<br />Loan No: 31386 200207181 (Continued) PaRe6
<br />(it) Won respect to all or any part of the Personal PropeM. Lender shall have all the rights and renrediw of a secured May under
<br />the Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code.
<br />koredware by Power of Sate. If lender elects to mrecbas by exercise of the Power of Sale herein contained Tender shall hours
<br />Trustee and shall deposit with Trustee this Dead of Town and the Note and Such receipts and evidence of expenditures made and
<br />secured by this Deed of Trust es Trustee may require.
<br />(a) Upon receipt of Such notes from Lander, Trustee shall cause to as recorded, published and delivered to Tlusear such Notice
<br />of Dolaml and Notice of sale AS men required by law and by into Deed of Trust. Trustee shall, Affaut demand on Montt, after
<br />such She as may then five reguhed by law and after recordation of Such Notiae of Defaun and after Nonce of sale hamng been
<br />given as required by law, hall the Property at the Saw and place of Sale fixed by it In such Notice of Sale, either as a often, or In
<br />separate Iota or parcels or dams as Trustee shall deem expedient, and in such order by it may detemine, at public auction to Me
<br />highest bidder for cash In lawful money of the United States payable tl the Ome of sale Trusle , will deliver to such purchaser or
<br />purchasers thereof his good and sull dent deed or deeds conveying the property so sold, but named any covenant or warrenry,
<br />express or Implied. The retools in Such Owed of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of the tiutMUlnees thereto Any
<br />appear including without IlMtatlOn Murder, Trustee, or Lender, may purchase at such sale.
<br />(b) As may be ing"Ityl by law, after deducting all costs, have and expenses of Tersne and of this That, including mares of
<br />evidence of her in connection Sunk sale, Tmstaa Shall apply the amounts of sale to payment of (i) all Sum expanded under the
<br />tenre of this Deed of Trust or under the terms of the Note not then repaid, including but not limited to accrued Inter ®t and late
<br />charges (II) all other sums than mcumtl M1ereby, and (iii) low remainder, It any, to Me person or parsons legally entitled thereto.
<br />(c) Trustee may In the manner provided by law postpone sale of all or any ponbn of the Prop opy
<br />RemMtM Not erll Trustee and Lender, and each of them, shall N argued to enforce payment and performance of any
<br />indebtedness or obligations secured by this Dead of Trust and to exercise all rights and powers untler this Dead of Trust, under the Note,
<br />under any of the Related Documents, or under any other agreement or any laws now or M1 aftw In fort's', noMdManding, some or all of
<br />such indebtedness and obligations secured by this Dead of Most may now or hereafter be otherwise secured, whether by mortgage, deed of
<br />trust plotlge, Ilea assignment or otherwise. Neither Me acceptance of this Deed of Trust not its enforcement, whether by noun action or
<br />pursuant to the power of sale or other powers contained In this Deed of Trust shall prejudice or In any manner after Trustees or Lender's
<br />right to reallSe upon or Sol any other security row or hereafter hold by Trustee or Lender, R berg agreed that Trustee and la n ll and
<br />each of them, shall be entitled to enforce this Dead at Treat and any other security row or hereafter held by Lander or Trustee in won order
<br />and m s they o either of them may in their weaken dlaidGi determine. No remedy centered upon reserved m Trustee or
<br />Lenders s intended to do exclusive of any other remedy In this Deed of That or by law provided or pornowd, but each shell be creature
<br />and shall be in addition to every other remedy given in Mis Dodd of Trust or now or her earller shall at law or in ago" or by Statute, Every
<br />pow reedy given by the Note or any of the Related Documents to Trusloe or Lander or to which ether of them may N otherwise
<br />entitled may be a worsed concurrently or Independentlym me , Im ti to May and es often as may be demand expedient by Trustee or Lander,
<br />and either of them may pursue Inconsistent rmrediss. Nothing in this Deed of Trust SM1all be construed as pmhmiing Lender from aaekinga
<br />deficiency Judgment fall the Trusmr in the extent such action is per n.itied by law Elevtion by lender m pursue any ren * shall net
<br />elude pursuit of any other remedy, and an election to make expenditures or to lake action to perform an obligation of Truster under Mis
<br />Deed of Trust, error Trustors failure to perform, shall not affect Lander 'a right to declare a defauft and exercise N remedies.
<br />Requmt for Nu &e. Trustop on ponalf of Toaster and lender, hereby requests that a copy of any Notice of Default and a copy of any Notice
<br />of Sale under this Dead of Trust be mailed to them at the addresses set lonh in the first paragraph of this Deed of Trust.
<br />Attorney; Ii Radical n Lender mortutes any suit or action to enforce any of the nmx of this Dead of Trust, Lender shall be entitled
<br />to recover such sum as the court may adjudge reasonable AS Woman lees at trial and upon any appeal. Whether or not any court ecfion is
<br />Involved, and W the extent not published by It all reasonable expenses Lender rs that in Lender's opinion are necssmry M any time
<br />for the protection of its interest or the enforcement of as rights shall NOUN a pan of Me Indebtedness payable on demand and shall bear
<br />proper at me Note rate from IN date of the expenditure until repaid Expert covered W this paragraph hourly, without limitation,
<br />how subject to any limb under applicable law, Lender's attorneys fees and Lender's legal grammar, whether or not there Is a lawsuit,
<br />Including attorneys' k9e and expenses Our bookstall proceedings (including efforts to rtodify or years any automatic Stay or Injunction),
<br />appeals, and any anticipated postyudgmsnr conceal saMCas, the coal of screening records, obtaining tie reports (including mrecnsum
<br />reports), surveyors' report, and appraisal less, title insurance, and fees lot the Trustee, W the extent pemlhled by applicable IoW. Truster
<br />also will pay any court coats, In addition to all other sunn provided by law.
<br />Riten or Twtm. Trustee shall have LI of fee rights and dufws of Lender as tit forth In this section
<br />POWERS ERF AND OBLIGATIOSS OF TRUSTEE. The fallowing Governors relating to the powers and obligations of Trustee are pan of this David of
<br />Trust'.
<br />Powere oYErvslar. In addition in all powers of Trustee arising as a matter of law, Trustee Shall have the power to take the Following actions
<br />with respect to the Property upon the written request of tender and Truser'. (a) join in preparing and filing a map or also of the Real
<br />Property including the dedication of str W of other rights to Me public, (b) join in granting any saz ment or creating any restriction on the
<br />Real Prepare; and (c) join In any subordlnalloo or other agreement shooting mis Dead of Tons or the interest of Lender under this Destl of
<br />Trust.
<br />Trustee. Trustee shall meet all boathouses required he Trustee under applicable law. In Samoan TO the rights and remedies cel fort
<br />above, with respect to all or any part of the property Trustee Shall have the right It loreders by notice and sale, and Lander shall have
<br />the right to loresdam by judicial foreclosure, In either case In accordance with and to the full extent provided by applicable law.
<br />havnewo, Trustee. lender, at Lender's option, may from time to time appoint a successor Trustee to any Trustee appointed under this
<br />Deed of Trust by an in hu enl executed and acknowledged by Lender and recorded In the Office of the recorder of Hall County, Stet of
<br />Nebraska. The Instrument shall contain, In addition to all other maters required by state law, the names of the original Lender, TrvMa , and
<br />Thai the book and page (or computer system reference) where this Deed of Trust is operate, and the name and address of to
<br />successor trusser and the Nstmmont shall be executed and acknowledged by all the beneficiaries under the Deed of Total or their
<br />successors in Interest. The successor Vunee, without conveyance of the Property, Shall succeed to all the Lille, power, and duties conferred
<br />