<br />Unless otherwise agreed in writing, m
<br />all insurance proceeds shall be applied to the restoration or repair of the Property or m
<br />the Secured Debt, whether or not then due, at Beneficiary 's option. Any application of proceeds I.o principal sliall act
<br />cxtcvd or poster a die due dam of du scheduled p end nor change the vnount of any payment. Any excess ill be paid
<br />ym w
<br />tour damage . if the Pmgay' re (e ac ui ition soiary, 'ss to icier to any insurance pthe es and Proceeds resulting
<br />a
<br />from damage ui the Properly before the acquisition shall pass to BrnoEdxry m the extent of We Secured DffiI munWialdy
<br />before the acquisition
<br />20. ESCROW FOIL TAXIS AND INSURANCE. Unless otbenvisc provided in a separate agreement. Tooter will nod be
<br />required to pay to Ilaicftciary Nods for taxes and insurance in escrow.
<br />21. FINANCIAL REPORTS AND ADDITIONAL. DOCUMENTS. Turstor will provide to Beacfivary upon request, any
<br />financial sNancad or information Beneficiary may deem reasonably necessary . Trustee agrees to sign, deliver, and file any
<br />additional docvmaaa or certifications that Btudiciary may consider necessary to perfect, watiaue, and prmerve Grantor's
<br />obligations under Ibis Security Insdmmcnd and Benenmary's lien status on dhc Properly.
<br />Ihis Scarcity Instrument nmjoinl and individual. II "Duster signs this Security Iustrumem but does not Siva an evidence of
<br />debt, 'Ifirsmr does so only to mortgage 'Ouster's hucresd in the Property to secure payment of the Secured Debt and
<br />Trnslor does not agree n be personally liable on the ,Sttv[ed Dchi It this Stearn Instrument secures avguaranty Between
<br />llenefi 1nIr and or any party agrees m waive he obligation that nay prevent Bm may Gore but are not action or, any
<br />against Truster or any Bony ws. 'toaster under time at Beriom Deese rights may i this Security brit are not tinned ex a y
<br />t
<br />i nodify or ma or m, change Laws. 'ter mr f [[its drat ll histfnry and nny pang en Nis bt w without tent nay extend,
<br />Such a h make any t release in dhc terms of this Security G Security li any evidence di alt ndibene is of cecurit.
<br />Such a change will not nbeach, (lie Sta from the demos of Nix Scavoty hawnmw. The ditties and benefits of Ihle Security
<br />Inewmcnl shell hind caul bntcht @c memxsma and nasigtm of "l'rusror and Beneficial,
<br />23. APPLICABLE LAW; SEVF.RAIDLITY; INTERPRE'TA'TION, 'Phis Security Instrument is governed by the laws of We
<br />jurisdiction in hich Beneficiary is locaa� except to dhc xuad otherwise required by the Taws of the jurisdiction where
<br />the Property is Locate. Ibis Security Instrument is complete and fully integrated . Tbrs Security Instrument may not be
<br />anoended or modified by oral agreement Any section it, this Swathe hsshumcnt, Attachments, or any agreement related to
<br />Life Secured ))chi that mndlicts with applicable Law will nod be cObeiive, unless that law expressly or impliedhy permits time
<br />vamp o w by wrnicn agreenicut. If any section of this Security Inatrumcm cannot lie reported according to is terms, [list
<br />section will be mrveM and will plural anuct the ur l the sing of the remainder of this Seeutlry [lie sections Whenever used,
<br />The singular shall include the plural and the plum) the soused t Thu captious and Incadi ter of the is Secs of this Semen.
<br />Instrument blue Is f as for wmerniis se only ands not to be used m interpret or define the demos of @h Security Instrument.
<br />l`Ilrn a of ILO Cs.¢CrCe In this SlC11IlIy IIIalNlaenl,
<br />U. SUCCESSOR 'TRUSTEE. Beneficiary, at Rene.Gciary option, may from time to little remove '1'rastee and appoint a
<br />successor Iretire without any other formality Ilona the dlcaignalion in ling_ the successor trustee, wMotor conveyance of
<br />the Property, shall succeed to all Ibe title, power and dunes Conferred upon fiction by this Security Instrument and
<br />applicable law.
<br />25. NOTICE. Bows otherwise required by law, an), ifolict shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class Emil
<br />to (he appropriate party's address on page I of this Security Iustmment, or to any other address esignated in writing.
<br />Notice to one trustor will be de nncd to he notice to all trusters.
<br />261 WAIVERS. Except to the extent prohibited by law, Tmstor waives all apprauunma and homestead exemption rights
<br />refuting to the Property.
<br />27. OTOER TURMS. If checked, the following are applicable m ddo Security Instrument:
<br />❑ Line of Credit. The Secured Uebd includes a revolving line ofaedd Provision. Although tie Secured Dcbt may be
<br />reduced to a zoo balance, [his Security Instrument will remain in effect until released.
<br />❑ ConstrIlObas Lean. 'ills Seercity Wslrummn[ scaures an obligation Incurred for Ibe crostructdmt of an improvement
<br />on dho Properly-
<br />❑ Fixture Filing. Tmslln goods to Beneficiary n security interest in all goods Ilmt Gander owns now or in the heard
<br />and that are or will become fixtures related to the Property ills Security hatmnient suffices as a finatmhtg
<br />stademcvd and any carbon, phomgraplic or other reproduction may be filed of record for purposes of Anicic 9 of the
<br />Uniform Commercial Colo.
<br />❑ Rldurs. the reversals and agreements of each of [lie riders checked below are ire rponaud into and supplement and
<br />a
<br />mend the bans of this Security instrument. (Cheek all applicable boxcil
<br />❑ Condominium Bider ❑ Planned Unit Development Rider ❑ Other ............ .. ....... .... __._.._._...........
<br />i AMllonal Terms.
<br />SIGNATURES: By signing below, 'I rusmr agrees In the terms and etve:ams wnlainW in this Security Im[mmern amt iv any
<br />at hadincents 'i' Too or also ack How Iedges i.,cipl of a copy el'this Security Iosimmenl Of the date stated on page 1.
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ................11.1 COUNTY OI HAIL......,,,.,.. .......,,,,.,..... .) ss.
<br />a.•40 Ilia instrument was acknowledged Samoa me this _. Hld,._. .. day of ........... AEW 109? _._.__. .
<br />by AHGENE Z IIIGPd AN, IIM „APPIEP PERSON ... .., .......... .... ... ....... .
<br />tmis u expert's 06062002 iS-
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<br />a.•40 Ilia instrument was acknowledged Samoa me this _. Hld,._. .. day of ........... AEW 109? _._.__. .
<br />by AHGENE Z IIIGPd AN, IIM „APPIEP PERSON ... .., .......... .... ... ....... .
<br />tmis u expert's 06062002 iS-
<br />p(pBBAkNpIARYStlk RlshtasAa d HEATH
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