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200207201 <br />(h) Landers Pmvcrs wirbnut al ending the liability of are other person liable for (lie sets mentof <br />any Obligation herein mentioned, and elders affecting the lien or charge of this Decd of Trust upon any portion of <br />the Promor riot when or theretofore released as a secivny for the full amount of all unpaid obhpnlons, Lender Enay. <br />from time to time and without notice, (D release mpg person se liable, Qi) extend the maturity or alter any of the <br />terms of any such (bhgett ns, (]it) giant other indu(grncea, (iv) release or r cause to be released or <br />rvey. or ca <br />evad at any time at Lender's option any pdraLl_ millon or of the Property (v) take a Idouse any other ot <br />document securA for o ray obligation herein mentioned, or (vi) Indic compositions or other an ends with <br />debtors Ili elation torero. <br />(c) Fulbemmnce by Lender Nor a Warvcu Any forbearance by Lender id exercising any right or <br />minters disturber or alorskiic affordedhi aploable Ili, shalliot lie a matter of or recluse texercise ufam. <br />such fight or remedc_ the procurement of InmraneC or the Onruc t of taxes of utter liens or charges by Lender <br />shall nor be a waiscr of Lender's riu hit o into lcrate Ilre maturity oftl IC indebtedness secured by this Deed oC'I'msl <br />(d) Successors and Asdggs Round. le' t and Several LlsbiGw Captions . The covenans and <br />ants humin tontalned their land, and the rights hereuddershol inure to, the respective successors and assigns <br />,if L,n ter <br />of isnder and Tnumr. All J and ag rile of nvenie ce o ly an r and se, east. The, interpret and <br />heardin6s of the paragrcphs of Ihu�Ued of Trust arc for convenience only and arc not be he used m interpret nr <br />define the pros Lsron, humus <br />(c) Request for Notices. I fie parties hereby requesrthat a copy or any nulne of default hereunder <br />and a copy of env notice of sale hereunder be mulled to each parry ro this Decd of Trust at the address set forth <br />above in the reorder prescribed by applicable Lae. Fscepl for any other notice required under applicable law to be <br />tch tiddler manner. any notice provided for in th'u Deed ofTust shall be elven by mailing such police by cer- <br />lrfied mail addressed to the other patties, at the address set forth above. Arty 1101 ICU provided Pot in ibis Decd of <br />'I rust shall be effectbC radio mailing in the manner designated herein. IF I rusher Is mom than one persmt nor 'me <br />sent to the address sot forth above shat I be 'lot 'cc to all such persons. <br />(U In strati, nn. Lender may make. or cause to he made, reasnnahIu c di my upon and inspections <br />of tile Propmy, provided that Lender she I R is e Timor notice prior to any such Inspection Ode ifying ieasonahIc <br />cause therefor to cold to Lender s interest in the Property. <br />(g) Foe(AinsCilance . Upon Payment ofall sums secured by this Deed of'I rust Lender shall requet( <br />Trustee to recourses the Pothook and shall surrender this Deed of hest and all notes n9erencing Indebtedness <br />lecurcLil by this Deed ofTnut to I inside. I mdmc shall rccenvey the Property without waramy and .without charge <br />to the person or persons legalk entitled thereto Truster shill pay all coats of recordation, if any <br />(lh) Personal Propene_ Security AFrnL oma[. As additional mcunw for the payment of the Note <br />Trustor hereby gran L. der, under the Nebraska l.nifterm Commercial t stela t eat In all fixtures. <br />cytdpment and other personal property used in connection with th real estate or improvements located blotted end <br />t otheeSC declared or dcemd to be a part oi'the teal rule secured lerebv_ Not In41um Lnt shall he conshumd <br />s a Security Agreement undersold Code, and the Lender shut have all the right and remedies of a secured pate <br />under said (not In addition to the rights and remedies created Linder end acuordcd the Lender puisuarno this Decd <br />ofTrust, provided that Lenders ri thus and remedies underthis paragraph shall be cumulative with and in no way o <br />limhatron on. Lenders title and rcmcdoes under line other security ngrccmrnt signed by producer or Dollar. <br />( I) 1,cars and Encumbrxncue 'I rwlor hereby n <br />w an ales and mill that there F e default <br />under the provisions of any mortgage dead of trust, lase or purchase mnnurt describing all or any part of the <br />limeny. or other contract, insti ument or agrecmnr conlonjor g a lien or eneranbranea arsonist all or any part of the <br />Property (collectively, , I.runs I existing us of the date of this Deed of'I'rust and that any and Lill existing Liens <br />Purvin nodifld cxcCpt as disclosed to Lender In imswrs en iucn disclosure of hens and encumbrances provided <br />for herein, 'fluor shall hotly perform all of favor's obligations, covenants, representation and waroun ies trader <br />any: <br />and all emslins and future Llens, rude shall Rod lvithaut Lender's Prior erit2n consent in any instant modify Ile <br />provisions ofor al loo, caw 4uure udvanecv ruder any cxlstng or Ihwm Liens. <br />(j) AppllcdGen of Payments. Unless otherwise required by law, sums paid to Lender hereunder. <br />Including, without hmitatioa payments of principal and mores, . insurance preened. eoodemumlnn Premeds and <br />ants and profits, still] be applied by Lender to the amounts due end owing from hi sor and Rorrowwcr in such order' <br />as Lender in its sole d'uctetian terms desirable. <br />(k) Sevcrabilih. It any provision of this Ucd of l'nut conllics with folk bit IRw o <br />declared invalid or 01110" -lie a enforceable, such conflict or invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this <br />laced of Lust or the Note which can be given effect without the COul lcting provision, and to this end, the <br />provolone of this Deed at Trost and the Note at declared to he LA croblc. <br />ID Ternrs. Thn corms "Truster "and "Rorrtheer'shall include built singular and plurel, and .when <br />the Tmemr and Ronowerarc the same person(s)_ those terms as used in this Uced of tuns[ shat he Interchangeable. <br />(ill) (institute I use This Ded of Trust shall be governed by the lees ul the state of Nchraska. <br />
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