A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section Seven (7),
<br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast comer of said Southeast
<br />Quarter (SE 1/4); thence westerly along and upon the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SE
<br />1/4), a distance of Four Hundred (400.0) feet, thence northerly, parallel with the east line of said
<br />Southeast Quarter (SE 1 /4), a distance of One "thousand One Hundred (1,100.0) feet; thence
<br />easterly, parallel with the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4), a distance of Four
<br />ILundred (400.0) feet to a point on the East line of said Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4); thence
<br />southerly, along and upon the east line of said Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4), a distance of One
<br />'I housand One Hundred (1,100.0) feet to the point of beginning.
<br />This reconveyance is made in satisfaction of the obligation secured by the Decd of Trust recorded in the Office
<br />of the Hall County Register of Deeds, as Document NO. 97- 110998, on December 31, 1997, pursuant to
<br />Nebraska Revised Statutes Section 76 -1014.
<br />Grantor excculcs this instrument as Trustee and is not to be held babe iu its individual capacity in anyway by
<br />mason of this instrument.
<br />Dl TESTIMONY WHEREOF, FEE STATE BANK OF CAIRO, has caused these presents to be executed by
<br />its president and its Corporate Seal to be affixed hereto this 31st day of May, 2002.
<br />The State Bank of Cairo
<br />ATTEST. _ I/ B��L Wj'l r
<br />Curf,,��s Baldwin Richard L. Heckman
<br />t.vCas e'�i President
<br />o q D
<br />The foregoing4iie aortal was acknowledged before me this May 31, 2002, by Richard L. Heckman, President
<br />of The State Bank, of Cairo, A Nebraska Banking Corporation, on behalf of the Corporation,
<br />EXERSLROTMPAdYimb 'w` Aao4^
<br />iavm eNnn9x
<br />W iam® EW W1kM
<br />9 C i
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<br />it Z
<br />M N ON
<br />_ ( Q
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<br />THE STATE. RANK OF CAIRO, A Nebraska Banking Corporation, Trustee and Grantor,
<br />in performance of
<br />said trust and by virtue of the power and authority given in and by such instrument, and
<br />in consideration of One
<br />Dollar and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, quitclaims and
<br />recomtys to DAVID SPIEHS and TAMELA SPIEHS, Grantee, the following
<br />described real estate (as
<br />defined in Nebraska Revised Statutes Section 76 -201) in HALL County, Nebraska:
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section Seven (7),
<br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast comer of said Southeast
<br />Quarter (SE 1/4); thence westerly along and upon the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SE
<br />1/4), a distance of Four Hundred (400.0) feet, thence northerly, parallel with the east line of said
<br />Southeast Quarter (SE 1 /4), a distance of One "thousand One Hundred (1,100.0) feet; thence
<br />easterly, parallel with the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4), a distance of Four
<br />ILundred (400.0) feet to a point on the East line of said Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4); thence
<br />southerly, along and upon the east line of said Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4), a distance of One
<br />'I housand One Hundred (1,100.0) feet to the point of beginning.
<br />This reconveyance is made in satisfaction of the obligation secured by the Decd of Trust recorded in the Office
<br />of the Hall County Register of Deeds, as Document NO. 97- 110998, on December 31, 1997, pursuant to
<br />Nebraska Revised Statutes Section 76 -1014.
<br />Grantor excculcs this instrument as Trustee and is not to be held babe iu its individual capacity in anyway by
<br />mason of this instrument.
<br />Dl TESTIMONY WHEREOF, FEE STATE BANK OF CAIRO, has caused these presents to be executed by
<br />its president and its Corporate Seal to be affixed hereto this 31st day of May, 2002.
<br />The State Bank of Cairo
<br />ATTEST. _ I/ B��L Wj'l r
<br />Curf,,��s Baldwin Richard L. Heckman
<br />t.vCas e'�i President
<br />o q D
<br />The foregoing4iie aortal was acknowledged before me this May 31, 2002, by Richard L. Heckman, President
<br />of The State Bank, of Cairo, A Nebraska Banking Corporation, on behalf of the Corporation,
<br />EXERSLROTMPAdYimb 'w` Aao4^
<br />iavm eNnn9x
<br />W iam® EW W1kM
<br />