<br />te
<br />B. All future advmmes from Beneficiary to Tmstor or other future Obligation, of Truster to Beneficiary under any
<br />promissory note, contract, guaranty, or other evidence of debt exceeded by persons in favor of Beneficiary CxCnled
<br />alter this Security hmtonmnt whether or not this Security Instrument is specifically referenced. It more than one
<br />person signs this Security instrument, cacti Tmstor agrees that Ibis Security Instrument will secure all future
<br />advances and future Obligations Nat are given to or incurred by m any one or more Trader, or any one or mom Truster
<br />and others. All future advances and other public obligations secured by this Security Indrnnont even though all
<br />or part may all Yet be advanced. All future advances and other future obligation am secured as it made on the date
<br />of this Security Instrument. Nothing in this Security Instrument Stull constitute a uoumnihucnt to make additional or
<br />future owns or advances in any amoma Any such co lunimrent must be agreed to at a separate writing.
<br />C. All obligations Truster owes to Beneficiary, which Only later arise, to the extent not prohibited by law, including
<br />bud art unite m
<br />d to, liabilities for Overdrafts relating to any deposit account agreeent between Trusdm and
<br />Bcncficiary.
<br />U, All additional sums advanced and expenses incurred by Beneficiary for insuring, preserving or otherwise protecting
<br />the Property and its value and any other sums advanced and expenses inured by netimary under the o rtes of this
<br />Security licamment.
<br />this Security Inslmilan d will not secure any other debt if Bcnefciary fails to give any terminal notice of Nc ride of
<br />rescission.
<br />5. PAYMENTS. Tmstor agrees that all payments under the Sc erred Debt will be paid when due and In accordance with the
<br />tees of the Seared Lid and this Security Instrument.
<br />ne WARRANTY OF TITLE 'Duster warrants (flat Tooter Is or will be lawfully seized of the estate conveyed by this
<br />Security Instrument and has We right to Irrevocably gran(, convey and sell the Property con Tos cc, in beer(, with power of
<br />sale Tester also warrants that the Property its unencumbered, exceptafor encem milers of record.
<br />7. PRIOR SECURITY IN'al!RESTS. Wien regard in any ether mortgage, decd of trust, security agonmvl or other lien
<br />document that created a prior security interest or enoduldrance on (he property, 'I medor agrees:
<br />A, I 'o mate all payments when due sell] to perform or eaard s with all covenants.
<br />B. to promptly deliver to Beuefleiary any notices that Truster receives from the holder_
<br />C. Not to allow ally modification our extension, of, nor to request any future advances wader any note or agreement
<br />secured by the lien document without Beneficiary's prior wri(mn consent.
<br />S. CLAIMS AGAINST TITLE. 'Imetor will pay all taxes, assessments, tiers, encumbrances, leave payments, ground rents,
<br />utilities, set other charges relating to the Property When due. Beneficiary may require '['odor m provide m Beneficiary
<br />W
<br />the P of all notices that soolr ms that are due std the receipts ithisSe Tmemn s Instrument Poster will defend title n to
<br />v
<br />the YupnY seem( any taints that would Impair the lieu of this Imakry Ply have t. against par agrees S assign m
<br />Beneficiary, as requited by prove tile any righre, elnhns or defenses '1'oslor nay have akainst panics who supply labor
<br />our materials m maintain our improve (hc Property
<br />9. DUE ON SALE OR ENCUMBRANCE. Beneficiary may, at its opplien, declare line entire balance of the Secured Debt to
<br />be OradediatNy due and payable upon die creation o]', or contract 1'or the creation of, any tin, encumbrance, transfer or
<br />Sale of the Property right is subject In the rw'Iri Lions imposed by federal law (12 C.0.R. 591), as applicable. this
<br />revelam Stull run with the Propcoy and strait renuia to effect man the SnurtW Debt is paid in full and this Security
<br />ImBURIent is released.
