Bortawu is not in default If Borrower degmP, lender. lender `s agent, nr n coup appmmul svclvu may lake <br />pnssyssion and mmuge the pmpany and Attract the lyric Any mny Lender Alleging shall be applied first to the very' mlmany ng To pmpeny. mdudind coma costs aid <br />An mess' leap wmmissonto antral andin. and any other mvessary related expem, . llie tamining amount of rents will then Apply m payments an the secured debt as <br />provided in Coven.. I. <br />P. Lnsdmldsl Condaminiume Planned Unit Developments. Isarmwc, Arco, m uumtile with the provisions of any lease if this deed of most rson I ... hold Firm <br />deed of trust is on a unit in a umdw.dum or a planned unit delllmmont Bomewer wall perform all of Borrower a duties under do, Wmemmic by laws. A, i ulau'om of <br />the mdminniom or planned Anil dcwlapmenL <br />9. Authority uI Leader to Person, for Barrel 11 If PAIL orfelt, to pctfumr areofBon.wer'aduty, under this di of trust, Imdu may pMCmr the duties or <br />cause then to MpMOemM Lender may sign Buragiver A name or pan may v ufloo nforpaAOa If.mym n the pmpeny is disc ,udu <br />Armed on in a,+ao... be nwnnx, lrnderm¢y do wu ever if necessary m prate[ Lender'mA security imunl n Ihv pmpeny. fare, lmay ..dud, emnealnhag the construction <br />Ie, d,,, arm, to perform will not pamirm, Lords hnm contaminant any of ly other rights under the law or this deed of And <br />Any nmo,nlu paid by Lender to protect Under a grommy dmuor writ be leaned by this deed of fact Seen amount will be duct,, digni and will I, .... nmom the <br />date of PAIL meal puW in full n the ... term me, i, offal on the secured debt. <br />fim Defe,Itnnd A.aleraliomIlEem'mwcoui,to make onypoyment when due orbremks any covenants under this&ad of Amt or any ublessamm, Somali by this dad of <br />half or any purr marriage ordeed of in,(, Ind,, coy ace Jmam the maturity or snvml debt ad demand immediate payment and may invoke the power of sale and <br />any other remedies Inte and by applicable law. <br />II. Request for Notice of Default, It is Ile Lew rtgyeaM that wpim of the maim, of default arm sale be sent to each person Abe is a piny herein, at the Wdreas or each <br />"III Pi as sp forth boron. <br />12. Pon erof tile. IfT1readd AI1mS the power of Are the Tml bull done =,dn it, olYimoIdo minister of dens of won wun"baccon the lnsst prapcny or <br />oe ruin or past thereof Is samated a notice of deAUit wvminmse the "means” myuued by law. Ilie I faces shall also mail copies of the note,, of d,M,lt m he <br />Banowvr.lac'aGt pcn,n wlm 6e perry herein. entity nthomr,.nn as poor barred by applicable law. Not less than one month after the Tmacc¢ cords the notice If dclult <br />on amths if the Iraqi property is not in any ivcorgarl city orvilbrom and in used in Naming opeoll monied an by the alone the Tri shall give public notice of <br />mlewto To feu ms and li the amrmcr cm,uWod by appl amIc law. I rmm, without demand on Botmwer, shall sell the pmpeny at public auction to the highest biddur. If <br />rtpuitW by on Pann Bomoweed Protection AK fall halt osier the impcdyaa tx'uayaratc ores as nyuitM by applicable law. TmAce may evi sale of ell m any <br />meet of the Mu y by public announcement at les"imc mad place of eery previously Scheduled sale Ielder or its Airline... may pi... Tu pmpody at any sale <br />Ules, meopt of payment of the price bid, finance shall ddbv to do pumhaset Trustee's deed marveying the pmlugy. The recitenlu contained to Tmaee's deal shall be <br />prima rte's cdJiuec of the path of Tc sl tcmmy conmined thertln. Tmstm shall only the proceeds of the sale in me Ibllawing more (a) to all generous of she sake <br />wlu I'll Toot ltmitMm no Im 'sfm.wnablcatmry', fen and Amelicmcnt toryR)to