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<br />PAN IIIrS:' I his head of Tosr is trade on Ofly2002K the Cannot ,JOHN W60A1ANAND I A% ONNF F I HAI AN, I I I I S I i AND AND
<br />\A1111 Borroccof,
<br />AREND R B AA( K, AT Oiss,1 y vkhchsA renderer addrao, is P. O. 1lox 7a0, Grand Island Had Cotme, Nebraska I`Tnstec 1 and tm
<br />ficancisci a". HOME FFDFRL SAVI F, GS ASD LOAN ASSOC I ATION OF OR\N D ISLAND, a corporation agajazted and ,under the
<br />Im+sofNl l loASKA whoseaddress is teI S'ODTH LOCI ST STREET GRAND ISL AND AEBR ASK A ISOM (- Lender'').
<br />( ON%L VAN( F for valuv' eleckud, B aps"Or Ir'evocably galls and eansceys I< Trust I hall. Ohm Looser of ha de, the real proper, of
<br />which Borrower is IawNlh seized, described below and all huilNRes, fixtures, and exisd2 and future Improvements thereon and all t'iehes -Of-
<br />renrs, Arco, issues, prole, income, tenements, herediern eats. privileges and ary appurtenances thercunm belOnghng pd1 called the
<br />prsopero I
<br />PROPERTV ADDR6A4 flat Aro 1 DIiI.A W AR1(, (dRA N D ISLAND, NehraAr 6KWJ l
<br />PIE ASAN I VIEW 0'I H ADDI T ION 101(2 5) Ii10 ('KONF11)(11Yrll'CItANDISI. AN [),I IA LL COI NTY, NEBRASK A.
<br />I Issued in Hall Coanry, Nebraska.
<br />I I I LE: Bou'mvcr consultants and warrants title to the property_ except far
<br />SECURED DERI this deed tilt t SeLaffes to Lunder renic, men Of the Sallied and tile pclomance of the coveralls d' n
<br />contained In this deed of trust and in any otter docunnan meal orated threat Secured &IST as sed In holy deed of TIME, Indudu any ancounts
<br />Ilorr rarer . : to Larder m der this deed Of rust or under a y hill ounces secured by thus deed of utrz hind all a tdreae o, extensions and
<br />The aewrJ debt is widenecd by (List all inshuments and at, menu su'ured by Tees duct of wmr and the Nnec thereof)
<br />®APROMMORY NO[ I ANJ:i1(1rllA AC111.ISMLNI DAII1DfIb^3Rtlp?.
<br />® I more adva : 1Le ahuv ant is secured reach Though all Or pa of it may not vet be ads Lanced Poture advances arc
<br />contemplated Said., Abe secnmd to drcsaine extent if mule on the date of this deed of trust Is exewted.
<br />❑ Itewtivi e tin of urudit a un WeLLl witM1 initial annuxl interest rule of
<br />All amounts owed under this aFrernenr are sccurcd even though all amounts may not yet he dvon -iol f otore advance under
<br />tm UarCLJIICFLL ere cunt.ainla¢d and w If be SLCUrd m dm same extern as if in ode on the date this dead of trust is executed,
<br />lfie above obligation Is dun and payable on Aucost 07, ?001 Lnot paid earlier.
<br />Tire total unpaid hahance .scoured by this decd of trust at any are Lillie Nhall ram ex eed a maximum principal around of Sn 29h 10, dus
<br />interest, plus any amounts disbursed under the terms of this deed of trust to forest the secnab of this deed of trust arm PLT1rm any of the
<br />ceents conchs ed in this deed oftrust, with interest on such disbu ouneaus.
<br />�Vruariabte Rate: Ilie interest are nn the obligation secured by thus dud oflnrst ITIRS kJrY HoLoLding to the terms ofthat obhiSarion_
<br />A copy Lithe loan agreement containing the terms under which the interest rate any vary Is crushed in this deed of chat and
<br />node a part hereof.
<br />Pursuant to the Farm Homestead Protection Act, d SIESSL hen of bnnmeruad iDuachud ut this (lead I (trust and made a part heaoflms
<br />IT been dOellsimuf, the disclaimer is attached to this card at trust and madea pad hereof
<br />FIONA'I'IIL Y IS) Signing IN 01 is, Borrower agree to the terms and rams onarmined In this ([tell I trust, including those on page
<br />2, and in It r$ Ell ibc� me signed by Dori ower.
<br />r , a �T.
<br />.OHN ViY V'DEM1I, \X - l/� LAVONNEE AN
<br />IlieGne nsbttmentw acknowl ecged before me on IF25r1001
<br />gnrngi ...
<br />Ry JOHN' W BUMAN and LAVONNE EBUp1AN. Ht W II9'.
<br />Ax commission expires :Z r,YY C�1.3
<br />PATSYAK 0111510
<br />W Uma. Dr. Apill 24, M
<br />