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20024f060 <br />Vanosdall Softball Fields, Inc., GRANTOR, for and in consideration of One and No /100 <br />Dollars ($1.00) AND the merger of corporations, received from GRANTEE, Wayne Vanosdall <br />Sanitation Service, Inc., conveys to GRANTEE, the following- described real estate (as defined in <br />Neb. Rev. Stat. 76 -201) situated in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter <br />(S1 /2SW1 /4) of Section Twenty -seven (27), Township Eleven (11) North, Range <br />Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly <br />described as follows: <br />Beginning at the northwest corner of said South Half of the Southwest Quarter <br />(S1 /2SW1 /4); thence easterly along the north line of said South Half of the <br />Southwest Quarter (S1 /2SW1 /4) a distance of One Thousand Eight Hundred <br />Seventy -seven and Eighty Nine Hundredths (1,877.89) feet; thence deflecting <br />right 89 "58'40" and running southerly, a distance of Three Hundred Twenty -seven <br />and Fifty One Hundredths (327.51) feet; thence deflecting right 59 °33'57" and <br />running southwesterly, a distance of Six Hundred Fifty Four and Nine Hundredths <br />(654.09) feet to the northeast corner of the S1 /2SW1 /4SW1/4; thence deflecting <br />right 30 °48'56" and running westerly, a distance of One Hundred Six (106.0) feet; <br />thence southerly parallel to the east line of said SW1/4SW1 /4, a distance of Five <br />Hundred Eighty One and Ninety Two Hundredths (581.92) feet to the northerly <br />right -of -way line of Highway No. 34; thence northwesterly along said right -of -- <br />way line, a distance of Two Hundred Ninety Eight and One Tenth (298.1) feet to a <br />point 85' north of the south line of said Section 27; thence northwesterly along <br />said right -of -way line, a distance of Five Hundred Twenty-two and Twenty -two <br />Hundredths (522.22) feet to a point 130.1' north of the south line of said Section <br />27; thence deflecting right 83 °21'07" and running northerly, a distance of Seven <br />Hundred Fifty -three and Eighty Three Hundredths (753.83) feet; thence deflecting <br />right 88'15'01" and running easterly, a distance of Fifty Six and Seventy Four <br />Hundredths (56.74) feet thence deflecting left 88 °15'01" and running northerly, a <br />distance of One Hundred Ninety Five and Four Tenths (195.4) feet; thence <br />deflecting left 90'06'19" and running westerly a distance of Six and Eleven <br />Hundredths (6.11) feet to a point of curvature; thence running northwesterly along <br />the arc of a curve whose radius is 122.99 feet (the long chord of which deflects <br />right 09 °49'02" from the preceding course), an are distance of Eighty Two and <br />Twelve Hundredths (82.12) feet; thence deflecting right 19 °08'42" from the long <br />chord of the preceding curve, a distance of Seventy Two (72.0) feet to a point of <br />curvature; thence northwesterly along the are of a curve whose radius is 331.88' <br />(the initial tangent of which coincides with the preceding course produced), an are <br />distance of One Hundred Twenty One and Fifty Three Hundredths (121.53) feet; <br />thence deflecting right 81 °56'35" and running northerly, a distance of Seventy <br />Four and Sixty Four Hundredths (74.64) feet; thence westerly parallel to the north <br />line of said S1 /2SW1 /4, a distance of One Hundred Sixty Eight (168.0) feet to the <br />west line of said Section 27; thence northerly along the west line of said Section <br />27, a distance of Seventy Three (73.0) feet to the place of beginning, EXCEPT <br />Lot One (1), Desert Rose Subdivision in Hall County, Nebraska; <br />less and excluding: <br />10.50 <br />x n F, <br />M 2 D <br />T <br />D Z n <br />p <br />p i <br />Z <br />m <br />x <br />en a <br />s N <br />,n <br />r <br />(tA VK <br />cz)m <br />H <br />g <br />D <br />0. <br />O <br />ciZ <br />S <br />o <br />n <br />GO <br />CD <br />O <br />CD <br />- 0 <br />r <br />Q <br />K <br />WARRANTY DEED <br />20024f060 <br />Vanosdall Softball Fields, Inc., GRANTOR, for and in consideration of One and No /100 <br />Dollars ($1.00) AND the merger of corporations, received from GRANTEE, Wayne Vanosdall <br />Sanitation Service, Inc., conveys to GRANTEE, the following- described real estate (as defined in <br />Neb. Rev. Stat. 76 -201) situated in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter <br />(S1 /2SW1 /4) of Section Twenty -seven (27), Township Eleven (11) North, Range <br />Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly <br />described as follows: <br />Beginning at the northwest corner of said South Half of the Southwest Quarter <br />(S1 /2SW1 /4); thence easterly along the north line of said South Half of the <br />Southwest Quarter (S1 /2SW1 /4) a distance of One Thousand Eight Hundred <br />Seventy -seven and Eighty Nine Hundredths (1,877.89) feet; thence deflecting <br />right 89 "58'40" and running southerly, a distance of Three Hundred Twenty -seven <br />and Fifty One Hundredths (327.51) feet; thence deflecting right 59 °33'57" and <br />running southwesterly, a distance of Six Hundred Fifty Four and Nine Hundredths <br />(654.09) feet to the northeast corner of the S1 /2SW1 /4SW1/4; thence deflecting <br />right 30 °48'56" and running westerly, a distance of One Hundred Six (106.0) feet; <br />thence southerly parallel to the east line of said SW1/4SW1 /4, a distance of Five <br />Hundred Eighty One and Ninety Two Hundredths (581.92) feet to the northerly <br />right -of -way line of Highway No. 34; thence northwesterly along said right -of -- <br />way line, a distance of Two Hundred Ninety Eight and One Tenth (298.1) feet to a <br />point 85' north of the south line of said Section 27; thence northwesterly along <br />said right -of -way line, a distance of Five Hundred Twenty-two and Twenty -two <br />Hundredths (522.22) feet to a point 130.1' north of the south line of said Section <br />27; thence deflecting right 83 °21'07" and running northerly, a distance of Seven <br />Hundred Fifty -three and Eighty Three Hundredths (753.83) feet; thence deflecting <br />right 88'15'01" and running easterly, a distance of Fifty Six and Seventy Four <br />Hundredths (56.74) feet thence deflecting left 88 °15'01" and running northerly, a <br />distance of One Hundred Ninety Five and Four Tenths (195.4) feet; thence <br />deflecting left 90'06'19" and running westerly a distance of Six and Eleven <br />Hundredths (6.11) feet to a point of curvature; thence running northwesterly along <br />the arc of a curve whose radius is 122.99 feet (the long chord of which deflects <br />right 09 °49'02" from the preceding course), an are distance of Eighty Two and <br />Twelve Hundredths (82.12) feet; thence deflecting right 19 °08'42" from the long <br />chord of the preceding curve, a distance of Seventy Two (72.0) feet to a point of <br />curvature; thence northwesterly along the are of a curve whose radius is 331.88' <br />(the initial tangent of which coincides with the preceding course produced), an are <br />distance of One Hundred Twenty One and Fifty Three Hundredths (121.53) feet; <br />thence deflecting right 81 °56'35" and running northerly, a distance of Seventy <br />Four and Sixty Four Hundredths (74.64) feet; thence westerly parallel to the north <br />line of said S1 /2SW1 /4, a distance of One Hundred Sixty Eight (168.0) feet to the <br />west line of said Section 27; thence northerly along the west line of said Section <br />27, a distance of Seventy Three (73.0) feet to the place of beginning, EXCEPT <br />Lot One (1), Desert Rose Subdivision in Hall County, Nebraska; <br />less and excluding: <br />10.50 <br />O <br />N <br />p i <br />(tA VK <br />cz)m <br />S <br />CDR. <br />GO <br />CD <br />O <br />CD <br />- 0 <br />r <br />20024f060 <br />Vanosdall Softball Fields, Inc., GRANTOR, for and in consideration of One and No /100 <br />Dollars ($1.00) AND the merger of corporations, received from GRANTEE, Wayne Vanosdall <br />Sanitation Service, Inc., conveys to GRANTEE, the following- described real estate (as defined in <br />Neb. Rev. Stat. 76 -201) situated in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter <br />(S1 /2SW1 /4) of Section Twenty -seven (27), Township Eleven (11) North, Range <br />Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly <br />described as follows: <br />Beginning at the northwest corner of said South Half of the Southwest Quarter <br />(S1 /2SW1 /4); thence easterly along the north line of said South Half of the <br />Southwest Quarter (S1 /2SW1 /4) a distance of One Thousand Eight Hundred <br />Seventy -seven and Eighty Nine Hundredths (1,877.89) feet; thence deflecting <br />right 89 "58'40" and running southerly, a distance of Three Hundred Twenty -seven <br />and Fifty One Hundredths (327.51) feet; thence deflecting right 59 °33'57" and <br />running southwesterly, a distance of Six Hundred Fifty Four and Nine Hundredths <br />(654.09) feet to the northeast corner of the S1 /2SW1 /4SW1/4; thence deflecting <br />right 30 °48'56" and running westerly, a distance of One Hundred Six (106.0) feet; <br />thence southerly parallel to the east line of said SW1/4SW1 /4, a distance of Five <br />Hundred Eighty One and Ninety Two Hundredths (581.92) feet to the northerly <br />right -of -way line of Highway No. 34; thence northwesterly along said right -of -- <br />way line, a distance of Two Hundred Ninety Eight and One Tenth (298.1) feet to a <br />point 85' north of the south line of said Section 27; thence northwesterly along <br />said right -of -way line, a distance of Five Hundred Twenty-two and Twenty -two <br />Hundredths (522.22) feet to a point 130.1' north of the south line of said Section <br />27; thence deflecting right 83 °21'07" and running northerly, a distance of Seven <br />Hundred Fifty -three and Eighty Three Hundredths (753.83) feet; thence deflecting <br />right 88'15'01" and running easterly, a distance of Fifty Six and Seventy Four <br />Hundredths (56.74) feet thence deflecting left 88 °15'01" and running northerly, a <br />distance of One Hundred Ninety Five and Four Tenths (195.4) feet; thence <br />deflecting left 90'06'19" and running westerly a distance of Six and Eleven <br />Hundredths (6.11) feet to a point of curvature; thence running northwesterly along <br />the arc of a curve whose radius is 122.99 feet (the long chord of which deflects <br />right 09 °49'02" from the preceding course), an are distance of Eighty Two and <br />Twelve Hundredths (82.12) feet; thence deflecting right 19 °08'42" from the long <br />chord of the preceding curve, a distance of Seventy Two (72.0) feet to a point of <br />curvature; thence northwesterly along the are of a curve whose radius is 331.88' <br />(the initial tangent of which coincides with the preceding course produced), an are <br />distance of One Hundred Twenty One and Fifty Three Hundredths (121.53) feet; <br />thence deflecting right 81 °56'35" and running northerly, a distance of Seventy <br />Four and Sixty Four Hundredths (74.64) feet; thence westerly parallel to the north <br />line of said S1 /2SW1 /4, a distance of One Hundred Sixty Eight (168.0) feet to the <br />west line of said Section 27; thence northerly along the west line of said Section <br />27, a distance of Seventy Three (73.0) feet to the place of beginning, EXCEPT <br />Lot One (1), Desert Rose Subdivision in Hall County, Nebraska; <br />less and excluding: <br />10.50 <br />