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200207064. <br />UNIFORM COVENANT'S. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows'. <br />I. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrower <br />Shall pay when due the principal of. and annual nn, the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment <br />charges and late charges due under the Note. Bonowe shall also pay funds for Esurw items pursuant to <br />Section 3. Paymrnts due under lire Note and this Security Inslmrimnt shall be made In US currency <br />However, if any check or other Instrument re coved by Lender as payment under the Note or this Security <br />hutrnment x returned to Lender unpaid. Lender may require that any or all subsequent payment duc under <br />the Note and this Security Instrument be made in one or more of the following forms, as selected by Lender. <br />(a) cash: (h) money order: let xinifed check, bank check, heAullrelS check or oAshaor chock, provided any <br />such check IS drawn upon an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency. 'nature nl:dily, At <br />mine: or (d) Electronic Funds Transfer. <br />Pyyments ore dimmed received by Lender when received at the lueaion designated in the Note or it such <br />other laea5m as may be designated by Lender in accordance with the notice provisions in Section 15. Lender <br />may return any payment or prrial payment if the PuYnleut or partial payments are inauffiaent to bring the <br />Loan current Icnder may accept ally Payment Or partial Payment "importer to bring the Loan Parent, <br />without waiver of any agars hereunder or prejudice hi its rights to refuse such Payment nr partial payments in <br />W Ac e mn but Lender is sal obligated to apply such Payments at the time such payments are accepted_ It each <br />Periodic Payment is applied as of Its sehcdulel due date. them ICache need not pay IuWerl n unapplied <br />Funds. Lender may hold such mappled lands until Borrower makes puymeer m bring the Loan tcurrent. If <br />Burrower does not do SO widlin a rearmahle period of rule, Lender shall either apply such Hands nr return <br />them to Borrower. It lint applied earlier, such funds will be applied to the outstanding prindpal balance under <br />tire arch arche - arrinedrately prior In lorecloame. No offset I which Borrower mlyJ t my r in the <br />future AVaIdPt headed shall aloe B. r from making 1 ymenn due under the Note I taiz S CCU rity <br />Insrmment Or performing the covenants, and agreements secured by this security Instrument, <br />2. Application of Payments or Proceeds. E' pt as Chastise d I ed In this S rc 2 ll pay ne rts <br />accepted and applied d I y Lender Shall b.Applied In [lie follo • order of pretax: (a) Interest due under the <br />Note, (h) principal due ands the Note. (c) amounts doe mtdn Section 3. Suet] paymems shni he applied to <br />each Periodic Payment in the Order in which It became due Any ordinary amounts shall be applied first to <br />late charges, Second to any other amaama due under this security Instmment, and then to redraw the principal <br />balunec of the Note. <br />11 'Lender receives a payment frtnn Borrower for a delinquent Periodic Payment which Includes a sofficicnt <br />tint to Pay any title charge due. the payment mw be applied to the delinquent payment and the late charge. <br />it mum than one Periodic Payment is outstanding. Lender may apply any payment mmlvcd from Borrower to <br />the repayment of the Terrible Payment If, avd to the extent Nat, each payment can be paid in full. To the <br />extent Ihm a exists after the payment IS applied m the full Payment ur uric n re Periodic <br />m <br />Payments, sorb meacwamey he applied to any late ehkvgev dine. Voluntary prepayments shall be applied first to <br />any prepayment charges and then as described in the Note <br />Any application of payments, Mallaucc proceeds, or Miscellaneous Proceeds to principal due under the <br />Note shall not extend or postpone the due dime, or change the amount of the Periodic Payment. <br />3. Funds for Escrow Items. Borrower shall Pay to Lender on the day Penal is Payments are due under <br />dire Note, until the Note is paid In full, a sum (the "Funds ") to provide for payment of amounts due for. (a) <br />taxes and a eats and other items which e. attain priority over lace Security Instrument is I lien n <br />on t <br />umhrand on the Property; Ibl leasehold payments tin 5, a rent) m the Property. If tiny: (c) premiums <br />for any aced All insurance regalrvf r t Lender under ell of the end (d) Mortgage age Insurance premiums, if any <br />or y with bl b si err m Leda' 'I of the payment of Mortgage , - premiums <br />.cordere ney the perm n s Of Senor ad fir a called Fscmw LLen At Origination or d <br />any lime ts, it the term of the try Bo over, may ch buy that Cnmmunity Asaociall b Dues. Fes. and <br />riorro <br />Assessments, if any.. be esumwed by dall and sect dams, Pecs and e Peru uncle shall be an Escrow Item err <br />S all 1 Fu f 'sir Lender II I s u be p's d h section. B -- wet <br />Shall pay L ode the Funds Lead ❑ unless Lunde o - Obligation or to ply tl F or for <br />an , II mscr It Lends, p wave An obligee to pay to Lend Funds fort ny � r all v or <br />Fsc w Items at any time Any such w may only be in writing- In Ns, eves of such w -. Bortowet <br />elver ahwt <br />shall pay directly, n when and where payable, We amorous due for any n to Le der for which payment of <br />Ponds has been wuivwl by Lender and. er Lender squires, shell furnish m Lender receipts evidencing such <br />payment within suds time period as Lender rimy require. Borrowers oNiguGnn to make such payments and to <br />NEBRASKA - Single Family - Fannie MaelFretlEte Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />Form 3028 <br />F1111 I'S ( eoo)mcwss <br />OF rrvmn Page a of 19 Initials _ f rIx`/IN/h°tY, ' <br />
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