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200207061 <br />(F) "Properly" morns the property that is described below under The huadlnT "Transfer of Rights in the <br />Properly <br />(G) "Loan" means the debt evidenced by the Note, plus interest, any prepayment charges and late charges <br />due under the Non, and all sums due under This Security Insrrument plus interest. <br />(H) "Riders" means all Riders to this Security Instrument Choy are exenned by Borrower The followrom <br />lliderx arc to be executed by Borrower Icheck box o cpplcable] <br />Adjustable Rate Rider (OndUnal Fianna Rider Second Home killer <br />Balloon Rider H Planned Unit Development Rider 1 3 Family Ride' <br />&weekly Payment Rider Q VA. Rider <br />Q Others) (specifyI <br />(I) "Applicable Law" t all controlling applicable federal, state and Inert statures, regulations.. <br />ordinances and adminlstmtivc rules and orders (that have the effect of law) as well as all applicable final, <br />non appenablc judicial opiniois. <br />U) "Community Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments" m s all dues, fees, assessments and other <br />chmgra that are Imposed on Borrower or the Property by a condominium association. homeowners association <br />II S "El <br />roe PIC]Ia tIon. <br />(K) "Electronic Funds '1'ramfcr" morns any transfer of funds, other than a trannudion originated by checi <br />draft, m si r paper instrument, which is nlliawd though all cieeronle terminal, telephonic instrUmni <br />u mputh, III magnetic tape so as to Thee ineuvet or authorize a financial liOnattlon to dehit or credit an <br />account . Such term includes, but is not Roiled o, four Pit transfers, automated teller maebloe <br />ranmetions, transfers initiated by telephone, wire transfers, and auomated dcminghouse tmnsfers- <br />(L) "Lsemw Items" means those Items that are described In 5ominn 3. <br />(N) "Niseellaneans Proceeds" means any competsation, settlement, award of continues, or pmec:hs paid by <br />any third parr (ocher than Insurance proceeds paid under the cwemgcs described in Section 5) for (1) damage <br />To ur destruction of, the Property, (ii) condemnation or other caking of all or miy parr of the Prnpert y: (iii) <br />comayance in lieu of condemnation, or (iv) nusmpresemafmos of, or om'POOM its o, the value and /ur <br />mdlnon of the Property <br />IS) "Merheigeln9urance" means insurance protection Lender ugain,o the mmpaymem on, Or default on, the <br />Loan_ <br />(0) "Permdie Payment" means the regularly a(hwlulni amount due Poe (i) principal and interest under the <br />NuTe. plus (ii) vny nmounls under Sn'tion 3 of this Seourity Instrument. <br />(P) "RESPA" means the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (I2 TTSC §2601 or say.) and Its <br />implemenfmg regulation, Regulation X (24 CF R. Parr 3500), as they might be ummnded from time to time, <br />or POP additional ( .nr legislation or regulation that g c tiro a subject Inner. As used in this <br />Security lns onion na �RFSPA" refers to all reiuircmcnr, and erestrictions that are imposed In retrind ui a <br />"federally related n10ngage loan" won if the Loan does not qualify is a "federally related mortgage loan" <br />under ls-foi <br />(Q) "Successor hn Interest of Borrower" means ,ins party Nat has taken title to the Protects y. whether or not <br />hat p try has assumed Borrowers oblig uti(nx Units im the Noe and/or this Security huwnICJn <br />NEBRASKA - Single Family Fannie Mae /Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />Form 30291/01 <br />I'll FIIIII III ism) o <br />-TI TN sou aka Page 2of13 Initiels'.C—L& -maii <br />
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