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20020715(0 <br />North half of the Southeast Quarter (Nl /2SE1 /4) of Section Two <br />Township Ten (10) North, Range Twelve (12) West of the 6th. P.M,, Hall <br />County, Nebraska g (2)' <br />(NW1 /4SE1 4 and Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter <br />Right Bank )ofnNorthsChann Channel Two (2) Mainland, and Lot One (1) on <br />(32), Township Platt River, all in Section Thirty-Two <br />p Ten (10) North, Range Eleven 11) West of the 6th. P.M. <br />Hall County, Nebraska. ( <br />Lots No. 1, 2, 6 and 7, in Section 4, Township 8 North, Range 14, West of <br />the Sixth P.M., Buffalo County, Nebraska, and lands accreted thereto, <br />Excepting Therefrom These Lands: A tract of land located in said Lots 6 <br />and 7, containing 23.86 acres, more or less, and also a tract of land <br />accreted to said Lots 6 and 7, containing 62.14 acres, more or less, which <br />was deeded by the said John C. Hilty and Hattie M. Hilty as grantors to <br />the State of Nebraska as grantee, by a deed containing the description of <br />the land in metes and bounds, which was dated March 19th, 1962, and <br />recorded upon March 30th, 1962 in the Deed records of the Register of <br />Deeds of said County in Book 178, at Page 589, including 138 acres, more <br />or less. <br />AND the following described real property located in the County of <br />Sherman, State of Nebraska: The Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) of Section <br />Twenty (20) and the Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4) of Section Seventeen (17), <br />except the tract conveyed to the State of Nebraska, by deed recorded in <br />Book 47, Page 274 of Deed Records of Sherman County, Nebraska, and except <br />tract conveyed to the State of Nebraska by Warranty Deed recorded August <br />16, 1972, in Book 55, Page 352 of Deed. Records of said County, all in <br />Township Thirteen (13) North, Range Fourteen (14) P.M. <br />Sherman County, Nebraska. West of the 6th. <br />