<br />10. PROPERTY CONDITION, ALTERATIONS AND INSPECTION. Poster will keep the Property in goal condition
<br />and make all repairs that am reasonably necessary. 'I user shall not commit of allow any waste, Impairment, or
<br />w
<br />deterioration re (hp acy mat a will will keep the Pchange free of noxious cis and grasses. Truster agrees that the
<br />nature of c rccepi nai anti tux will not vebaumlaBy change without Bcncficiarryy s prior riot written consent. ' x. Trustee tee not
<br />irafly any change o any deman, restrictive Ws, can our as rent without Incmfemry's prior written word. age to will
<br />notify Beneficiary of all demands, pmecedings, dainrs �und actions ngdust '1'rusmq and of any lose our damage w the
<br />Property.
<br />Beneficiary or ilndiciary's agents may, at BcucBdary'S option, enter (he Property at any reasonable time for the purpose
<br />of inmpw]ing the Property. Beneficiary shall give Tmstor notice at the dime f or before an insppcccdlnn specifyytag a
<br />masmuhle purpose for the inspection- Any inspection of the Property shall be anirely for llcnefiCUry's M1nufi( mud
<br />Tres ror will ill no way rely on Beucf ictary's inspection
<br />It. AU'1'DONITY TO PERFORM. It trustee fails to perform ally duly our any of the covenan]s contained in this Security
<br />Instrument, Beneficiary may, without notice, perform or cause (hem to be performed. 'fluster appoints Beneficiary as
<br />attorney in fact to sign Trostor's umnc or pay any coloum necessary for performance. Beneficiary's right m pedomm for
<br />Trurtur shall not create an obligation to poril and Beneficiary's fahn a to perform will nor preclude Beneficiary from
<br />exercising any of Beneficiary's other rights under the law or this Security Instrument If any construction on the Property
<br />is discontinued or not carried on in a reasonable manner, Bcncficiary, may take all steps necessary to protect Beneficiary 's
<br />security interest in the Property, iaelu ifing completion of the construction
<br />12. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS. 'fmamr irrevocably grants, conveys and Sells to Pratte. in trust for Np
<br />benefit of Beneficiary as additional security all the right, title and interest in and m any end all existing or future leases,
<br />subleases, and any otfier written or verbal agreements for the use and azupanty of any Portion of the Property, including
<br />any cdcauions, renewals, modifications or substitutions of such agreements (all referred to as "Leases ") and rtppals, issues
<br />existing and (all
<br />future I cas s. Irusterumay Correct, m,nreanlvepromptly enjoy ndruso he RC its so long man tarand isnot in tie sell under
<br />the curets of this Security Instrument.
<br />Trustor acknowledges that this assignment is perfected upon the recording of tl0s Deed of Trust and Had Beneficiary is
<br />entitled to notify any 01 toaster's tenants to ,take payment of Runs due our to become due to Bereficiay However,
<br />Beneficiary agrees that only on default will Beneficiary notify Truster and 'Prol s nuantS add nuke demand that all
<br />future Rems he paid directly to Beneficiary: On receiving notice of rehult, Tuslnr will endorse an] deliver to Beneficiary
<br />any payment I' Rents in 'I'noor's Possession and will connive any Reras is trust for Beneficiary and will not commingle
<br />the Rcros with any other funds. Any annouds collared win be warrants arpfiW as provided in this Security hm(mill(he Truster
<br />drat no default exists under the Leases or any applicable andlorettenam law. 1'mstnr also agrees to maintain and
<br />require any ]pant to comply Witt the tons d the Leases and applicable law.
<br />13. LEASEIIOLDS; CONDOMINIUMS; PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS. 'Duslor agrees to comply with the
<br />provisions of any tease if rids Security Ins(mmcnt is on a leasehold. If the property includes a unit h condominium Or a
<br />plamted unit development, Truster will perform all of Imotor's duties under the covenants, by -laws � u m
<br />or regulation of the
<br />condominium or pla recd and devempment.
<br />Owle, 2 of 41
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