<br />hereby before such paymem Baer look place. Any application of proceeds to indebtedness shall not extend or
<br />postpone the due date of any paymem under the Noll, or Cone any default thereunder a hmemder_
<br />s_ Gscrolle Spun ortlen demand by landcr, Tmstor shall pay to Lendcp In such mainim if Lender may
<br />des -ihate sufficient sums to enable Lender to pry as they become Lane One or more rf the Grumping. (1) till nHes,
<br />a lid erts and other charges against the Property (it) the premiums on the property Inmrancc required hereunder,
<br />n (11h the premiums on any mungage hrsurancc required by Lender.
<br />6. Maintenance. Reaches and Compliance with Laws. 'finewr shall keep Ilse Property In gaud cmditiun
<br />and repair. shall prompay repair or replace. any improvement which may be damaged or destroyed'. shall not
<br />commit or permit any waste or deterioration of the Pioperry, shall not remove, demolish or substantially alter any of
<br />the lm provements on the Property; shall not commit, suffer or permit any act w he dune in OF upon the Property in
<br />violation of any law, ordinance or regulariom and shall promptly discharge at Truaral s cost slid expanse all Gene
<br />erne OFF hrances and charges levied, imposed or assessed against the Property or any part thereof
<br />7. Emment Domain. Lender is Torahs nralgned all compensation_ asysvdr, damages and rthc paymens Or
<br />Quit tracinart, Proceeds "tin connection with condemnation or uhenaking pflhe Prupeny Or pan thereof or
<br />fm cunveyanee in lieu of condemnation. Lenders shall be entitled at its option to commence. appear in and prosecute
<br />m its rich name any action or pr ceedings, and nhed also he entitled to make any compromise or settlement in
<br />tonnoccrol with inch eking or damage In the event tiny portion of die Property Is Coo liken or dumalted, bender
<br />Chad have the option. It ill sole and absolu2 dacrenrq to apply all such Proceeds_ after deducting dmrcfrom all
<br />toots and expenses Incumd it it in connexion wltllsurn Proceeds, upon any Indebtedness secured herby and in
<br />such order as Lendenoay determine, or to apply all such Pmceeds, after such deductions, to the restoration rftle
<br />Pmpony upon such conditions as Lender ru e determine. Noy application of Proceeds m indebtednem shall nut
<br />extend or pntpone lhr due dam of any payments under the Note. or cure am' default thereunder or hereunder. Am
<br />mnappli ad funds shall be paid to Trmmr.
<br />8. Performance by Lender I poll the occurrence of an Fvamof Default hereunder, or ifany act is taken or
<br />nil prneeeding commenced. which materially Tribes Lenders Inleresl In the Properly, Lender n ay II i its u a
<br />d¢aalIon, Mitt without obligation to do s0 and without notice to or deumnd upon 1 mxtor and sahout releasing
<br />Trusmr from tiny obligafum, do airy act which Trutor has spiced but fads to do and may also do any other act it
<br />decors necessary to protect the security hereof Tusra shall, immadidely upon denked Therefor by Lender, pay to
<br />Lender all costs and expehucs Inhumed and sums cspended by Lender in connection with the exercise by Lender of
<br />the frregrhtp rightc together wllh interut thereon or the default rate provided in the None, winch shall he added w
<br />the indebtedness seeureLI hereby. Lender shall not Iran any Iiabilic because of anything it may do or omll to do
<br />hmcmnolm.
<br />9. Hazardous Materials_ Trusmr slndl keep the Property OF oompllanee with all applicnble Raps.
<br />ordieaness and regulations rclatingto industrialhygiene or environmental protection (collectively referred m herein
<br />is "lovironmemal Laos ). Trusmr shall keep the Nopnry ficc from all substanc s doomed to be hazardous or
<br />toxic Lan' any I noinairlicnal Laos (ollexhek ref ereln ea lic/andoul Malerialk 'J. 11uslor hereby'
<br />narmnhs and rcprcecnK to I order that ihcl'c arc no Hazardous Materials on or under the Property. I roster herby
<br />rinoter to L denmlly Lind hold harinfless hinder_ its dilchors, officers. onliplkees and agent rs m
<br />binders Interest, from and agetmt any and all simile, t anagere losses and liabilities Consume ill connexlom with the
<br />Presence, e dLsPOaII OF Iransprn of anno Ilazerd alF Materials oil, trader, froon or uhnit The Prupeny. "IIIL
<br />10 ANtranient of Rents Tmstor heeby assigns to Lender the renm, issues and crops of LILT Pmperts,
<br />provided that Trusmr shall, until the occurrence of Con Event of DchWIL hereundem have the right to when and
<br />retain mh rents, issues und profits is ibex be t e due -lid payable. I Pro tile OcIriffealVe of Lill Lvcrt of Default,
<br />Lender may, either in person of by agent, with or widtout bringing any action or proccediniT or by are
<br />applarried by : n rl n d wll n rep .I C the nd,gI of is s hr I r poi and take pos of the
<br />Property, r any part thereof In is n n then e of the Trustee and do Los, ohichrIt deems
<br />ILCLCssdIC 01 'able to pooOve the aile hakembITS- or rellamlin, Of thePropeb, OF shy part Tricot.o
<br />interest Iherem, k . e the h lie rlimefmu, or protect the se Tray thereof; and, with o without eklnu,
<br />III pf file P I one ITT, or oilitroo u -011er, lilt ank, i. ,htl profits theef, rucludinIg those past
<br />due and unpaid. and apply the same, less costs and expenses of operation and collection including attorney's fcce_
<br />upon Coq - indebtedness scmncl hcrchy. all In Inch order au q antler may determine. 'flee entering upon and eking
<br />possession of the Property_ the collection of such rents, issues and profits and the application mewl as aroresanot
<br />shall not cure m panic ry default or nonce of delvnit hereunder or invzlidme any Coe done to response to such
<br />Islands or puRUant to such notice of ddaalt and, nr i' thstrndiug the Crnbnaanee In possession of the Property Car
<br />tbn rnuradrn, Lcaaipl aria apphcatlrn rf renls, iaanel rr prrfity aLld Triaiea inn Lehiber rlinn he entitled to exercise
<br />every right ionsided for herein or by law upon of any Is t of Default. including wlthom limimtian the
<br />right m exercise the power of sale. Turner. Lenders I�rsts; and remedies undo Ihle puragmph shall he mimuladvc
<br />With and in ru way I Iinlinntiun on, Lenders rigilts end remedies under any assignment of Isaacs radicals recorded
<br />h the Pmpm, I,md.7_ Tom¢ and the uuant shall be liable to allomll only for Tree rents naua Es
<br />lauved_
<br />Dveisof Default Ilse follmving shall constitute an Event of Default under thia Decd of Trust
<br />