<br />Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all Insurance ppr c Ga es
<br />ls shall he applied to We restoration or repair of We Property or to
<br />We Secured Debt, whether op wl Wcn due, at Knelieiary's option. Any application of proceeds to principal shall not
<br />extend or postpone the due date of the scheduled par yn ent ism change the amount of any payment. Any excess will be paid
<br />to the Glaser If the property is acquired by Beneficiary, To en,s right to any interpreter policies atilt proceeds resulting
<br />from damage to the Proprty before the acquisition shall pass to Beueficlary to We extent of the Secured Debt immediately
<br />before We acquisition.
<br />20. ESCROW FOR 'FAXES AND INSURANCE. unless otherwise provided in a separate agreement, 'Pmstor will not be
<br />reluhcd to pay In Beneficiary funds for taxes and insurance in escrow.
<br />21. FINANCIAL REPORTS AND ADDITIONAL. DOCUMENTS. Truslnr will provide to Berwiniary upon request, any
<br />fusnclel statement or 9nhamation practiciury, may From reasonably necessary. 'toaster agrees to sign, deliver, and File any
<br />additional document or certifications that Beneficiary may consider uectP ary to perfect, continue, and preserve Grantor's
<br />obligations under This Security Instrument and Beneficiory's tied status on the property.
<br />this Security Instrument arejoint am hudvidual. If Truslnr signs this Security lnnlwae7a but dues net sign an evidence Of
<br />debt, Pmstor does so only to mortgage Tlusem's interest in We Properly In secure payment of the Secured Debt and
<br />Pmstor does net agree In he personally liable on the Secured Debt. It this Sccuntyy Instrument secures a guarani) hclween
<br />Beneficiary and'I'rusmq 'fluster agrees m waive any right that rally prevent Beneficiary from bringing any action or court
<br />against 'louder or any party indebted under the ebliyyatiou. These rights may include, but are not Waited to, any
<br />ai- deficiche t -action Laws, Truster a that lCelicio and an party to this Security Immanent play extend,
<br />y s no Shies ref Y Par
<br />Such a t r take ill not change la the or from Of this Security Lemnos or any rddeTh of debt and its of th s cmoeut.
<br />Instrument a change will not release t the su from the tams of this roster d Benerew. The duties and heteflr of this Security
<br />Imlomom shall hold and benefit We successors and assigns af'Itusmr and Beneficial.
<br />13. APPLICABLE LAW; SEVERABILITY; INTERPRET'A'TION. 'ibis Security Instrument is governed by the laws of We
<br />jurisdiction i which Bcacficfary, is located, except to We extent otherwise required by We laws of the jurisdiction where
<br />the Property in located. This Security Insvumes is compinc and fully integrated. This Security Instmmcnt may not be
<br />ended or modified by orall agrcemcs. Any section in this Security lattmprom, anacbntrnls, or any agreupes related to
<br />drc Secured Debt Uml conflicts with applicable law will too be effective, unless that law expressly or implicitly permits the
<br />variations by written agreement if any section of this Security Instrument cannot be moneod according to its terms, [hat
<br />section will be severed and will not affect the enforceability of the remainder of This Security Instrument Whenever used,
<br />the singular shall include the plural and the plural the singular, The captions and headings of Wt suctions of this Security
<br />Bmtoment are for convenience coy and arc out to he used to iscipref or define the terms of this Security Insvument.
<br />Time is of We essence or this Security Instrument.
<br />24. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE. Beneficiary, at Beneficiary's option, may from (hue a lime remove Tordce and appoint a
<br />successor trustee without any Other Formality Won We desi matinn i writing Die successor border, without conveyance of
<br />du Property, shall succeed to all Bc file, Prover and Nunes couRaed upon Trustee by this Security Inrdomenl and
<br />applicable law_
<br />25. NOTICE. Unless o0urwise required by La s any notice shall be given by delivering It or by mailing it by Bet class mail
<br />to the appropriate party's address On page1 of this Security Instrument, or In any other address designated ht writing.
<br />Noliuc to one Imxtor will be deemed to be notice to all protons.
<br />26. WAIVERS. lixcept to the extent prohibited by law, 'Timor waives all appraisement and homestead exemption rights
<br />totaling to the property.
<br />27. OTHER TERMS. If checked, We follow Idea arc applicable to this Security lustrmuenb
<br />❑ Fine of Credit. The Secured Debt Includes a revolving the Of ordio prevision. Although Nu Secured Debt may be
<br />reduced to a zero balance, this Security Istrumen[ will remain in effcut until released.
<br />C Construction Lomb. 'f his Security Instrument secures art obligation incurred for the Conswction of an IMPnrvemem
<br />on the properly
<br />❑ Fixture Filing. fmstor grants oo Beneficiary a security adores( in all goods that Grantor Owns n m the future
<br />uw u
<br />and Flat are or will beenne I ems related to o clhe property_ 'I'Im- Security hmlmme[a suffices as a financing
<br />Statement and any carbon, photographic or other repnsl limn play be filed Of record for purposes of Article 9 of We
<br />Uniform Commercial Code.
<br />❑ Riders. The coveliums and agreements of each of the riders checked below arc incorporated into and supplement and
<br />&,lead the terms of this Security Instrument. [Check all applicable boxes]
<br />❑ Condominium Rider ❑ planed Unit Development Rider ❑ Other ..........
<br />_..... _..........._.____.___ -.
<br />U Additional Forms.
<br />SIGNATURES: By signing below, Truster agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Secondly lustrunus and in any
<br />attachments. 'I'msmr also acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Security Instmmes on We dale sated on page 1.
<br />SPA'PF OF Nf$PASKA ....... ....._ ........ 1.,,.,,,.11...1 COUN'I'V or HALL .............. ........._..................... I Las.
<br />n10nuu9t This instrument was acknowledged before me Wis .., ..... Alit. _. day of ___ _._.. tPU30W......... ..... ...
<br />..
<br />by AP4n4ZWCA$AN OMAPPI[P PEPSON .., ..... 11 My con ��Fifl4l'If�1�g12al Nehoshe
<br />JONA HEATH ... .........
<br />cP t mm. EMp Jan 9 2001 JON A W tnnwy tmetwl
<br />®1294 0.,4.r. s.t.. w .run tt boo t Farm acuT- r to� lY9e 4 of 41
<br />t9 ®wmaF AIIEENE Z. LUCAS
<br />fD9lo1
<br />(Seneaire)
<br />(Wtp
<br />SPA'PF OF Nf$PASKA ....... ....._ ........ 1.,,.,,,.11...1 COUN'I'V or HALL .............. ........._..................... I Las.
<br />n10nuu9t This instrument was acknowledged before me Wis .., ..... Alit. _. day of ___ _._.. tPU30W......... ..... ...
<br />..
<br />by AP4n4ZWCA$AN OMAPPI[P PEPSON .., ..... 11 My con ��Fifl4l'If�1�g12al Nehoshe
<br />JONA HEATH ... .........
<br />cP t mm. EMp Jan 9 2001 JON A W tnnwy tmetwl
<br />®1294 0.,4.r. s.t.. w .run tt boo t Farm acuT- r to� lY9e 4 of 41
<br />