<br />Loan Nn: 31386 200207181 (Continued) Porke 8
<br />Noncommunist Laws. The words "Environrrental Level mean any and all slate, federal and local statutes, regulations and ordinances
<br />relating to the prosecutor of human health or the anmmnmenp Including without (imitation Iles Comprehensive Envionmental Response.
<br />Competa lion, and Uablllry Act of 1960, es. amended, 42 U.SoC Section 861 at seq. (^CERCLAS the Suparfund Amendments and
<br />Spectrometer Act of 1986 Pub. L. No 99 -099 ('SAM'), the Hazardous Materials Transportation AN, 09 U.S.C. Section 1801, at sag,, the
<br />Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 02 U.5.C. Section W01, at seq., or other applicable state or federal Imes, miss, or regulations
<br />adopted pursuant Theme.
<br />Evens of Default. The words "Event of Default mean any of the events of default set forth in this Deed of Trost in me events of default
<br />settler of this Deed of Trust.
<br />Customer. The word "Gr arainate means any guarantor surety, or accommodation perry of any or all of the Indebtedness.
<br />Gnaronty. The word "GUeranty' means the guaranty from Guarantor as Lender Inctuding without Innuendo a currents of all or pen of the
<br />Note.
<br />llauNOas Soberer . The words "Hazardous Suretanced mean materials that, b¢ause of their quantits, deferential or physical,
<br />chemical or hand bus characteristics, may cause or peso a present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly
<br />used treated, steed, disposed of generated, manufactured transported or erhemnse handled. The words "Hazardous Substances' are
<br />used in their very broadest sense and include without Ifirr n any and all resonance or toxic substances, meterll or waste ea defined by
<br />or listed under the Environmental Leas. The he" "Hazardous Substances" also includes, without limitation, peveleum and patmlaum
<br />by- products or any fraction thereof and asbestos.
<br />ft,hroodeseraft. The word "Impm rents " me all wirong and future improvements, buildings, structures, mobile homes affixed on the
<br />Real Property, federal eddirms,vroplacenrente and ether construction on the Real Property.
<br />IndeMetluets. The word "Indemedress" means all principal, Inlerver and other amounts , costs and expenses payable under the Note or
<br />Red led Documents, together with all renewals sl, extensions of, modifications of, consolidations of and substrutore for the Note or Related
<br />Contractor and any a unit expanded or advanced by Lender to discharge Trustees olegations or expenses incurred by Trustee or
<br />Lender to entomb Thai obligations underthis Dead of Trust , toget herwith iaturalon such amounts as provided in the Deed of Twat
<br />Lender. The word "Londor' means Howard Counts Bank a branch at Sherman County Bank, its successors and assigns
<br />Nose. The word "Note" means the promissory note dated June 26 2002. In the original Principal mount Of $30,000.00 from
<br />Burrower to Tender, together with all renewals of extensions of, modifications el, refinancings of, consolidations or and rebounded for the
<br />promissory note or agreement The meturty date of this Deed of Trost is June 25, deal
<br />Removed Property. The words "Personal Property' men all equipment, 9xmrep and other attack of personal property now or hereafter
<br />caned by Truslsr, and now or hereafter atlachetl or affixed to the Real Property : together you all acceeebre, pans, and edditare to, all
<br />nonmembers of, and all subWitutions for any of such propery and together with all proceeds (including without limitation All insursncr
<br />proceeds and refunds of pmmm ms) from any sale or other dissociation of the Propemn
<br />Property. The word "Property means collectively the Reel Properly and the Personal Prop"
<br />Red Prnpi The words "Best Posters' mean the real property , interests and rights, as lusher described In the Dead of Treat.
<br />Related Documents. The words "Related Doeuewnts" men all pmnesory notes, credit agreements, loan agreements, ormo mmeMel
<br />agreements, guarairl security agreements, mortgages, deeds of trust, security deeds, collaloml mortgagee, and All ether Instrumented,
<br />agreements and documents, whether now or hereafter existing, executed In connection with the Indeblednince
<br />Rome. The word "Rene" means all present and future mots, revenues, Income, souse, royalties, profits, and other benefits derived from the
<br />Property.
<br />Toaster. The word'4mslee" means Shelton County Bank, whose address Is PO Box 503, Loup Gry, BE 66853 and any suflool or
<br />successor tm ee
<br />ete.
<br />4 o asl r The word Rus or' means Patna d Conn", Eugene A. Connelly, school B. Connelly and Edward P. Connelly.
<br />ITS TERMS.
<br />