all comaa ... and by AM decd of foul and (c) the belnoce if <br />.live m the pertnns legally entitled m resolve its <br />le. foreclosure. Al Lender s option, this dvcd of aryl mny be foreclosed in fire nmnam pmvidM be applied, law for fnnrlomm orOrigagx nn real pmpeny. <br />14. Lupeula, feeder n..y a nor the pmpcdy to stye it if ImNv &vn Bonowo notice beforehand The nonce ....I name the ewmmU. cam. for 1 cod,T A <br />inspectione <br />15. Condemnation. Bonmwu asatgsm LLndsx file pmcyis of May Island or elnim find. mmge, mmomed with a condemnation or other raking of all or any pan of the <br />property _ Such ptu Ads will bcIt li W us provided is C,venont I. This assignment is subject to the all of any prioramnty agrtcrial <br />16. War Be clearing any randy available to Lender, Lender tint, let give up a art ngM1n to late, m any other month By n t um. ms; a s mmdy no,, <br />Borrower's Udall Immadnu not ,ke any right m later consider the event s dafault if it M1appcne Again <br />17. Joint ad Several Liability; Co- signori; 9ueceuwn and Assigns Bound. All duties umlvr THIS deed of nmL 411 joint and s,,Wyl. Atry 131101 It will Amiens fill' <br />dial of foss bar docs ... t cosign thc,icd>,P debt instruments(,) doge eo only.. noun end ,avcy that Borower's interest in the pmpeny to theTuaee under themmas <br />of Nisdwl oreard A Mellboon, such aBon r agrees that the l..der and uo oT,,Rm All this dedof try coy cssuuL modify err m'kI .... IS film dmage, n <br />tM1e memcnFlMs deed of era or the emurd debt without haf Burtawar'e wnscm and wi0ouvuuaiog that BnmwerGOm the tmftsahire tl¢d o[uust <br />the drains and benefits of this deed oftmst shall bind and bcncal the swcxsson and assign of LuWv amt Bono,a <br />18. IS Doles abonfire demiM by law, any man, m Borrow,, Top be a,m, by bid... rate It or by nailing it b, Il lial nail adii to Borrower at the <br />pmpeny, address or any other address that Botruwer has yew to L cal Imm,c'r will giver any ,masse to Leach by ceuifld nrvil to Lender 's address on page I of has <br />Jail of trust, or to via Atha addres, which I morM1,s dolumtef Any other notice to Lender shall be seat to Lenders address as stated on pare l of this deed of over <br />Any nanivc'bull be damN to hart beau fKa to Bonowcr orl codes when raven an the manner stated above <br />19. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in fire B,m,ee If all of'vny pail of the property or any imerea in it is sold or tansk,ed wola the Lender's <br />common prol WO , Isnda may demand Imm4ime payment of the se r god debt tender may also demand immediate payment if the Bono wer Is net a natural person and <br />o beneficial interest In the Bortuwu is sold or lmm4mal Huwcvgleader mny not demand payment In the above situations If it prohibited by federal Inw ae of Ne date <br />of d... dial If (,list <br />20. Rec . Whim the obligation u. ad by WU deed of least lees been pail and tender has ,brnber vbligm ook,m es'Menhe <br />avrounmts smtlredaby film deed of trvm theTmnee shall. upon written request by the Lender. rag' met the ern pmpeny. The Lender shall deliver the Bonowcr, or to <br />Borrowers successor In infell the trust deed and the soft, orwho v'vld .... . ubNC obligation so satisfied Borrower shall Ali moo lam coals. <br />21. 8m a,T .... _funded aim M, ,pi remove Tr , led Implaili I Ill francs be rest, nirm v copy of Oil adyneenoi oft asmpdml <br />by applicable l' and theu by flrg6, b Of trustee for mooed no the other Alms music, nfAmfd hA M1Ah property, ,, mcpus <br />tv In <br />Anchor, Isfannred. csAeuae,mrtrvdee, wiNOmaonvryavee afthe pmPenY, shell succeed to All Napowe[decors,ewhority nntl rifle ol the 'RUStu'numN in the deed of <br />frmf Anti of Any sueeeesorlrvefee. <br />