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COVENANTS 200207207 <br />1. Payments. BIRI most to make all paymuns an the .... md dcbl whcn de a Unless BOmrwcTxml LCndungree nthewise, ovy payee WS lnidu redrew [mm <br />Thanacce or for H OMI a vall will be applied nn'I to and Saturday B utter w .... I tile Solenoidal: 1 - 1 marest of 'principal. Sond to Interest. Add final m <br />priepnl . if partial pearl of the secured debt com for ally Mason, it will nol 'd' se any hdld antarctic un11M1 ed debt to paid it call <br />2 CI against Title. Borrower will pay all tMers, adwanj and callyr charges tat h propearch line tire and will defend ude to the p nagY against <br />any clams which world -tpor the lln of[h4 dead of pros_ I<dr Any wgpjBorrower to air r site light,, diems; oralemes wtiul Borrower has, gimp <br />parties who Supply labor or materials I0 improve or maintain tier: Pmpmry. <br />3. Instance pointed will keep the pmpcny insured leader Is... acceptable b 4ndv ul Borrower's expauc tad for planar a benefit All Inmramx Sulu.... sltvll <br />Include a sardanl mortgage done in fare of LUtdcr Imder will he named err loss payw nine the insured on any suds insurance policy. Any'mswance pmocMs may be <br />applied, wuhi, ladder a discristil to udoes the label go the damnged pmm'dy or Io the savred debt, If Lemkx rtyui e nomplage sumi Bomtwer <br />Mr,A in maintain such ... Sumoca for is long as Iwamermywtes . <br />i. Prold"p,.Bom"ll -Ill kern the pmpcny in good condition Surd make all repairs ing,nvbly ne(essory. <br />5 Estimates Borrower agrees to pro all I Ali ,Pon,,,, din madminable amorms, hung, T Bonnwar breaks any co,pingarda ,, aril deed If also or it - <br />oblga( onsmumlbytlisdeedoftms .Bnowcrw ll pvy tM1e. an LUtdaae peer Jeri -v COVauntYOfOuaeed often.. <br />Id Prior comedy Interests. Unless Barni first corn... . lender's written combat Bmrower will not make or permit any changes to any prior security interests <br />Replace, ,It pu(onnallofDnnowaa obligations under any poor mortgage deed of costs or other came agieuned,including Ismocer'a omemine in make payments <br />when due <br />7. Aoignment of Rmtr Surd Profits. Borrower assigns to Tender therm, ad profits of the pmpny. Unless Botmwme and Lutder have agreed otherwise in filiim <br />Bnnewu else collect add retain the nerib m long nu Borrowed is not in dQault, If Bonowu J,Aults. U,j home,, agent, or a court appeared coma' Islay take <br />p yer h property g I collects shall a 11 g the y <br />nmeys fees around rental , d sly chat lens ary elatedup n a 1' s will bye apply payments, ,, the ed debt as <br />piorvlW IaCOn <br />I_ <br />P. Lme1wI(:ondominiums; Planned Loin Bemanton u. depraver dws to imply with TO pmvlsiots of cry leave if this deed of is m household. If day <br />Joel of bmst1, on A wit iu a Condominium or v planned unit development, Borrower will park r, all of Borrower `s dmia mule am cmesmn4 by lows, or Argentina of <br />it,, mnndainammen orphaned not development <br />9. Authority of Lauds to Perform for Borrawm. If Borrower fail, In perrhol, any of Bntrnwer a duties under this aced of Uj lender may NAmr t the duties or <br />s thou to arc performed Levdor muy said Borrower's tame or pay any amount if Tiotalso flarilb nmtce It construction on the Preco'nv Is chat ..blued 111101 <br />anied en in ammuethic romans[ Lender may do wlu¢su Is omelets to prompt Under, mildly interest in thepmParty Thts mey include compluing the commercial, <br />mention c fdlmi t1 pccorm will oat vrcelum lender firm nee iacm any of its other rights main the law or Ibis dead cry that <br />Any woman paid by Local, lc pmtml lender's security interest will be soured be this dmlol'wst Such amturn; will be due on demand read will bear Interest from the <br />dote of the paym art hand paid in full at the incervat ,to in effect on the secured debt. <br />10. Default and Acaleratloa If Borrower fail, In make any pay mnt whoa due or brcdks Any wvewnts under has dead of castor any cdcamrw camel by this deed of <br />mar or toy prior mortgage or dead of vest, andef may accerents ill, rtvmib of smureA debt and demand mmMivm payment and may Invoke the power of rev and <br />aqed m, w ramedies pennih w <br />ul be applicable I. <br />11. Nationa far Native of DefanLL It Is hereby estimated that copies of the moue of default and mac by snn to cosh persrm who ix apart, hadi at the address of each <br />such pan on, as act bond nnaln. <br />12. Power of bale. if the Lender invnku the power of sake (lie Tnem, mull Past w,d] in the office or the register lI daVs or awl, cony wherein the may pmpem Or <br />chosen ounc I'll ,I joined a cobalt x lice of dj wmingrance the at,,, rat „” legared by law_ TIM Trustee shall Mon mo l copies of the not" of dY l to me <br />B. a, ml v n Arent norms ail to Other Pan anclartheirdbyapplicaj . nlaessmm one month for IT records the of default, <br />, ulaTl property : y' m Ve y Ikg d' ad' fanning n a bydteum T Shall gill pbr alt <br />,I to and inIn <br />pension pies Tin by kipla,aby l w Theme, without demand on Bannwan, call ,If lot pmnenv at p bryauuinn 1, the rglm bodge. If <br />required by the Far m Homamad Protection At. ITmre shall Offer ill' pmpmy At two swamm Sulc as requied by tartaric Iaw. Trustee may pretense sale of all or one <br />I other property by pmlm announcement at time and pit I...1, saw "Illy mnuldN sal, Leader or iv dcagnre may pueMse the property at a.rvsale <br />Upon p fP if do price I mance Shall dl to me Ansages Tmadley d d arrineying the property - T lie reo -ls protocol I, T dead hall M <br />pons facie e to I tire loans If h d Iranian f hll imply the nownes of tire salon the fouling Order. () to An nilwanses of the ..1- <br />nighbbit not I'ed m. margoill Trvmtc fa ro.aliable la Ivory and airtightness fees lb) to all soma placed by this dead if One, and () the balance, if <br />c ., m patterns dia <br />ns legally ued m real" It <br />13., paaetomm At leader s Maion, this deed oftmst may be broadcast in the mnmmpmvided be applicable law for foreclosure of mong 191, in dealnmpmy_ <br />14. Inspection. Lender may occur Ibo pmpetTy to import it if Undo give, Bronson notice beforehand The,diee must was the re¢nnahle cause for Lende[Y <br />spection . <br />li fime,iatiln Borrower oesigns to Lender the labledS of my award or claim for damages donnevaJ with a conformal, crops, [,king of all or any Van of in, <br />pmpcny. Sudr emceedswlll her Applied or marded m (ldemand 1. This asaigmmvnt is subject to brie trans many prior sxiriy agramonL <br />16. Waived he Swimming vary tunedy uvailabk m Legal larder doe not rove uv any argon to later use any other remedy. By era exercising any rawly upon <br />Bonnwa'a default, Lender dots w,i a vary right 10 later considerpe seven A d Paull if it happens again. <br />17. Joint xvd Salami l lvhJ shmsiRUen; Successors and Assigner BOUrW. All duties ad,, this deed of past am joint and several. Any Borrower who 11 ig,r pis <br />dead other but does not m -11911 the undolying debt consistently) dreg, m only t1 grant and wmyy chat Buaower's interest In the pmpcny to the Trustee under the tore, <br />of this dood uNV SL In addition, such a Boal agora that he Lender and my horn Borrower tinder this dead of cos may extend, modify or make any other efirl in <br />11, tactics of this dead of coal or mcsm.Iad data without that Bonaver a concept mid % Alston elmzin r that Bumtwn Time the toms of this deed of wN. <br />The duties and brne n of Unix deed U post shall brad and benelt pe snmsruc And assigns of l ordnand Borrower. <br />18. Notice. Imice& nthervisc b anied by Iaw . tiny nods m Bnmawcr shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by command moil undresmd to Borrower at the <br />pmpcny address or any other address Ihm Borrower has given to Loader_ Borrowed will giro anynobf,, to Lender by ceniBM mail in Lenders address on page I of this <br />deed Cl ionic orto ally other address, which Wider he, designated Any other nonce to Lando shall be sent m lmdnax oddw as staled on page l of the deed nhmsl. <br />Any notice shall bcdemM to Fnrebeen gives ill Boaowcn011 card, ,half given can the manaeaayed alcove <br />19. Transfer or the Property or n Beneficial Interest in the Bormwee If ell,, any pan of Ns dropery or any'ndresn in it is sold or transferred"Llmot aaaaaWars <br />pilot w,mm, mOcrin Lea ..d. o' radiate payment of the ndabt Under A, also a. a immediate payment 1her nn In Mrs on and <br />be,efdlm metal m IS gold or tmnsr d. N yC, Leader ]'say demand payment in the fol SLI18LODS Tta pmh'h'rea by miuml If, maf the date <br />Of th "Col nfwat <br />20. Rectinvey*uee. wbon the obligation secured by this acw of brat lee been (raid aw Icnao' Ins no fanner thhpptom to make advances under IM1C imwmana or <br />cgrwmom domall by this deed oflnvL Ill [some still, cltnn wdvev request by rho bum¢wownsymet ipropmy -The Lnalei shall dGrvs to the plan gerrto <br />RIM""" oll intnti err the war deed and the note or mho' evidence of the obligation so saasnN. Bommer shall pay any now"gi nelants. <br />21. sanctions Truste e. 4ndcnm Lender's opnoq mw remove Tortes and appnim a successor tmlw' by Gal. nreached a copy of cWSHmung of emnee as scandal <br />by applicable law, and than -b'Bring the substitution f trustee to, mcmd ' N O "Min, or tile county, f 1mL of each counts in wheat rM1 had indicate, or room Pan <br />III is Samoa. The muumr tmatt e of the pmpor -fill x uc N to all ill' ps Ill" display and title of he Twbm named in the deed of <br />prep ad oJ cry wherein memo. <br />