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20. SECURITY INTEREST UNDER THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE. This Deed of Trust mall be cunaidered and be effective as a financing <br />statement and a fixture filing pursuant to the provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code las Accept In the state where the real properly B <br />located) covering gnurea, chattels, and articles of personal property no owned or hereafter attached to or m be nano Inc enact) with the <br />Properly together with any and all replacements thereof aid Ancho sWhereto The 'Cnerym h and Grantor hereby grange Lender security <br />Interest In such Cnettals. The debtor is the Grantor described above. This Deed OF Trust will be effective as a f.......a st heeled as <br />Inure fling with .p all fixtures included within tip tl. be rid for record an the real tt d, at each county where <br />any part of said premises Opposing d f .I d This Deed 1 T .t.n II also be effective as financing 1't ent covering any <br />Trost or of any financing statement reflatlnq to this Dead o1 Trust shall be said em as Carbon photographic Statement h reprthe I n of.M1he Deed et <br />n IM1is Para 9 all make for aura f the purposes tal.... d to <br />Paragraph. The secured party s he Lender described hove. upon demand Grantor shell make, execs and deliver or e siren security <br />To reenters ms such lean is defined �t aaid Uniform eommerwo coda) as Lender at any time they deem ceded t or proper or such required m ntaas as <br />t Lender of perfected ecuAry hereby m Ib. chattels, and upon eranmYe tame to do s0, Lender Is definomed m sign any ech ayreemer Code) <br />me agem ct Grainer. attahr t any ere, witho Lerner ig uIt re u[ Crg atur. Gems fat sum term Is AT n y In epee a nimrm st of L n el , eye <br />with spending to me Chattels, at any time, y all T the i signature el Grantor. such fine wag However, a any time the upon ng thus of at then peen <br />ceach ed, in the sraraionof Granter wit pay if rm Commercial fees ter the fling of tech fmf this statements of Tust b for me sling tnoref at times <br />asuirey in me opmmn of Lndeq a tam ny default r IF Code. N the lie of this right, eli of Trint es s bearer to any se tray agmemnt <br />mering Ins inherit, than In the edam of soy th,, neat ergo Dealt oa n de si s o pay tent and or he of Grantor in here la any and all or <br />predec s as hereby assgned m Lender, mercer them min, beam of any deposits or payments now or nertafter made thereof by Gmmor ,r <br />me predecessors or smcessors in one of Grantor in the Property. <br />21. REIMBURSEMENT OF AMOUNTS EXPENDED BY LENDER. Lender, at Lender a option may expand funds )including attorneys tees and <br />legal expenses) to perform any an required to betaken by Grantor or to exerdae any right or remedy of Lender under this Deed of Trust. Upon <br />demand Grantor shall immediately reimburse Lentler for all such amounts expanded by Lentler together with interest tnemon aI the lower of the <br />highest rate described In any Obligation or [be highest rate allowed by law from taw dale of payment until the data of reimbursement These <br />sums shall be Inauded In the definition of Calculate herein and shall be secured by the beneficial interest granted M1erein. IF the Obligations are <br />paid after the beginning of publication of none of sale, as M1erein provided, Or In the event Lender sM1ell, at its sole option, permit Grantor to pay <br />any part DI the Obligations alter Ina reforms of prdelk nn of n of sale, as herein studded, then, Grantor shell pay on aomantl all <br />Trustee antl for the Leader, And areal reasonable fee to the Trustee i At[, and ithisuDeadtiof Trust shall be security for all such expenseseand tests <br />for the <br />22. APPLICATION OF PAYMENTS. The Trustee shell apply the procestls of me trustee's sale, tlrst, to The costs Laid expenses of exercising the <br />power ul sale and or the rely, iXluding IF payment or the na ere, lees actually incurred not to exceed me amount which may be provided for <br />an the Deed of Trust, s end to payment or me mi gann s ,red by she Dead of Trust fiini, m the payment of junior deeds of trust, <br />murtyeges of other linhoiders, and me balance, if any, to the person or perans legally entitled thereto. <br />23. POWER OF ATTORNEY. Grantor hereby appoints Lender as ney -In -fact to endorse Grantor's n all instruments and other <br />documents th rd in ing to no Obligations r Deed Of Total In aadollon attorney shall bid a tined, bar .. I probes, to perform any action or <br />execute u nenany tlocumenl required to be taken or executed by Grantor under this Deed of Trutt L¢nder's performance of such action or execution <br />of such documents shall ,,[ relieve Grantor from any Deigamn or cure any default under Ihie Deed of bust. All powers of attorney described <br />in this Deed of Trust are coupled with an interest and are accourame. <br />29. SUBROGATION OF LENDER Lender shell be Accredited to rev right' of the halt of any previous lien, security Interest or encumbrance <br />du charged with funds advanced by Lender ,yr Nle ss of whether these Trans, secusry Interests or other encumbrances have been released of <br />rrmN_ <br />25. COLLECTION COSTS. To the extent permitted by law, Grenmt agrees to pay Iendor'x reasonable fees and casts, Including, but nor limited <br />to fees and tests of attorneys and other agents (ITILIL ng without limitation peraleoals clerks and consultants), whether or not such attorney <br />or agent Is an employee of Lender, which are incurred by Lender In collecting any amount due or errimna g any right or remedy under this Deed <br />of Trust, whether or not suit is brought, Iresur im, but not limited to, all fens and costs Incurred on appeal, In bankruptcy, and for pi youdgment <br />collecton actions. <br />26. PARTIAL RELEASE. Lender may release A In a portion of the Property by executing and recording u r Parrlal Dennis of <br />nin <br />Recone any of without interest the its interest (except In tM1a reemai g portion of the Pmpertad Nay be herein snail be deemed ), o r shoe Lentler be <br />rid Jesse any of ea a anyscan the Property tyif as required n d under Paragraph ea m es may be otherwise required by law), nor shall Lender be its <br />of Trust m release any part of If Property the if Grantor is In default untler this Deed of Trust The Trust, and snot th interest creased by any Dead <br />Deed Trust remain in eeRecl wnM1 respect l0 that portion or the property , as del ned 'm the Deed ofTrost rh ar is not ten¢ subject of this or any Parfisl <br />Deed of Rerxt.twveee_ <br />27. MODIFICATION AND WAIVER. The modification nr waiver of any of Grantor's Obligations or Leader rights under this Decd of Trust must <br />no enfe.ced In a writing signed by Lender, Lender may perform any of Borrower's or Grantor's Obligations, decay or fail t0 ¢xemLSe any of Its <br />rights or accept payments tram Grant,, or aovune o[M1er than Grantor without causing a waiver of those Obligations or rights. A waiver on Dne <br />n shall not constitute a waver on any other occasion Grantor a Obligttlora under this Each of Trust shall no be affected d Lender <br />sends, compromises, exchanges, falls to axe Stead, l mpairs or releases any of the Obligation belonging to any Grantor, Borrower or third party <br />of many of Its rights against any Grantor, Borrower or dead party or say of the Property Lender's failure 11 incest upon strict performance of any <br />of the Geography shall not be deemed a waiver and Lender shell have the right at any fame thereafter o Insist upon strict performance. <br />28. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE: TRUSTEE LIABILITY: COMPENSATION. In cast of IF death, inability, refusal to act Or Imagoes, of the Trustee <br />!rain Use state where the real property is located or in case the holler of Life Obligations shall desire for any reason to remove Na Trustee or any <br />suGC @ute trustee as trustee hereunder and to appoint a new thrum, In hit place and stead, the holder of the Obligations h hereby granted full <br />vacant to appoint writing a sTrumm trustee To, said Trusrea, and Me omeninne m e. shall, when appointed, becoms, or to all <br />rights of Trustee hereunder and the sa shall become vested In him fur the purposes end objects of this Deetl of Trust with all the power, <br />duties and obligations herein uanlened on the Trustee li coon shall not he Mabee for any error of judgment or act done by Trustee, or be <br />otherwise responeibla D accountable under any circumstances na[SOeve, Trustee shell not be thermally liable 'm cash f entry by It or <br />anyone acting by Area of rethe powers herein granted it upon the Deed of Trust for debts contraction or liability or damages incurred In the <br />agem ant o person, of said premises. TruAe9 shall have the right to rely o any instrument, dutbacnt r signature authorizing or <br />supporting any Sachnn taken or proposed t0 be taken by It hereunder or believed by 19 in good Tom In be genuine. Trustee shell be entitled to <br />announcement for expenses incurred by it in tho performance of Its duties hereunder Lou to reasonable compensation for such of its serviced <br />hereunder a shell be rendered tGrunter will from b o time, pry compensation due Trustees, hereunder and re mburse Thereof for and s <br />antl hold It harmless from antl ayainsl any and all lossetost liability, damage antl expense whatsoever incurred by It In the performance el Its <br />duties. <br />All m rays re yeti by Trustee shall, until used or applied as herein ancestor be hold In trust for the part...... for which they w celyed <br />but nand nat be isegregated In any mature, from cry ,that moneys lemetto the extent required by least and Trustee shall be under no liability <br />mS Inmml on any moneys tecaived by it h¢reuni ar. <br />29. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Dead of Trust sM1ell he binding upon and Inure to the banelit el Grantor and Lender and their respective <br />successors, assigns, trustees, rauervera, adm,astrato s, personal representatives, )agate... and deMsws. <br />30. NOTICES. Earth as otherwise required by law, any notice or other communication to be provided under this Dead of Trust shell be In <br />writing and sent to the parries at the addresses described In this Dead of Trust or such other address as the parties may designate tin writing <br />from time to time. Any such nobs so given and sent by first class mall, postage proposal, shall be deemed given the earlier of tame 13) days <br />after such notice is sent er when received by the person to whom such notice Is veiny given <br />31. 6EVERABILITY. Whenever passible, each provision of this Deed of Trust shell be Interpreted &a as to be Absence and deli! under <br />applicable slate law. It any provision of this Deed of Trust SMIAtes the law or is unenforceable, the rest of then Deed ul Trust shall vogartue to <br />be valid and enforceable. <br />32. APPLICABLE LAW. This Deed of Trust shall be governed by the laws ul the state where the reel property Is located- Unless applicable law <br />provides uNerwlse, Grantor consents to the lu^stli tar and venue of any Court selected by Lender, In its sole debef on located In %ha[ State <br />33. MISCELLANEOUS. Grantor and Lender acre, IM1at nn.e a of toe a Grantor waives presentment, demand for payment, notice of <br />dishonor and protest except all tog ui red bylaw. Ale references to Grantor rsmWM1is Deed of Trust sM1all Include all persons signing below. It there <br />is e than One Grantor, their OmrgaliaM shall be joint and several This Dead of Trust maternity the complete integrated understanding <br />rotation Grantor and Lender pertaining to the terms and c refu s Itemof. <br />36_ NO THIRD PARTY RIGHTS[ No person Is or shall be a third party benegclary of any provision of this Devd of Trust. All provisions of this <br />Deed of Trust in favor of Lender are ntended Solely for the benefit of Lender, and no third part m <br />y shell be Shaped to accounts or expect that <br />Lender wilt not waive or consent to the. modin canon of any provision of this Deed of Trust, In Lender's sole discretion <br />