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KNOW At L MEN fly TI IEEE PRESENTS: <br />THAT WHEREAS, all of I110 Itrdabbdnm3 aeoned by the peal of Taal a a lall by <br />JASON R IIIESE S MACKENZIE I KORTZ EACH SINGLE PERSONS <br />to BANK OF LONIFRAN J totaled lot Ilia <br />Lene0l of RANK OF DONIPNAN P 0 BOX 27 DONIPHAN NE <br />Ilia <br />SoragolRry Fal Iheraln dead DEC 22 2001 all reooWod JAN 7, 2002_ be be o111cu of re <br />Oahe et of Pead3 of HALL _ (1011111y, RERRASKA_ 111311 allent _ Nn. <br />0200200183 0l Iba Lml Dead nal of and 000nly Iaa hall Auld, and oald danannley Ile. equaamG m wlluno Ihet Ina <br />Prod Of Heooway e'd be axecolad and denoted <br />NOW TI It III in E, 111 owell of m all paymmll amt Inn Aurd"l oo µl111 the egouel of Ilia rLoondclary Barr--, Inaren. lbe <br />nJmelpnml ee In Mea (1008 by Und a pte ante, pant, 0111100 Oleo and m vay to Ilia pa or olded Ihmelo all Wn <br />lulelaal and eslata dulbad to Rohl Tn101ee by orllimglh add D,ad of NOW Id Ilia following daaelbad properly <br />LOT THIRTEEN (13), JEFFREY OAKS EII= SUBDIVISION, IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLANN, <br />HALL WUNI NEBRASKA. <br />TOCEIR HER WITH At I_ bulldings, gxlees, tlnpmvaments and eppwmnmwoe bol oging to mall ranlla <br />DAIED JULY B, 200.2_ <br />/ All <br />JE RNELIUS, T VICE- PRRS10TNT- <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF PLANT. - f lea. <br />On I16 0TH day 01 JOLY_ 20022 pelota 1110. 1110 Imdotalunad, a baldly Pnb11n In and for eald <br />moba. peeeonelly appemad JEFF T CORNELIUS, ASST VICE PUS. BANK OF VONIPHAN P 0 BOX 270 DONIPHAN NE 681 <br />Rnmil In me known to no the bee deal pmaon trained in and who oxorolod 1110 auguloy Inelratio 1, end acknowledged Ibet ho <br />axeuuleJ lie 0000 a3 1113 vOlnnlory Act and dead. <br />GFNEIWL R., yStan of Nehruka i v pw, r i0 1. <br />JON A.11 TH <br />'sue Ny Camm.EMJanA.2003 <br />m <br />M 1 <br />Ilia <br />N <br />y <br />O <br />rn <br />CD <br />C <br />\y <br />R <br />N <br />s <br />200207202 <br />i <br />e <br />Ian 1 <br />Aaaaa um uoa I lmaaennla 11.1.1 <br />DEED <br />OF RFCONVEYANCE <br />KNOW At L MEN fly TI IEEE PRESENTS: <br />THAT WHEREAS, all of I110 Itrdabbdnm3 aeoned by the peal of Taal a a lall by <br />JASON R IIIESE S MACKENZIE I KORTZ EACH SINGLE PERSONS <br />to BANK OF LONIFRAN J totaled lot Ilia <br />Lene0l of RANK OF DONIPNAN P 0 BOX 27 DONIPHAN NE <br />Ilia <br />SoragolRry Fal Iheraln dead DEC 22 2001 all reooWod JAN 7, 2002_ be be o111cu of re <br />Oahe et of Pead3 of HALL _ (1011111y, RERRASKA_ 111311 allent _ Nn. <br />0200200183 0l Iba Lml Dead nal of and 000nly Iaa hall Auld, and oald danannley Ile. equaamG m wlluno Ihet Ina <br />Prod Of Heooway e'd be axecolad and denoted <br />NOW TI It III in E, 111 owell of m all paymmll amt Inn Aurd"l oo µl111 the egouel of Ilia rLoondclary Barr--, Inaren. lbe <br />nJmelpnml ee In Mea (1008 by Und a pte ante, pant, 0111100 Oleo and m vay to Ilia pa or olded Ihmelo all Wn <br />lulelaal and eslata dulbad to Rohl Tn101ee by orllimglh add D,ad of NOW Id Ilia following daaelbad properly <br />LOT THIRTEEN (13), JEFFREY OAKS EII= SUBDIVISION, IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLANN, <br />HALL WUNI NEBRASKA. <br />TOCEIR HER WITH At I_ bulldings, gxlees, tlnpmvaments and eppwmnmwoe bol oging to mall ranlla <br />DAIED JULY B, 200.2_ <br />/ All <br />JE RNELIUS, T VICE- PRRS10TNT- <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF PLANT. - f lea. <br />On I16 0TH day 01 JOLY_ 20022 pelota 1110. 1110 Imdotalunad, a baldly Pnb11n In and for eald <br />moba. peeeonelly appemad JEFF T CORNELIUS, ASST VICE PUS. BANK OF VONIPHAN P 0 BOX 270 DONIPHAN NE 681 <br />Rnmil In me known to no the bee deal pmaon trained in and who oxorolod 1110 auguloy Inelratio 1, end acknowledged Ibet ho <br />axeuuleJ lie 0000 a3 1113 vOlnnlory Act and dead. <br />GFNEIWL R., yStan of Nehruka i v pw, r i0 1. <br />JON A.11 TH <br />'sue Ny Camm.EMJanA.2003 <br />